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Effective partnership working:
Placing individuals accessing care or services at the center; shared purpose and vision; common purpose to improve individuals’ lives; other features, e.g. trust, empathy, respect for the skills, and contribution of colleagues, communication, realistic expectations, clear objectives, honesty; working to agreed practices; maintenance of balance between tasks and relationship orientation; effective listening skills; Team Role Theory (BelbinThe 1970s), avoidance of groupthink, avoidance of social loafing; supportive approach.
Importance of partnership working:
Importance for improved outcomes for individuals accessing services; maintenance of trust; promotion of the communication cycle; achievement of objectives; maximum utilization of expertise; reduced duplication of tasks and services; shared responsibilities; meeting common objectives; integrated workforce agenda; shared skills and knowledge; colleagues, e.g. social care support workers, nurses, managers; other types of staff within the setting, e.g. kitchen workers, domestic staff; other professionals, e.g. workers from other agencies or organizations, advocates, independent visitors; others, e.g. individuals, children, and young people, families, carers, friends of the individual, advocates.
Research Proposal – The role of AI in the selection processes of skilled employees.
Topic- The role of AI in the selection processes of skilled employees. Aim- To analyse the impact...
Mental Health Issues
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