Topic- The role of AI in the selection processes of skilled employees. Aim- To analyse the impact...
Module Code
PM600 Research Proposal
Chosen Master’s Programme:
SECTION 1: Project Title (10-20 words)/ tentativetitle暂定标题 |
Outline the focus and scope of your intended project. |
SECTION 2: Introduction(300 words) |
This section must contain:
· Background: The academic context of your project (include citations)you should try to briefly introduce current research on your topic · Rationale: Justification of the value of your research (reason for doing the research) · Research aim: Specific problem you intend to address (this could also include research objectives and/or a research hypothesis) · Draftresearch question(s): Propose a research question that you will try to answer in order to meet your research aims1 research question(how/why) · Research approach:The research strategy (primary or secondary research? quantitative or qualitative data?)
SECTION 3: Annotated Bibliography (about 700 words) |
This section must annotate 5 relevantscholarly sources. For each source include:
· The full source reference in either Harvard or APA (not in word count) · A brief summary of the source (aims, methods, findings) description · A brief evaluation of the source (how it links to other sources, how it is useful to your project, what significance or limitations it has)strength/weaknessbe specific |
SECTION 4: Working Bibliography (not included in the word count) |
This section should list all the relevant sources you have gathered for the purpose of your project, including the sources included in the Annotated Bibliography and anything cited in the introduction.
· Your references should follow either a Harvard or APA format, listed from A-Z. · A minimum of five sources must be given. |
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