MAR039-6: Marketing and the Digital Future


University of Bedfordshire



Module Code

MAR039-6: Marketing and the Digital Future

You are taking the role of the Marketing Manager of the following companies:
– BLUCPrints: https://www.bluc-graphics.com
– Lumi Digital Design: https://www.lumidigitaldesign.com
– D&G Short Hardware & Locksmiths: http://www.dandgshort.com
They need your support to expand their online presence and improve their connection to customers.
Answer any three of the following questions/tasks:
1. Produce a social media plan for one of the companies mentioned above (max 1,000
words). The plan should include minimum 3 objectives, 5 activities and 5 key
performance indicators. Explain how the company will meet the objectives.
2. Produce a digital advertising plan for one of the companies mentioned above (max
1,000 words). The plan should include minimum 3 objectives, 5 activities and 5 key
performance indicators. Explain how the company will meet the objectives
3. Critically discuss 5 activities that can help one of the above mentioned companies to
significantly improve their website traffic. Analyse the implications on their business by
using at least 5 key performance indicators (max 1,000 words).
4. Critically discuss 5 activities that can improve the customer conversion rate for one of
the companies mentioned above. Use at least 5 key performance indicators and analyse
the effect on their business (max 1,000 words).
5. Critically discuss 5 activities that can facilitate mobile user acquisition for one of the
above mentioned companies. Use at least 5 key performance indicators and analyse the
effect on their business (max 1,000 words).
Important Notes:
1. All questions have the same weight.
2. Meetings with the management of these companies were organized on 22 February. Video
recordings of these meetings are available on BREO.
3. Submissions that will be related to other company/brand or will be generic, will not answer the
brief and will be marked as a fail.