LLP304 : Sustainability and Leadership in Sport Organisations-Essay




Sustainability and Leadership in Sport Organisations

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LLP304 : Sustainability and Leadership in Sport Organisations Essay

Based on a review of the leadership literature it could be argued that sustainability leadership –
or more precisely, leadership for sustainability – is not a separate school of leadership thought,
but a particular blend of leadership characteristics applied within a definitive context. The
Cambridge University Sustainability Leadership Institute offers a definition of sustainability
leaders suggesting they are individuals who are compelled to make a difference by deepening
their awareness of themselves in relation to the world around them. In doing so, they adopt new
ways of seeing, thinking and interacting that result in innovative sustainable solutions. This
would suggest that sustainability leadership is implicitly about creating change.
You must prepare a 1500 word essay. This is a strict word count (no overage allowed).
PROMPT: Using the above commentary as a starting point, identify a prominent sport
figure or property that has actively communicated on a sustainability issue. Consider how
and whether this shows leadership, their motivations, and the intended and actual
outcomes of the communication or intervention.
This should be done using a variety of sources of information, to appropriately justify your
position throughout your essay.
Your rationale for your selection of sports person to analyse should be cleared with Prof Tony
Ghaye for this assessment.
Learning Outcomes Assessed:
Knowledge and Understanding
• The aetiology of sustainability and be able to debate the application of sustainable
leadership practices
Subject-specific skills
• Evaluate the application of sustainable principles to specific areas within a specific
context such as sport
Key/transferable skills
• Critically evaluate methods and results obtained in published literature
• Plan and implement sustainable answers to problems in the sport workplace

Assessment Criteria:
Knowledge and Understanding
1. Evidence that a wide range of relevant high quality literature has been accessed
a. Original research work accessed whenever possible
b. Contemporary – with exception of seminal work.
c. Claims are substantiated.
d. Literature/reference material is appropriate and clearly linked to the assignment

2. Key concepts are presented to demonstrate understanding of the key issues
a. Aims of the assignment are clearly stated.

Analysis and Evaluation
1. Evidence of critical analysis e.g.
a. Identifying and challenging assumptions.
b. An awareness of the importance of context in creating meaning.
2. Critical evaluation of the strengths and weaknesses of cited research/literature
3. Credible conclusions are made.
Application to practice
1. Credible links between theory and practice are demonstrated
a. Realistic recommendations are suggested.
b. Ethical issues
2. Evidence is evaluated and applied to practice.
Presentation and Communication
1. The assessment guidelines have been interpreted and followed.
2. Coherent and logical structure.
3. Correctly and consistently formatted references and citations (i.e. Harvard style, or APA).
4. Writing is articulate
a. Appropriate use of technical language
b. Correct spelling, grammar, and syntax