HLTOHC009 -Apply and use basic oral health-1


Southern Cross Education Institute


Apply and use basic oral health

Module Code

HLTOHC009 -Apply and use basic oral health Student Assessment

1. Which of the following statements about mouth care is TRUE?
a. Mouth care should ideally be carried out after each meal.
b. Mouth care is recommended to be attended to once daily.
c. Mouth swabs are effective in removing plaque and oral debris.
d. When brushing the teeth, use firm pressure to remove plaque and oral debris.
2. Which of the following statements about denture care is FALSE?
a. Remove upper dentures by grasping the upper plate at the front teeth with the thumb and second finger.
b. To release the suction securing a dental plate, move the plate up and slightly down.
c. Denture care is recommended to be attended to on a daily basis when patients are able to care for their
own dental work.
d. Dental plates should be soaked for several hours daily (usually overnight) in a solution of tepid water and
a denture cleaning agent.
3. What is the term for the four sections of the divided dental arches?
a. sextant
b. Maxillary
c. Mandibular
d. Quadrant
4. What term is used for the front teeth?
a. Maxillary
b. Anterior
c. Mandibular
d. Posterior
5. The portion of a tooth that is visible in the mouth is the ________:
a. Anatomic crown
b. Enamel crown
c. Facial crown
d. Clinical crown

6. Pain is transmitted through dentin by way of ________
a. Dentinal tubules
b. Dentinal fibers
c. Odontoblasts
d. Nerves
7. What is the name of the largest mineral component in enamel
a. Calcium
b. Magnesium
c. Iron
d. Palladium
8. Which bone forms the upper jaw and front of the hard palate?
a. Zygomatic
b. Sphenoid
c. Mandible
d. Maxilla
9. What type of tissues covers the oral cavity?
a. Mucous membrane
b. Epithelia
c. Squamous
d. Stratified
10. Discuss the main roles of saliva in the maintenance of oral health. Your discussion must be 50+ words
and covers at least three (3) functions of saliva.

11. Provide a response to the following.
a. Name the three (3) most common blood-borne viruses (BBVs) associated with provision of oral
hygiene care support.

b. Describe at least three (3) strategies you would use to reduce and minimise the risks of blood-borne
diseases while providing oral care.

12. Provide a response to the following.
a. Identify at least three (3) risk factors associated with dietary that have links to poor oral health.

b. Identify at least three (3) healthy eating recommendations to maintain good oral health.

13. The Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (Ahpra) works in partnership with the National
Boards to set standards and guidelines for mandatory reporting when registered health practitioners’ conduct
and performance poses a risk to the public. Research the Guidelines: Mandatory notifications about
registered health practitioners posted in the website of Dental Board Australia and identify the four (4)
circumstances in which an oral health practitioner must make a mandatory notification.

14. Research the oral health conditions of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders reports and National
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Plan (NATSIHP), and provide a response to the following.
a. List and briefly explain at least four (4) social and cultural determinants of health that potentially
inhibit the Indigenous Australians’ accessibility of oral health services, including availability of private
and public oral health services and eligibility for services.


b. Identify at least three (3) healthy eating recommendations to maintain good oral health.

13. The Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (Ahpra) works in partnership with the National
Boards to set standards and guidelines for mandatory reporting when registered health practitioners’ conduct
and performance poses a risk to the public. Research the Guidelines: Mandatory notifications about
registered health practitioners posted in the website of Dental Board Australia and identify the four (4)
circumstances in which an oral health practitioner must make a mandatory notification.

14. Research the oral health conditions of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders reports and National
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Plan (NATSIHP), and provide a response to the following.
a. List and briefly explain at least four (4) social and cultural determinants of health that potentially
inhibit the Indigenous Australians’ accessibility of oral health services, including availability of private
and public oral health services and eligibility for services.

b. Describe two (2) strategies used to improve accessibility to services for indigenous Australian

15. Provide a response to the following.
a. Describe the eligibility for accessing the dental services funded by the Child Dental Benefits
Schedule in Austra

b. Describe what toothpaste and oral hygiene products are regulated by the TGA as therapeutic goods.
c. Describe which Australian Industrial Chemicals Introduction Scheme (AICIS) categories of cosmetic
toothpaste and oral hygiene products are considered as high risk introduction, and what guidelines
should be complied with relation to their application.

16. Complete the following table to identify the listed equipment or aids names and their utilisations in the
application of oral hygiene products.
Equipment or aids Equipment or
aids name


17. Complete the following table of common oral health conditions and their treatment options.
Common oral
health conditions

Definition Signs and

Types of

Treatment options
(provide at least three (3)

Angular Cheilitis





Oral cancers

Mouth ulcers and
Sore Spots


Xerostomia (Dry


Root caries


18. List three (3) oral side effects of medication.

19. Research found that there is a strong link between dry mouth syndrome (xerostomia) and older people
with diabetes. Briefly explain why dry mouth or xerostomia is one of the most common symptoms of older
people with diabetes. Provide at least three (3) reasons for it.

20. Provide five (5) signs or symptoms of allergic reaction caused by the use of denture cleaning ingredients.


21. List four (4) principles in undertaking technical skills associated with the application of oral health

22. Some groups of population are susceptible to health issues due to risk factors they have. Complete the
following table and identify the oral health issues that those high risk groups of people may have, and the
specialist oral care and support for treatment of issues.
People who Oral health issues
(Provide two (2) issues)

Specialist oral care and support
(Provide two (2) strategies)

a. Are aged

b. Are on nil by

c. Are

d. Have
including via a


tube or a
(PEG) tube
e. Have

f. Have

g. Have
intellectual or

h. Have loss of
tooth through

i. Have loss of
tooth through

j. Have
medical or

k. Have post-
oral surgery


l. Have dental
trauma needs

23. Provide six (6) ENs’ responsibilities for provision of oral hygiene, including reporting, privacy,
confidentiality and disclosure obligations in your answer.

24. In the Australian aged care community, carers play an essential role in providing oral hygiene care and
maintaining elderly’s oral health at their own home or a residential setting. Describe the role of a carer in
relation to oral health care needs of elderly. Your answer must cover three (3) responsibilities of the carer.

25. Treating oral health problems is an essential component of care in palliative care settings. It is vital to
identify the oral health problems that patients have and take appropriate actions in line with their palliative
care needs. Complete the following table and briefly describe the signs, symptoms and treatments of the
listed common oral health problems associated with patients with palliative care needs.
Common oral health problems Description Treatments
Angular cheilitis

Candida or thrush


Dental caries

Dry mouth and lips

Excessive saliva

Hairy leukoplakia

Herpes simplex
Kaposi sarcoma including HIV

Sensitive mouth

Ulcers, including viral and

26. Complete the following table to identify the benefits and risks associated with basic oral health care
products listed below.
Basic oral health care

(List at least two (2) benefits)

(List at least two (2) risks)

Alcohol-free mouthwash

Antibacterial products

Lip moisturiser

Non-medically prescribed
therapeutic agents and
topical analgesic

Remineralisation products

Saliva substitutes or
● Chewing gum
● Gels
● Liquids
● Lozenges
● Sprays

27. Describe the processes for the following denture cares.
● Removing denture
● Putting denture in

● Clean denture

28. As an EN in the residential aged care sectors, you are often required to provide or assist a resident with
their oral hygiene tasks. Below are the statements of technical skills associated with oral health care. Identify
which of the statements are true and which of them are false, and provide the rationale for your decisions.
Statements True/

When a resident refuses dental care it
could mean they are experiencing dental
When brushing a resident’s teeth it is
important to focus on the gum line.’

If a resident’s gums bleed you should stop
brushing the gums.
It is important to rinse a resident’s mouth
with water after brushing their teeth.
A resident with dementia may start
brushing their teeth after holding a
toothbrush for a few minutes
Residents’ teeth or dentures, gums and
tongues should be brushed morning and
It is a good idea to have residents drink
water after eating
When brushing a resident’s teeth, apply a
strip of toothpaste across the top surface of
the brush.

Chest infections may be caused by a
buildup of plaque in the mouth.
Bad breath should be reported to the RN.

Oral integrity is as important as skin
integrity in protecting the body against
Dentures should be cleaned with
The choice of denture disinfection product
is important for partial dentures

The presence of stringy saliva in a
resident’s mouth is normal

Chlorhexidine products and toothpaste can
be used at the same time.

Drinking a lot of caffeine can affect a

resident’s oral health
It is best to try to reduce snacking on
sugary foods between meal times
Toothbrushes should be replaced with the
change of season (every three months).

The daily application after lunch of an
antibacterial product helps to prevent gum
Dentures should be taken out at night,
cleaned and soaked in cold water

29. Provide a response to the following:
a. Discuss the importance of oral health for an elder’s general health and wellbeing. Your discussion must be
more than 100 words.

b. Oral diseases and conditions can have a significant impact on people’s general health. Identify five (5)
common diseases linked to poor oral health.

30. Clients, especially clients with dementia, may display changed behaviour which makes it difficult and
risky to provide oral health care. Research relevant information and identify the measures to address the
following changed behaviours and to reduce the risks for clients and staff while providing oral care. You must
provide at least two (2) measures for each of the changed behaviours.
Reduced mouth opening

Not responding to directions
Biting the toothbrush

Grabbing or hitting out


Turning his or her face away

31. There are many types of risk factors contributing to poor oral health, which include social, economic,
environmental, political, behavioural, biological and cultural factors. Provide an example to demonstrate how
each of the following factors would impact oral health
abuse (neglect of oral health needs)

access to dental and health services

accumulation of plaque and calculus

alcohol misuse, licit and illicit drugs and substances, over the counter and herbal treatments

bacteria in dental plaque

correct infant feeding practices

damage from habitual grinding of teeth

diet and nutrition, including fluids and excessive intake of sugar


general health and wellbeing

immunosuppressant conditions, HIV, chemotherapy and radiation
injury to mouth, such as from a seizure

medical history

oral piercings

patient oral health information

psychological issues, such as fear of being seen without dentures or persisting with ill-fitting dentures for
satisfaction of others

salivary function


Apply and use basic oral health
Student Assessment

social and cultural determinants of health

susceptible tooth surfaces

transmission of bacteria particularly from family/carer to child

teeth misalignment causing trauma to teeth

trauma to the mouth as a result of an accident

32. Provide a response to the following.
a. Identify five (5) signs and symptoms that indicate a good oral health.

b. Identify five (5) signs and symptoms that indicate an unhealthy need for further assessment or
treatment of oral health.

33. Provide a response to the following.
a. List two (2) ways in which you would update the knowledge of common side effects of medication on
oral health

b. Provide two (2) measures you would use to initiate follow up care with health practitioners on
identified patient needs.