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Executive Summary
eLogistics has emerged as a crucial element for effective and optimised operations given the continuous digital transformation in the retail sector. In this study, Hermes UK is used as a case study to examine the benefits of eLogistics and some of its difficulties in the modern retail business environment. The case study investigates how Hermes UK, one of the biggest logistical service providers in the UK, altered its operational practises to accommodate the needs of the digital era. Adoption of eLogistics, however, poses significant challenges for retail businesses. Some of these challenges include managing complex supply chains and integrating various company-related technologies. This study highlights the significance of eLogistics in satisfying customer expectations and raising general client satisfaction. The research approach comprises both a detailed assessment of the corpus of earlier research and a real-time data analysis on the Hermes employees utilising a random sample technique. There are a total of 10 questions that have been asked to collect responses for this survey. Data analysis has primarily been done quantitatively.
Research rationale
The online purchasing demand has increased in the recent past. Consumers have been focused on collecting goods from the various e-commerce organisations. According to Chen et al. (2022), due to the sudden increase in the consumer demand, the management of retail companies such as Hermes has faced shortage of stocks. It can be noted that, more than 30% of the retail companies have invested a lump sum of capital on the development of the E-logistic system (Cao and Shen, 2022).
Chapter 1. Introduction
1.1 Introduction
In the recent years, online purchase has grown compared to pre-covid era.
In the case of the online purchase has grown in the recent past. Various E-commerce companies have disrupted the purchasing habits in the long run. In order to meet the growing demand of the consumers in the long run for the mentioned type of business. It can be noted that, more than 30% of the e-commerce companies have focused on the development of E-logistics. It has helped in meeting the consumer and also reduced the overall cost of the company for storing logistics. In order to improve the overall sales of the company the management of various companies have focused on the use of E-logistics which has been used in order to improve overall problems in a company.
1.2 Background of the project
The scope of e-Logistics in the UK has extended to encompass tech-driven solutions for managing inventory, warehousing and storage, pickup and delivery, and client interactions and demands as more firms use digital technologies to improve their supply chain and logistics operations.
1.3 Significance of the research
This investigation helps in understanding the overall analysis of the importance and challenges of E-logistics in Hermes UK. It further helps in the overall strategies that can be used in order to improve the problem of low delivery.
1.4 Summary
As per the above discussion it can be noted that, in the above section an overview view of the topic is considered in this section of this study. This section of this study is focused on the overall outline of the project that can be done in the long run.
Chapter 1.2 Literature review
1.2.1 Introduction
1.2.2 Importance of the e-logistic in retail industry
In the UK the E-logistic market is more than 33% and this has been growing. As per Cao and Shen, (2022) by the year 2025, the e-logistic market is expected to grow by more than 25% in the UK. It is mainly due to the change in the buying habits of the consumers during the situation of the pandemic (APAMPA, 2022). The disconnect between physical logistics and consumer demand may be closed with the use of e-logistics. It should be highlighted that the management of retail businesses in the UK has employed e-logistic to increase the quality of their product (Damayanti, 2022). Yet, when sales quantities increase, this strategy could really work or perhaps turn out to be insufficient. Thus it helps the companies to focus on the overall delivery system enhancement.
1.2.3 Challenges of the e-logistic in the retail industry
The absence of time prevented any logistics business from properly implementing the training programme to enhance Hermes’ logistical administration (Zhou et al. 2022). It should be emphasised that, in the long run, a lack of time might be advantageous for stock management. The major advantage of this feature of an enterprise is that it offers some flexibility in the business operations of the company’s logistical assistance.
1.2.4 Substantative theory
Theories that can be used in conducting the investigation are the transformational change theory and the charismatic change theory. These theories can help in the overall understanding of the problem in a better manner.
1.2.5 Literature Gap
Here an overall focus on one company is provided, which will create a literature gap.
1.2.6 Summary
As per the above section the investigators have focused on the overall development of theoretical aspects of this study. It can help in the in-depth analysis of the topic.
Chapter 2 : Aim and objectives of the project
The aim of this project is to understand the importance and challenges of E-logistic in online retail companies using Hermes UK as a case study.
Chapter 3 : Project Objective (Must be Specific Measurable Achievable Realistic Timebound)
To discuss the importance of E-logistics in Hermes UK
To Determine the challenges of the challenges of eLogistics in Hermes UK
To identify the strategies considered in Hermes UK
To identify the steps considered in order to develop solutions for the challenges of this company.
Chapter 4. Research methodology
4.1 Research questions
Q1. What is the importance of the E-logistic in Hermes?
Q2.What are the challenges in the e-logistics in the Hermes?
Q3. What are the strategies considered in order to improve the E-logistic development in Hermes ?
Q3 What steps are considered in order to meet the solutions in the mentioned type of company ?
4.2 Introduction
The orderly completion of the data collecting procedure is ensured by a research methodology. Moreover, it guarantees that the suggested questions receive proper responses. The section that follows will give an outline of the techniques and ideas that were thought to have aided in the gathering of relevant data. information in-depth on the methods used for data collecting, analysis, and ethical standards in the study.
4.3 Research philosophy
As previously said, it is important to comprehend the philosophies connected to the research effort since it aids in comprehending the investigators’ assumptions for the formation of knowledge (Liu et al. 2022). In order to gather adequate information about the considered topic the researcher of this study has to choose from one of the widely popular research philosophies such as positivism, realism, interpretivism and post positivism (Acampora et al. 2022). A realism theory needs to be considered in this study.
4.4 Research approach
The research approach is also a strong element in the investigation. It can be noted that, the research approaches that are widely used in an investigation are, inductive research approach, deductive, and explanatory and exploratory research approach (Acampora et al. 2022). In order to meet the overall data collection aspect of the investigation it can be noted that the investigators of this study are focused on the inductive method in order to gather reliable data for this investigation. This research design can help in the meeting of the objective of this investigation.
4.5 Research Design
The research design is one of the effective elements for a business. It can be noted that the research design helps in the overall systematic data collection for the investigation. As mentioned by Gupta and Gupta, (2022) there are various types of research designs, these are descriptive, analytical, qualitative and co-relational. Each of the mentioned types of research design is focused on the gathering of data from various types of sources. In this case of the investigation, an inductive research design is considered. It helps in the overall growth of the data collection from various new sources or quantitative sources.
4.6 Research strategy
The research strategies help the investigators of a study to focus on the long term development of well-directed data imbibition in the study. The qualitative research designs are well accepted and implemented with secondary data collection and in the case of quantitative; the same is implemented in primary data collection (Chen et al. 2022). Each of the mentioned research designs is essential for an investigation in the long run. In this investigation a quantitative research design needs to be considered which helps in gathering new and reliable sources of information for this study. It can help in the development of uniqueness of the study. Here a graphical analysis is considered in order to gather the overall information and refine the same.
4.7 Data collection method
In this case the primary mode of data collection is done from quantitative sources, such as participants, or groups of participants that are selected by the investigators. On the other hand, qualitative data collection is done with the help of secondary sources, such as journals, books andweb-based sources (Damayanti et al. 2022). It helps in the development of the theoretical knowledge of the considered topic and also be useful in the development of the recommended solutions. In this case a primary method of data collection is considered.
4.8 Sampling Technique
In this case, the selection of samples plays a vital role. In order to select the sample, the investigators have used both random method, targeted method, and simple random sampling method.
4.9 Sampling Size
In order to gather data, the investigators of this study have used the simple random sampling method for selecting 20 employees from Hermes, in order to understand the benefits and challenges of the e-logistic of the company. Here a survey is considered in order to gather overall investigation which has a set of 10 questions.
4.10 Ethical issues
The investigators of this study have focused on maintaining the research ethics, by not disclosing the names of the participants. On the other the ethical issues that can be found in this investigation is the plagiarism issues, which can be removed with the help of the proper referencing in the investigation.
4.11 Limitations
The limitations in this investigation are related to the time constraints. It can be noted that the investigator of this study can face delay in the completion of the investigation.
4.12 Summary
As per the above discussion it can be noted that, a research method ensures that the data collection process will be completed in a timely manner. Moreover, it ensures that the suggested questions get the right answers.
Chapter 5 – Research Timeline
5.1 Expected schedule research timeline
Figure 1: Showing the Gannt chart
(Source: As created by the author)
Reference List
Acampora, A., Lucchetti, M.C., Merli, R. and Ali, F., 2022. The theoretical development and research methodology in green hotels research: A systematic literature review. Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Management, 51, pp.512-528.
Cao, Y. and Shen, B., 2022. Adopting blockchain technology to block less sustainable products’ entry in global trade. Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review, 161, p.102695.
Chen, S., Meng, Q. and Choi, T.M., 2022. Transportation research Part E-logistics and transportation review: 25 years in retrospect. Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review, 161, p.102709.
Damayanti, D.D., Novitasari, N., Setyawan, E.B. and Muttaqin, P.S., 2022. Intelligent Warehouse Picking Improvement Model for e-Logistics Warehouse Using Single Picker Routing Problem and Wave Picking. JOIV: International Journal on Informatics Visualization, 6(2), pp.418-426.
Gupta, A. and Gupta, N., 2022. Research methodology. SBPD Publications.
HR, G. and Aithal, P.S., 2022. The DDLR Model of Research Process for Designing Robust and Realizable Research Methodology During Ph. D. Program in India. International Journal of Management, Technology, and Social Sciences (IJMTS), 7(2), pp.400-417.
Liu, J., Chen, W., Yang, J., Xiong, H. and Chen, C., 2022. Iterative prediction-and-optimization for E-logistics distribution network design. INFORMS Journal on Computing, 34(2), pp.769-789.
Talebian, A. and Mishra, S., 2022. Unfolding the state of the adoption of connected autonomous trucks by the commercial fleet owner industry. Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review, 158, p.102616.
Zhou, Y., Li, H. and Sun, H., 2022. Metalloproteomics for biomedical Research: methodology and applications. Annual Review of Biochemistry, 91, pp.449-473.
Appendix 1. Survey questions
The survey is conducted in order to gather information based on the considered question. Here the survey is conducted in order to gather information relating to the topic. The first question is a demographic question which helps in improving the data collection process.
- What is your age group?
-Below 20
– 20-29
– 30-39
– 40-49
– 50-59
– 60 or above
The second question is also a demographic question which is focused on the educational occupations of the participants.
- What is your current occupational status?
– Employed at Hermes UK
– Employed at another logistics company
– Employed in retail (non-logistics)
– Student
– Unemployed
– Retired
– Other
This third question is also a demographic question is focused on the highest level of educational status.
- What is your highest level of education?
– High school diploma or equivalent
– Vocational training
– Bachelor’s degree
– Master’s degree
– Doctorate or higher
– Other
This section of the survey is focused on the importance of eLogistics in the success of retail business, it helps in widening the area of data collection.
- How would you rate the importance of eLogistics in the success of retail businesses today?
– Very unimportant
– Unimportant
– Neutral
– Important
– Very important
The fifth question helps in understanding the challenges of the Hermes UK faces in its eLogistics operations.
- What are the main challenges Hermes UK faces in its eLogistics operations? (Select all that apply)
– Technological integration
– Delivery speed
– Supply chain management
– Customer service quality
– Cost management
– Regulatory challenges
– Other
The sixth question is focused on determining how well the eLogistics services are provided by Hermes in the UK.
- How satisfied are you with the current eLogistics services provided by Hermes UK?
– Very unsatisfied
– Unsatisfied
– Neutral
– Satisfied
– Very satisfied
The seventh question helps in the understanding of overall understanding of consumer satisfaction in the retail industry.
- How do you think eLogistics impacts customer satisfaction in the retail industry?
– Negatively
– No impact
– Positively
The eight question is a understanding weather eLogistics technology is crucial for Hermes UK or not.
- To what extent do you agree with the following statement: “Investing in advanced eLogistics technology (such as AI, real-time tracking, etc.) is crucial for Hermes UK to remain competitive.”
– Strongly disagree
– Disagree
– Neutral
– Agree
– Strongly agree
This question helps in the overall understanding of the potential disruptions which eLogistics has brought in Hermes.
- How well do you think Hermes UK is prepared for potential disruptions in eLogistics, such as those caused by global pandemics or Brexit?
– Not prepared at all
– Slightly prepared
– Moderately prepared
– Very prepared
– Extremely prepared
The last question is focused on the efforts that should be used in order to improve the efforts of eLogistics.
- In what areas do you believe Hermes UK should focus its efforts to improve its eLogistics? (Select all that apply)
– Delivery timeframes
– Technology integration
– Supply chain transparency
– Customer service
– Sustainable practices
– Cost-efficiency
– Other
Survey Link:
Appendix 2. Ethics Consent Form (EC-5/2020)
Glasgow Caledonian University
Glasgow School for Business and Society
Undergraduate/Taught Postgraduate Research Project
Ethical Consideration
Your Details
Name of Student: Suresh Munigala Department: Department of Fashion, Marketing, Tourism and Events Programme: Academic Session: 2022 Supervisor: |
The Project
Project Title: The Importance and Challenges of eLogistics in the Current Retail Business environment : A Case Study of Hermes UK Main Aim of Study: The aim of this project is to understand the importance and challenges of E-logistic in online retail companies using Hermes UK as a case study. |
Contact with Others
Will your project bring you into direct or indirect (e.g. via internet surveys) contact with other people? Yes No ☐ If you have clicked “No” sign the section below and submit this page only to your supervisor for countersigning, otherwise complete the remainder of the form. |
Your Signature
Signature: Date submitted: |
Ethical Approval
(To be completed by supervisor) I have checked the above for accuracy and I am satisfied that the information provided is an accurate reflection of the intended study. There are no ethical issues causing me concern: Signature: Date: |
Research Participants
Number of Research Participants in your study: 20 Who are the Research Participants? Employees of Hermes On the basis of which criteria have they been selected? Basis on their experience and knowledge in working in e-logistic company. Where and how will you recruit them for your study? Random sampling Where and how will data collection take place (location, by phone/internet, by post)? By internet Will any of the Research Participants be minors (under 16 in Scotland, under 18 in the rest of the UK)? Yes ☐ No If you have clicked “Yes” please note the following: You must read the further guidance available on the School’s Ethics website You will need to obtain a PVG Disclosure ( This Ethics form, to which a copy of the disclosure must be attached, will need to be countersigned by a member of the School’s Ethics committee Please click here to indicate that you have understood these requirements ☐ |
Methods of Data Collection to be Employed
Paper-based questionnaire Yes ☐ No ☐ Internet survey Yes No ☐ Interviews Yes ☐ No ☐ Focus Groups Yes ☐ No ☐ Other (please specify): If you wish to guarantee internet survey respondents anonymity you must follow the requirements laid out in the Survey Monkey document available on the School’s Ethics website (if you are using internet survey software other than Survey Monkey follow the same procedures for that software): please click here to confirm that you have read this document and will abide by its requirements: |
Requests for confidentiality can only be accepted on the understanding that the confidential material will not be included in the written report or dissertation. They cannot be accepted on the understanding that the report/dissertation itself will be confidential. British universities are public bodies and all research carried out at undergraduate/taught masters level is by definition available for public scrutiny. Please click here to indicate that you understand the limits to confidentiality in relation to your research ☐ |
Potential Participant Distress
Is there any possibility that any of the procedures in your study will cause discomfort, anxiety, stress or embarrassment for your participants? Yes ☐ No ☐ If you have answered “Yes” please describe, explain and justify how you will seek to minimise upset to your participants:
Please indicate your response to the following questions and discuss your response with your supervisor
Will you provide an oral explanation of the project to the subject? Yes ☐ No ☐ Will you provide a written explanation of the project to the subject? Yes ☐ No ☐ Will you ask the research participants to complete a consent form? Yes ☐ No ☐ If you have clicked “Yes” to the above please attach a copy (drafts are acceptable at this stage). If you are seeking verbal consent please provide a statement of how you will seek to gain this from your participants:
Will you explain to the participants that you are a student undertaking degree or masters level studies? Yes ☐ No ☐ Will you explain to the research participants that they may not benefit from your study? Yes ☐ No ☐ Will you offer the research participants the opportunity to decline to take part? Yes ☐ No ☐ Will you offer the research participants the opportunity to withdraw at any stage? Yes ☐ No ☐ Will you offer anonymity? Yes ☐ No ☐ Will you adhere to the provisions of the Data Protection Act 2018? Yes ☐ No ☐ Please briefly explain how the DPA will be adhered to: (see
Your Own Safety
Are there any aspects of your project which might have implications for your own safety? Yes ☐ No ☐ If you have clicked “Yes”, please indicate how you propose to minimise any risk to yourself:
Check List
Please tick the supporting documents you are submitting along with this application Participants Explanation form Yes ☐ No ☐ N/A ☐ Consent form (draft acceptable) Yes ☐ No ☐ N/A ☐ Questionnaire/survey text (draft acceptable) Yes ☐ No ☐ N/A ☐ PVG Disclosure Yes ☐ No ☐ N/A ☐ |
Your Signature
Signature: Date: Please also type name here: |
Ethical Approval
(To be completed by supervisor) I have checked the above for accuracy and I am satisfied that the information provided is an accurate reflection of the intended study. I confirm that the form contains all the relevant information and that all supporting documentation is attached. There are no ethical issues causing me concern ☐ The ethical issues raised by this project require further consideration ☐ Signature: Date: Please also type name here: If you have clicked the second option please forward to your departmental representative on the School’s Ethics committee for further consideration. |
An electronic copy of the EC-5/2020 should be signed by the student and countersigned by the supervisor before submitting to the Research Advisor using email address [email protected]. The EC-5/2020 must be completed and submitted by ALL students by the deadline that will be published in GCU Learn.
Appendix 3. DPA
A Data Processing Agreement (DPA), an essential legal agreement, governs the cooperation between a data processor and the controller of the data while handling personal data. To guarantee compliance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) in Europe, this agreement is required.
DPAs guarantee the ethical handling of data by providing a transparent framework for data processing operations that upholds individuals’ right to privacy. They reduce the dangers connected with processing data and also assist in averting the possible financial and legal consequences of non-compliance. Organisations managing personal data are required to be informed and comply with DPAs in the event that these requirements change.
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