OADM19402 – Employee Code of Conduct





Module Code

OADM19402 - Employee Code of Conduct

1.You are to work independently, reviewing the Code of Conduct assigned to you.You will complete the following assignment based on the Code of Conduct and provide a written report.

  1. Guiding Elements for your Research Report
  2. Identify whom the Code of Conduct applies to and how the employees are accountable to follow the rules and regulations of this company.
  3. Is this company an “Ethical Organization”? Identify at a minimum 3 reasons and explain how the concepts of an Ethical Organization applies to this company.
  4. Does this company have rules about discrimination? Explain what types of discrimination the Code of Conduct prohibits and explain how the employees will benefit from these protections in this workplace.
  5. Does this company have rules about harassment? What grounds are employees protected against harassment for?
  6. How does the organization govern privacy and confidentiality for employee conduct?
  7. Does the organization have a policy on safety and security for employees? If this is missing, why should it be included in a revision to the Code of Conduct?
  8. What is a “Conflict of Interest”? How would an employee declare one? Why? What purpose will this serve the organization and the employee?
  9. What rules are in place around the use of technology and intellectual property at the organization? Who owns the intellectual property produced by the employees?
  10. Does the Code of Conduct address an employee’s social media presence? How? What impact with this have upon employees?
  11. Explain what you have learned, what will assist you in your future career(s) and how this will shape your understanding of ethical organizations.
  12. Requirements of the Report:
  • The report must be written in full sentence format with proper spelling, grammar and punctuation.
  • All applicable guideline elements to the research report must be answered based on the Code of Conduct you have been assigned. If information is missing provide a recommendation on what should be included and why for future revisions of the Code.
  • 2 Additional sources (other than the textbook) to be used access from Sheridan’s Library databases.
  1. Formatting and Analysis:
  • 12 pt font in Times New Roman, Verdana or Arial.
  • 6 pages maximum, double spaced with 1” margins.
  • A cover page must be included in your report that identifies your name, student number, class number, the assignment name, your professor’s name and the due date.
  • A copy of the Code of Conduct you reviewed must be included.
  • APA citation format is required for citation of the Code of Conduct and other referenced material (textbook included)