Module Code
- An answer that is clearly focused on the question, and answers it clearly.
- A clear structure that follows the template guide.
- Evidence of research related to the task, from multiple sources (journal articles, research, government reports, case websites etc.
- References to sources of information in the report where relevant.
1.Introduction: choose a global private sector company in a distinct industry sector. Provide a brief overview of the company (Main activities, product/market portfolio, market share, competitors, key stakeholders, strategic aims). (10 marks)
2.Yip’s Global Drivers: using Yip’s model compile an analysis of the industry environment in which the company competes. (20 marks)
3.Entry mode analysis: Identify and discuss the advantages and risks associated with the mode of entry to international markets adopted by your chosen company. (20 marks)
4.Globalisation: Critically discuss the benefits and challenges associated with the exploiting the development of market globalisation for your chosen company. (40 marks)
5.Conclusions: Identify and summarise the key issues and findings that have emerged from your analysis and discussion of the case. (5 marks)
6.References: provide a full reference list set out Harvard style (5 marks)
Research Proposal – The role of AI in the selection processes of skilled employees.
Topic- The role of AI in the selection processes of skilled employees. Aim- To analyse the impact...
Mental Health Issues
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