Module Code
Purpose: The Needs Analysis is the first step in the Instructional Systems Design model of Training
and Development. The Training Needs Analysis (TNA) is to determine if training is the best solution
to performance problems.
Structure of the Assignment:
Step 1 – Develop a fictitious scenario or select a company you are aware of that has deficiencies in
employee organizational performance, (or one provided).
Step 2 – Identify the actual performance (presently) and the desired performance.
Step 3 – Do a gap analysis and list possible gaps that might be responsible for low performance.
Step 4 – Complete an Organizational Analysis, Person Analysis, and Task Analysis and submit as an
addendum to the written assignment.
Step 5 – Explore and identify instruments that might produce the data in the situation
Step 6 – Determine the Needs Analysis Methods of data collection you might use in the workplace.
Step 7 – Determine possible results from the analysis of data collected
Step 8 – Write a report to the Management Team on your decisions about a possible direction they
can take to get to the desired performance.
Format and Submission:
Title page with report name, Team #, Team Members name, College Name, Professor’s name, and
Date of Submission.
Table of Contents
The report (excluding the Title page, Table of Contents and Reference page): 8 – 10 pages, 1.5-
spaced, 12-point Times New Roman, 1-inch Margin on all sides.
The report must be written in professional language.
The use of proper headings and subheadings must be exercised throughout the report.
The report (the electronic copy) must be submitted on the due date through SLATE
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Needs Analysis Assignment
You will use the results of your needs analysis to design the Training Manual and deliver the
Training session in Assignment #3. The Needs Analysis must follow the process outlined in the text
and in class:
Report should:
o demonstrate that information was collected and analyzed at organizational,
operational, task and person levels
o Include a reference list of all sources of information used in analysis
o include a breakdown of each group member’s contribution to the assignment
Specify whether the need is reactive, proactive or compliance
Clarify whether the needs are:
o knowledge, skills, or attitudes/attributes (KSA)
o list the KSAs
o outline what specifically these skills set are under the job category
Outline why training or development or another HRD intervention is appropriate
Identify which:
o roles (positions) and
o numbers of individuals will benefit from the training.
o what intervention should be designed, delivered, and evaluated (Levels)
Indicate the existence of any constraints to performance
o goals,
o objectives/outcomes for training, development, or other HR intervention
Establish draft measures for evaluating training when the training is complete
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Rubric for Needs Analysis – Assignment #1
TEAM: Name: ___________________________________ Name: ________________________________________
Name: ___________________________________ Name: ________________________________________
Date: ____________________________________________ GRADE: /15%
Criteria Checklist Comments
1. Introduction Well written introduction giving an overview of the
Needs Analysis process to be followed
2. Identification of Business
Problems identified – Based on the scenario details – a
comprehensive description is provided
3. Clear indication of
Current and Desired
Performance, Gap
List of Current Performance, List of Desired
Performance, and Performances to be remedied.
Organization, Person, and Task analysis included
4. Analysis of Procedure for
Desired Performance
Analysis plans include AT LEAST THREE different data
collection methods appropriate for the context
5. Possible Instruments for
data collection identified
Instruments for data collection are described, given a
rationale for choice (Surveys, interview questionnaires,
focus group guidelines, observational rubrics, etc.)
Attach at least 1 document in the appendices
6. Data Collection and
analysis Data collection methods described and are easy to
follow. Analysis methods and structure are described
7. Results Results presented reflect the data collection and sound
analysis from findings. Determine who in the
organization will benefit from the training
8. Recommendations Recommendations logically follow from the perceived
Recommendations will guide the training consultant in
the development of training packages
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