Tourism and Society TAL049-2


University of Bedfordshire


Tourism and Society

Module Code

Tourism and Society TAL049-2

You are to deliver a short oral presentation on a subject of interest to you in heritage and / or society, about which you can comment
critically and creatively in terms of matters of ‘voice’, the ‘role of the tourism industry’, and ‘future developments’ that may take place in this
topic area over the next 10 years.
You will need to think about how to incorporate the following aspects:
1. ‘The voice’ of the culture / group / population (according to your focus) facing a significant threat or opportunity through their
engagement with tourism
[This section should be written from their perspective];
Submission Deadline Marks and Feedback
Before 10am on:
Tuesday 18
th April 2023

20 working days after deadline (L4, 5 and 7)
15 working days after deadline (L6)
10 working days after deadline (block delivery)

Unit title & code Tourism and Society TAL049-2
Assignment number and title Assessment 2
Assessment type Presentation (PR-Oral)
Weighting of assessment 60%
Size or length of assessment 10 minutes presentation PLUS 5 minute Q&A
Unit learning outcomes 1. Demonstrate the following knowledge and understanding:

• Appreciate and demonstrate critical awareness of how sociology, tourism and touristic
behaviours interact to produce a variety of changes within society, culture and the modern
2. Demonstrate the following skills and abilities:
• Demonstrate by written and presentation methods a specialist knowledge of a range of social
and cultural transformations within Tourism and the myriad ways to understand society,
culture and its representation(s).


2. ‘The role of the tourism industry’ how is the tourism industry facilitating this threat or opportunity?
[What is their role within your example? Give details];
3. YOUR capacity ‘to project the future developments’ within your topic area over the next 10 years. How will this issue appear in
10years time?
[Why do you think this? Support your points from the literature and using relevant qualitative and quantitative information].

• This will be an individual presentation
• It is hoped that these presentations will be able to take place in class. However, the exact format of your presentation will be
communicated to you in advance of your submission and discussed in class and during your assessment week. No student will
be disadvantaged due to any adjustments which may need to be made.
• Each student presentation will consist of a 10 minute delivery, plus a 5 minute Question and Answer period.
• This coursework is subject to University Regulations, attention is particularly drawn to the regulations on late submission, CAAS
and plagiarism.
• Slides and handouts (if used) should be properly referenced using the Harvard Referencing System and should include a Reference
List. Students should note that correct referencing and the production of a Reference List are part of the assessment criteria.
• It is the responsibility of a student who registers for a UK programme of study to learn about the academic practices they are
required to follow. I would recommend that you seek guidance on academic writing. The library resources have information to help
you on the following webpages:
• Guide to referencing: http://lrweb.beds.ac.uk/guides/referencing
• Avoiding plagiarism: http://lrweb.beds.ac.uk/guides/avoid_plagiarism
Study Hub also provides assistance at the following web page: http://lrweb.beds.ac.uk/studyhub
http://lrweb.beds.ac.uk/studyhub/appointments Study Hub is also available through BREO.

What do I need to do to pass? (Threshold Expectations from UIF)
In order to pass Assessment 2 you will need to:
• Undertake desk and / or field research on a relevant and approved area focusing on the intersection of sociology and tourism.
• Support your areas of ‘personal interest collations’ with current and appropriate examples from tourism research.

How do I produce high quality work that merits a good grade?
We will be filling this section in together in class on Click or tap to enter a date. make sure you have downloaded/printed out the
Assignment Brief and bring it to the session with you.


How does assignment relate to what we are doing in scheduled sessions?
This assessment allows students to select a people/place/culture/heritage which is of interest to them. Students will
critically explore the voice of the population, explore the role and involvement of the tourism industry in relation to their
chosen issue and assess future developments which might occur in their chosen issue. Students will be encouraged to bring
in the themes/concepts/key words which have been discussed throughout the unit into this presentation.