ES5800 – Analytical skills for Environmental Managers


Brunel University


MSc Environmental Management

Module Code

Analytical skills for Environmental Managers

Address a research question of your choice relating to reaction time, as discussed in module
1. Organise yourself into groups of 2 or 3; these teams will gather data about reaction
2. Data gathering: Develop a protocol for reaction time measurement by using the ruler
drop method. In this protocol, please describe details of the measurement method,
how many trials per person you allow and how many measurements you take. To
ensure that the data can be pooled between groups, this protocol should be uniform.
The measurement protocol should also include decisions regarding the timing of taking
the measurements.
3. Decide on a research question.
4. Reflect on a study design appropriate to the research question and decide on an
appropriate statistical test, aligned with your study design.
5. Present a collation of the data you analyse. This should be a pool of data from all
module participants.

Please deliver a report (ca. 2000 words) that addresses the above research question. The
report should be structured into: Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results, Discussion,
Please note: While the process of data gathering can be conducted as group work in teams,
the writing of the report is your own work, done individually.
Pay attention to the choice of statistical test and its interpretation. False interpretation of test
outcomes will lead to failure of this assignment.