ETH2223-1839 – Disclosure of environmental social and governance metrics in the financial sector





Module Code

Disclosure of environmental social and governance metrics in the financial sector

Project details
Project title
Disclosure of environmental social and governance metrics in the financial sector
Project start date
12 May 2023
Project end date
01 Sept 2023
Describe the scope and aims of the project in language understandable by a non-technical audience. Include any other relevant background which will allow the reviewers to contextualise the research. The aim of this project is to examine the extent to which financial affects ESG. Provide a brief explanation of the research design (e.g. interview, experimental, observational, survey), questions, methodology, and data gathered/analysis. If relevant, include what the participants will be expected to do/experience. Data will be gathered from the UEA library databases (e.g., FAME, Eikon), public available databases that provide economic information on population, GDP, macroeconomic statistics (e.g., Worldbank), and firm annual reports / press releases. Statistical methods will be used for data analysis (e.g., regression analysis, cluster analysis, content analysis). Detail how any adverse events arising in the course of the project will be reported in a timely manner. If any adverse events occur during the research process this will be reported to my supervisor and the NBS-SREC. Will you also be applying for Health Research Authority approval (HRA)? No
Indicate if you are applying for approval for an experiment to be conducted in the School of Economics’ Laboratory for Economic and Decision Research (LEDR). No Is the project?:
none of the options listed
Does the project have external funding administered through the University’s Research and Innovation Services (RIN)?
Will the research take place outside of the UK?
Will any part of the project be carried out under the auspices of an external organisation, or
involve collaboration between institutions?
Do you require or have you already gained approval from an ethics review body external to
Does this new project relate to a project which already has ethics approval from UEA?
Research categories
Will the project include primary data collection involving human participants?
Will the project use secondary data involving human participants?
Will the project involve the use of live animals?
Will the project have the potential to affect the environment?
Will the project have the potential to affect culturally valuable, significant or sensitive objects
or practices?
Will the project involve security sensitive research?
Health and safety – researcher(s)
Is there a possibility that the health and safety of any of the researcher(s) and that of any other people (as distinct from any participants) impacted by this project including research assistants/translators may be in question?
Risk assessment
Are there hazards associated with undertaking this project where a formal risk assessment will be required?
Data management
Will the project involve any personal data (including pseudonymised data) not in the public domain?
Will any personal data be processed by another organisation(s)?
Will the project involve access to records of sensitive/confidential information?
Will the project involve access to confidential business data?
Will the project involve secure data that requires permission from the appropriate authorities before use?
Will you be using publicly available data from the internet for your study?
If yes, provide details about the publicly available data from the internet you will be using for your study.
The project relies on public available data provided by several organizations (e.g., UEA library, Worldbank, company press release/annual reports, and macroeconomic data such as data for country GDP, population). Will the research data in this study be deposited in a repository to allow it to be made
available for scholarly and educational purposes?
Provide details.
The data is public available. The researcher does not have the rights to reproduce, publish or keep the data in a repository. The researcher can only reproduce results obtained from data analysis.
Who will have access to the data during and after the project?
The applicant (researcher) and MSc supervisor upon request (to the researcher). Where/how do you intend to store the data during and after the project?
At UEA cloud systems (protected by UEA individual password)
How will you ensure the secure storage of the data during and after the project?
At UEA cloud systems (protected by UEA individual password)
How long will research data be stored after the study has ended?
Until the marking and moderation process is complete.
How long will research data be accessible after the study has ended?
Until the marking and moderation process is complete.
How are you intending to destroy the project data when it is no longer required?
The researcher will delete from UEA cloud systems.