Module Code
(Project Work, Dissertation Research and Off-Campus Visits etc.)
As part of a programme of work, students are often asked to undertake activities which
could, in certain circumstances, be risky if not carried out safely and with forethought.
For example, project work may involve visiting areas away from the University.
Dissertation or project work may involve the use of equipment or work in external
environments such as coastal areas liable to flooding or it may involve lone work in urban
The University needs to know that you have carefully considered the risks you may be
running in undertaking these activities. Therefore, you are asked to answer the questions
below seriously and thoroughly. The Faculty will not approve your undertaking these
activities as part of University work unless you have completed the form, and it has been
signed by the relevant module leader or your dissertation tutor and Head of Department.
Please keep up to date with advice from the University on Covid-19. The guidance is
changing regularly and you should ensure that you take step to minimise all risk for you
and your participants.
Note: The activities covered by this Risk Assessment are quite separate from field trip and
study visits organised by the Faculty.
TITLE PAGE: Please include your project title, your name, your programme, your student
INTRODUCTION: Very brief summary of the Project Background, Issue(s), Solution (
REVIEW OF LITERATURE: A short review of literature outlining the context of the research,
expanding on the BIS and must include in text citations to relevant previous information /
reports / publications; initial theoretical framework and conceptual framework, should not
be a mere extended essay, applies to both primary research and/or secondary research
methodological position and the specific, focused orientation, should not be a mere listings
of peer reviewed research papers, publications and scholarly work however synthesis,
critique, analysis and evaluation, depth and length, research informed
RESEARCH AIMS & OBJECTIVES: Clearly defined research aim(s), research question(s) and
research objective(s). It is good to also include a flow diagram illustrating the connectivity
between these elements;
• A detailed review of possible methodological approaches and in text citations as evidence
of their previous use or development to justify your approach;
• A detailed description of the methodology to be used including practical steps for
• A detailed outline of the expected analysis/evaluation strategies;
• A Gantt chart outlining the timescale through to completion including key milestones and
• A bibliography / reference list / source list using UWE Harvard Reference Scheme
• UWE Ethical Review Checklist and proof that it has been uploaded to FET Online Ethics
• Risk Assessment Form. This can be found on Blackboard
Please also refer to the Dissertation module at BlackBoard for any further guidance and
support and also please familiarise yourself with the marking criteria
You would need to also submit the UWE Ethical Review Checklist attached in this e-mail
together with the Proposal
This is an extensive, in length, in depth and detailed feedback/comments of your Research
Proposal, Ethics Application and Risk Assessment checklist forms including what you will
need to include in each sections/sub-sections
Wish you every success with the Proposal and UWE Ethical Review Checklist and Risk
Assessment form
Take care and kind regards
Research Proposal – The role of AI in the selection processes of skilled employees.
Topic- The role of AI in the selection processes of skilled employees. Aim- To analyse the impact...
Mental Health Issues
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