Module Code
This unit introduces you to the fundamental principles of lifestyle products business & practices
through a global lens. You will identify with how the macro environment affects the lifestyle
products industry sector and consumer groups and how it operates, introducing you the various
market levels and sectors. It will examine the various roles and stakeholders in the business as
well as the structure, supply chain and distribution of products and services to end users. Within
these core areas, the unit will evaluate and consider trends and developmental opportunities and
challenges as technology continues to impact on the business.
Each sector of the industry will be addressed, and you will understand the interrelationships
between these sectors with emphasis on the evolution of business models in a digital economy.
The global lifestyle products landscape
Lifestyle products business in the creative economy and market overview
Lifestyle products company structures and management
Macro trends and opportunities
Lifestyle products industry structure and stakeholders
Business models
Production, distribution and supply chain
Digital economy
The aims of this unit are:
Understand the inner workings of the industry, its structure and operations associated with the
global lifestyle products industries.
A2. Enable you to recognise and interpret basic theories and concepts relating to global
lifestyle products business & practices.
A3. Allow you to critically engage in constructive dialogue and debate regarding lifestyle
products industry characteristics and practices across relevant sectors.
Learning outcomes
On successful completion of this unit, you will be able to:
LO1. Demonstrate knowledge of underlying principles of the lifestyle products industries
operations and structures from production to consumption.
LO2. Make sound judgements in accordance with basic theories and concepts of lifestyle
products business & practices with a global outlook.
LO3. Evaluate and communicate your findings of the global lifestyle products business sector
accurately and reliably.
Teaching and learning
This will comprise:
Lectures, presentations, seminars, workshops, tutorials, group feedback, individual, progress
tutorials, peer reviews, independent study, set tasks and activities.
Assessment strategy
Table A1- Assessment Components
Assessment Weigh- Typical Indicative Assessment Type Word Count
List all separate
Where the
comprises more
than one
assessment task
For each
component double
click in the box to
see options.
The options equate
to the assessment
types in table A2
Approx word
count where
Portfolio 100% A portfolio of work
that includes
research and
development. A
range of written
and presented
work that will
include set tasks
and critical
Portfolio NA
Table A2 –Categories for Assessment
Assessment Type % of assessment Category
Written exam Written
Set exercise (under exam conditions but not
testing practical skills) Written
Written assignment, including essay Coursework
Report Coursework
Dissertation Coursework
Portfolio 100% Coursework
Project output (other than dissertation) Coursework
Set exercise (not under exam conditions, e.g.
critiques) Coursework
Oral assessment and presentation Practical
Practical skills assessment (including
production of an artefact) Practical
Set exercise testing practical skills Practical
Table A3 – Summary of Table A2 data
Assessment Category Total % for Unit
Coursework 100%
Table A4 – Assessment Criteria
There should be at least one criterion
against each learning outcome for the
Knowledge of:
lifestyle products business structure,
operations, production and
Understanding through the application
Basic theories and concepts of global
lifestyle products business & practices.
Technical and applied skills through:
Professional communication and
presentation of sector findings
Important Assessment Procedures & Regulations
Mitigating Circumstances:
UCA has a system for helping students who need extra time to do their learning on a project due
to illness or another circumstance outside their control which occurs suddenly during a Unit’s
teaching and couldn’t be predicted or avoided by the student.
To apply for extra time using this system go to the myA-Z on myUCA. Go to the ‘M’ section.
Read the instructions about mitigating circumstances and download the form (this works best in
Chrome). Fill it in and email it to [email protected] where it will be read by the
Business School administrators.
Please note: You MUST apply for mitigating circumstances before the assessment deadline.
Academic Misconduct Regulations:
UCA has academic misconduct regulations which apply to all students’ submissions. You may
read these regulations in full in the A section of the myA-Z on myUCA.
Here are some important aspects to consider:
The University has a public duty to ensure that the highest standards are maintained in the
conduct of assessment. This is essential to safeguard the legitimate interests of its students and
the University’s academic standards and reputation. Academic misconduct is taken very
seriously. The University will take action against any student who contravenes these regulations
through negligence, carelessness, ignorance or by deliberate intent. The University considers
that an act of academic misconduct is committed irrespective of whether the student intended to
commit the act, e.g., plagiarism may be committed regardless of whether the student
intended to deceive the assessors.
Plagiarism (including self-plagiarism)
2.2.1 This is where a student either:
i) presents work for assessment which contains the unacknowledged published or unpublished
words, thoughts, judgements, ideas, structures or images of another person or persons. This
includes material downloaded from digital sources, and material obtained from a third party; or
ii) presents work for assessment which that student has previously submitted for assessment as
part of the same or another unit or course, or at another institution. This is known as self-
plagiarism and relates to the principle that a student may not receive credit for the same piece of
work more than once unless specifically required to resubmit work (e.g., as part of a Resit task.)
2.2.2 It is not an offence for a student to draw upon the work or ideas of another person where
this is appropriately acknowledged. Plagiarism can be avoided by the accurate use of quotation
marks, detailed references and a full bibliography.
Further information, including guidance on how to avoid plagiarism, can be found on the
Academic Integrity section of the myA-Z on myUCA. Students who have any doubts about what
constitutes correct referencing can also look up the Harvard Referencing Guide on the UCA
website at the following link:
Assessment briefing
Your Assessment is in TWO parts, Formative & Summative.
Formative Assessment – this is a GROUP task that is not graded but you will be given constructive
feedback that will help further & develop your INDIVIDUAL Summative Assessment submission which
will be in the form of a Creative Report that will be uploaded into Turnitin, marked & graded.
FORMATIVE – LIVE PANEL DISCUSSION – Groupwork – in groups of 6 students to be presented on
Wednesday 29 th March 2023.
SUMMATIVE – CREATIVE REPORT – individual submission to Turnitin by 4pm Monday 15 th May 2023
LIVE panel discussion
In order to expand & demonstrate your knowledge of lifestyle business & practices, you are tasked to
present your understanding of your learning by answering the questions below in a group panel
discussion using TWO of the following brands to illustrate your findings. (choose one from each column)
Column 1 Column 2
Eat Real
Oliver Bonas
Marks & Spencer
Questions to be answered in the PANEL DISCUSSION.
1. Who is the brand and what makes them so unique as a lifestyle brand?
2. What are they doing that makes them so successful?
3. Who are they talking to and how do they communicate?
In your groups, you are tasked to use research to evaluate the brands’ differences by selecting one brand
from each column & preparing a panel discussion using a comparative study & SWOT analysis.
The following framework will help determine your brand exploration & deconstruction.
1. Brand definition
2. Brand positioning statement & messaging
3. Brand identity
4. Partnerships/collaborations
5. Marketing communication
6. Customer (Service & engagement)
7. Pricing Strategy
8. Product proposition & design
You may use slides & images to support your presentation and your discussion should be 15-20 mins in
You will be assessed on how you contribute individually as well as how you work as a group. You will be
given feedback
CREATIVE REPORT – maximum 1000 words. A creative report presents information using both text &
visual images to describe and propose a business’ performance & potential
To further develop your findings from the panel, & your research, you are now tasked to propose an
opportunity, by identifying key areas of growth & potential using ONE TREND of your choice and it is
essential you are answering the following:
How can this trend influence the brand’s progression for future success?
Why would this trend have a successful impact on this brand; can you show what success looks
like based on a competitor?
To what extent does research suggest that this trend aligns with the brand’s strategy & customer
Please present your ideas & content with supported research evidence using MyUCA Harvard referencing
and an accurate bibliography and upload to Turnitin no later than 4pm Monday 15 th May 2023.
Reading list (Indicative)
Link to myUCA unit area Reading List
Research Proposal – The role of AI in the selection processes of skilled employees.
Topic- The role of AI in the selection processes of skilled employees. Aim- To analyse the impact...
Mental Health Issues
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