Module Code
Programme: | BA (Hons) Business Leadership and Management Practice |
Module Code: | DA6064 |
Module Title: | Work Based Project |
Distributed on: | September 2022 |
Submission Time and Date: | Formative assessment–
Work Based ProjectLiterature Review) (4,000 words) a) Draft literature Review to be submitted by 10.00 am on 19 January 2023 for formative assessment. b) Research Plan/Summary (2,000 words) to be submitted via Turnitin by 10.00 am on 25 May 2023 (this includes a peer review activity) for formative assessment.
Summative assessment – c) Work Based Project to be submitted by 10.00 am on 7 September 2023
Word Limit: | Summative assessment–10,000 words
(2,000 words for the Research Plan, 4,000 words for literature review, 4,000 words for Work Based Project Report) |
Weighting | This coursework accounts for 100% of the total mark for this module |
Submission of Assessment | It is your responsibility to ensure that your assignment arrives before the submission deadline stated above.See the University policy on late submission of work (the relevant extract is set out below).
Electronic Management of Assessment (EMA): Please note if your assignment is submitted electronically, it will be submitted online as a PDF throughby the given deadline via Turnitin, the university’s plagiarism detection and marking tool. You will find a Turnitin link on the module’s eLP site.
Both your Formative Assessment and your Summative Assessment must be submitted electronically,
Instructions on Assessment:
The summative assessment of this module is through the submission of a10,000-word Work Based Project that is 100% weighted.
Assessment Specification
Formative assessment – Literature review and Research Plan
As a precursor to your Work Based Project you are required to submit, for formative assessment, an initial literature review and a summary of your research methods in the form of a Research Plan. The research plan will include your research question and objectives and demonstrate your participation in a peer review activity.
Failure to submit the formative assessment and engage in the peer review activity will impact the 10% of marks awarded for the Presentation& Research Plansection of the assessment criteria.
1 The Literature Review (4,000 words)
You are required to write a 4,000-word critical literature review based on a synthesis of business practice and academic theory on an individual topic of your choice that will underpin your Work Based Project from within the context of your own organisation. Your literature review should include:
· An appropriate title
- An introduction justifying the contemporary nature (importance) of the topic selected.
- A coherent and sectionalized structure covering the chosen topic (and title) and associated sub-themes.
· A summary/conclusion section including linkages between business practice and academic theory.
- A section on Research Methods literature, specifically a discussion relating to the differences between qualitative and quantitative research approaches, all of which will be applicable to your chosen research area and giving an indication of the approach to be taken in relation to your Work Based Project.
- A reference list and bibliography using the APA referencing convention (not included in the word count).
2 Research Plan(2,000 words) which evidences your participation in the peer review activity.
Prepare your Research Plan that presents a summary of your project, the key outcomes and an implementation strategy, including risk assessment.A suggested structure is as follows:
- What did you need to do/learn to address your chosen area of development?
- What specific methods or activities have you undertaken to achieve this?
- What resources/support did you require (practical or academic) to help you achieve this?
- How do you expect to apply your learning in your work practices?
- What positive outcomes did you expect to see as a result of your improved skills?
- How did you know you have achieved this?
- What is the target deadline for completing the key outcomes?
- Ethical approval – should be secured with evidence in place.
A part of your preparation of your Research Plan is to show engagement in peer review discussions. You should evidence this as part of your submission. It is anticipated that you will submit your ethical approval at this point also.
3 Summative assessment -Your Work Based Project Report (Total 10,000 words)
The final Work Based Projectreport will outline a business, leadership or management issue relevant or of interest to the learner’s organisation based around the topic identified in the preceding literature review. Informed by academic reading, the learner will discuss the design of an appropriate methodology to collect and analyse data (either primary and/or secondary) and the implementation of the Research Plan using an appropriate intellectual framework before synthesizing the data, drawing relevant work-based conclusions which the learner will then develop into practical recommendations relevant for their organisational context (see Research Planwithin the appendices). The report is a combination of the revised work that was completed for formative assessment (literature review and research plan) and the presentation and analysis of data gathered from conducting a research project.A general structure is outlined below and the weighting of each section is outlined in the marking rubric at the end of the brief:
Brief outline of sections/structure
Executive Summary (max 300 words, not included in word count)
Key words: 5 maximum
Chapter 1 – Introduction: (Define)
A definition of the work-based project with a clear purpose/goal based on a business problem/case
Discuss the rationale/importance of the study from an organisational and academic perspective. Identify a clear research question supported with specific research objectives. Provide an outline of chapters.
Chapter 2 – Methodology (what you did, the implementation of the research plan: (Design)
A clear design of the project plan, including terms of reference, assumptions and consequences.
Discuss your research strategy (i.e. qualitative, quantitative or mixed research) and methods (i.e. of gathering and analysing data) demonstrating awareness of the different types, justifying selection and acknowledging the limitations. Include a discussion of the practical details of the conduct of the research. Include a paragraph in this chapter to show compliance of the conduct of your research with the University and NBS Ethical Guidelines, as evidenced within PebblePad. If necessary, you may submit, as an appendix (of approximately 500 words), an expanded discussion on the ethical issues and principles relating to research and their implications for your organisation and individuals involved in your study.
Chapter 3 – Findings and Analysis – Reflective Discussion and Analysis:(Do)
A reflective analysis of the key stages of the project, including on-project activities, and demonstrate how they contributed to the achievement of the purpose/goal..
A reflective analysis of the benefits and limitations of each suggested action and how any obstacles may be overcome.
Relevant literature may be drawn upon to discuss the findings.
Additional details such as the business need, business case/problem alignment to organisational strategy, stakeholder communications, risk, resource and financial considerations, visual plans and controls impact.
Chapter 4 – Conclusions and Recommendations:
Conclusions are drawn from analysis and supported by data. Conclusions are relevant to literature reviewed and answer the research question. Appropriately justified and realistic recommendations for improvement to organizational practice are made. The need for future research is identified and critically reviewed.
Please note that the emphasis should be on providing a rigorous evidence base that can demonstrate your achievement of the relevant outcomes. You are expected to provide a range of relevant, current academic and professional sources when relevant, securely evidencing your application of learning the workplace and over the course of the work-based project.
Key Appendices
The literature review should be included as a key appendix as part of your submitted project. The required length is 4,000 words and this is included as part of the overall word count (though references and bibliography are excluded). If you have made any amendments to your literature review following the January submission of your draft, you should include an introductory paragraph entitled ‘Amendments made to literature review’ that clearly articulates the changes that you have made.
If you have amended your Research Plan, you could also include this as an appendix.
Additional supporting evidence (not included in the word count) should be included to evidence your achievement of the key outcomes that you have mapped your work-based project should address the following:
Titled – in appendices and clearly signposted to each objective/standard.
Selective – avoiding duplication of several similar pieces of evidence or unnecessary copies of company documentation.
Relevant – evidence of competent performance from significant others including, for example, colleagues, line managers, mentors, clients, customers, suppliers etc
Project Management Tools used – spreadsheets, etc.
Annotated – concise comments to signpost the significant elements of the evidence consistent with the attribute statement.
Appropriately referenced – include evidence of finding and applying academic/professional/ organisational knowledge, cited using APA referencing.
Anonymised – obscure or delete any other people’s names in the evidence unless they have given permission to include e.g., mentor, colleague.
This is a work-based programme and as such it is likely you will complete a substantial amount of work relating to the workplace. In line with data protection and professional practice requirements you should give very careful consideration to issues of confidentiality within submitted work. The following statement provides important guidance which you should follow. Issues of confidentiality will be checked by the tutor assessing your work. Where confidentiality and anonymity is considered to have been breached you may be subject to an academic misconduct process.
Assurance of confidentiality/ anonymity in assessed work
In the submission or other presentation of module assessment, all efforts must be made to protect the identity of individuals, workplaces and employing authorities, including within appendices, bibliographies and evidence within work-based portfolios.
The identification of one or more individuals in either a written assessment or other form of assessed presentation/evidence to examiners or others without prior written informed consent could constitute a breach of the General Data Protection Regulation (Regulation (EU) 2016/679) and/or relevant Professional Statutory Regulatory Body regulations and may lead to referral in that assessment. The identification of workplaces or employing authorities could also constitute a breach of required confidentiality/anonymity if it leads to the identification of, or harm to, those organisations.
Any exceptions to this expected standard for formative and summative assessment would be clearly stated in the guidelines for that specific assessment.
Here are some practical tips for ensuring confidentiality is maintained:
- It is essential that you confirm your plans with your Workplace Mentor and Module Tutor so that they are aware of the work you are doing.
- You must gain the permission for any workplace data you plan to use in an assessment.
- Individual identity must be protected by removing names from any documents you submit. You may refer to individuals by using a pseudonym.
- Under no circumstances must any client details be included in your work.
You should remove the name of your workplace from your work. You can refer to your workplace by the nature of the work rather than by its name e.g., ‘a large legal firm in a city location’, or ‘a local authority’
Submission of Assessment:
Your submission should be via Turnitin.
Your assignment will be marked, and feedback offered approximately 4 weeks from the hand in date.
You must also keep a copy of your assignment for your own records in case a second copy is required. The assignment submitted will not be returned to you, so again keep a copy for your own use.
Late submission of work
Where coursework is submitted without approval, after the published hand-in deadline, the following penalties will apply.
For coursework submitted up to 1 working day (24 hours) after the published hand-in deadline without approval, 10% of the total marks available for the assessment (i.e.,100%) shall be deducted from the assessment mark.For clarity: a late piece of work that would have scored 65%, 55% or 45% had it been handed in on time will be awarded 55%, 45% or 35% respectively as 10% of the total available marks will have been deducted.The Penalty does not apply to Pass/Fail Modules, i.e., there will be no penalty for late submission if assessments on Pass/Fail are submitted up to 1 working day (24 hours) afterthe published hand-in deadline.
Coursework submitted more than 1 working day (24 hours) after the published hand-in deadline without approval will be regarded as not having been completed. A mark of zero will be awarded for the assessment and the module will be failed, irrespective of the overall module mark.
For clarity: if the original hand-in time on working day A is 12noon the 24-hour late submission allowance will end at 12noon on working day B.
These provisions apply to all assessments, including those assessed on a Pass/Fail basis.
Word limits and penalties
If the assignment is within +10% of the stated word limit no penalty will apply.The word count is to be declared on the front page of your assignment and the assignment cover sheet. The word count does not include:
Title page
Declaration and Word Count Executive Summary Acknowledgements Table of contents or index List of Tables and Figures |
Reference List and Bibliography Appendices Quotes from interviews and focus groups Appropriate tables, figures and illustrations |
Please note, in text citations [e.g. (Smith, 2011)] and direct secondary quotations [e.g., “dib-dab nonsense analysis” (Smith, 2011 p.123)] are INCLUDED in the word count.
If this word count is falsified, students are reminded that under ARTA regulations this will be regarded as academic misconduct.
If the word limit of the full assignment exceeds the +10% limit, 10% of the mark provisionally awarded to the assignment will be deducted. For example: if the assignment is worth 70 marks but is above the word limit by more than 10%, a penalty of 7 marks will be imposed, giving a final mark of 63.
Students must retain an electronic copy of this assignment (including ALL appendices) and it must be made available within 24hours of them requesting it be submitted.
Note: For those assessments or partial assessments based on calculation, multiple choice etc., marks will be gained on an accumulative basis. In these cases, marks allocated to each section will be made clear.
Academic Misconduct
The Assessment Regulations for Taught Awards (ARTA) contain the Regulations and procedures applying to cheating, plagiarism and other forms of academic misconduct.
The full policy is available at:
You are reminded that plagiarism, collusion and other forms of academic misconduct as referred to in the Academic Misconduct procedure of the assessment regulations are taken very seriously by Newcastle Business School. Assignments in which evidence of plagiarism or other forms of academic misconduct is found may receive a mark of zero.
Assessment Mapping
Module Learning Outcomes
Knowledge & Understanding:
Your knowledge of business, management and/or leadership, at least some of which is at, or informed by, the forefront of aspects of the discipline. (MLO 1)
Your appreciation of the uncertainty, ambiguity and limits of the knowledge you produce through your research. (MLO 2)
Intellectual/Professional skills and abilities:
Your ability to apply your knowledge of business, management and/or leadership to appreciate the implications for organisational strategic performance (MLO 3)
Your ability to apply techniques of analysis and enquiry in the investigation of a business-related issue. (MLO 4)
Personal Values attributes:
Demonstrate an understanding of the ethical issues associated with conducting research (MLO 5)
Chartered Manager Degree Apprenticeship Standard (CMDA)
Knowledge and understanding:
1.1.1 Evaluate theories of organisational strategies and review own organisations strategy in the context of these. Skills – be able to: 1.4.1 Develop operational plan to include realistic, measurable targets and key performance indicators. 1.4.2 Demonstrate effective delivery of operational plan. 1.4.3 Identify and manage appropriate resources to deliver plan. 1.4.4 Accurately monitor and measure outcomes and evaluate results. 1.5.1 Construct a range of detailed management reports and analyse and interpret these. 1.6.1 Deliver successful outcomes demonstrating the effective use of wide support from a range of sources. 2.3.1 Exhibit the effective planning, organisation and management of identified resources, demonstrating how this contributes to the achievement of project goals. 2.4.1 Identify key project outcomes, developing and implementing plans to ensure that these are achieved. 2.4.2 Monitor progress towards the achievement of project outcomes and produce reports that clearly demonstrate this. 2.5.1 Select and apply a risk management model to the project, identifying and monitoring risks and actions to mitigate these. 2.7.1 Demonstrate the successful use of project management tools. 5.3.1 Demonstrate the use of qualitative and quantitative analysis of information to identify service/organisational improvements and opportunities for innovation and growth. 5.3.2 Analyse information and data to benchmark against others. 10.1.1 Evaluate theories of learning styles and how to apply to self and others 10.2.1 Evaluate models of emotional intelligence and their use in the workplace 10.2.2 Evaluate the concept of social intelligence and its use in the workplace 10.2.3 Explain the importance of active listening and open questioning and demonstrate their uses in working with others. 10.3.1 Analyse own performance, identifying learning and development needs 10.3.2 Devise and implement strategies to address learning and development needs 11.1.1 Assess a broad range of techniques for managing time 11.1.2 Review own time management skills and create and implement strategies to improve 11.1.3 Evaluate goal setting theories and models 11.1.4 Set achievable goals/objectives for self and monitor progress towards these 11.2.1 Demonstrate use of time management techniques and tools 11.2.2 Effectively manage own workload to achieve objectives 11.2.3 Align personal development objectives to the organisational strategy 11.2.4 Demonstrate on-going commitment to personal development 12.3.1 Demonstrate the use of evidence based tools to solve problems. 12.3.2 Demonstrate the consistent use of critical analysis, synthesis and evaluation to support decision making. 12.3.3 Use ethical approaches in problem solving and decision making.
Mapping to CMI Level 5 Diploma Learning Outcomes S006V1 Conducting a management project 1 Be able to identify and justify a management project. 2 Be able to conduct research using sources and analyse data and options. 3 Be able to make conclusions and recommendations that achieve the project aim. 4 Be able to show and review the results of the project. S002V1 Information based decision making 1 Be able to identify and select sources of data and information. 2 Be able to analyse and present information to support decision making. 3 Be able to communicate information that supports decision making. 5020V1 Introduction to management and leadership 1 Understand data and information and their use in meeting stakeholders’ needs.
Module Specific Criteria
Criteria | Scales | |||||||
Standard Not Met 1 |
Standard Not Met 2 |
40 -49%
Meets Standard 1 |
Meets Standard 2 |
Meets Standard 3 |
Exceeds Standard 1 |
Exceeds Standard 2 |
Exceeds Standard 3 |
Executive Summary and Introduction (15%)
Completely insufficient executive summary and introduction.The executive summary is missing or completely insufficient with key sections omitted.
Introduction lacks evidence of business, leadership or management focus and there is no clear discussion regarding the relevance of the research to the learners’ organisation. The research question and key outcomes/objectives are missing. |
An insufficient executive summary with a significant amount of missing information. The business, leadership or management focus is not made sufficiently clear in the introduction, with a lack of relevance to the learners’ organisation. Research question and key outcomes/objectives are inappropriate. | An adequate executive summary, but key information is missing. There is some relevance of the study in the introduction to the learner’s organisation and the purpose of the research is within a business, leadership or management context, however this requires greater discussion.
Research question and some key outcomes/objectives are outlined but require further development to ensure they are bound and specific. |
A good executive summary which includes most essential information, but may give greater precedence to some elements over others. There is some relevance of the study in the introduction to the learners’ organisation and there is an explanation of the purpose of the research within a business, leadership or management context. However this requires greater dicussion.
Research question and key outcomes/objectives stated but require development to be made more specific. |
A very good executive summary, which includes all essential information. Introduction provides a very good explanation of the purpose of the research which is relevant to the learners’ organisation and within a business, leadership or management context.
Clear research question and key outcomes/objectives but could be developed further. |
An excellent executive summary including all relevant information to a very good standard. A thorough introduction that discusses the rationale for the study which is relevant to the learners’ organisation and focused within a business, leadership or management context. Some evidence may be included but this is limited.
Excellent, clearly defined research question and key outcomes/objectives. |
Outstanding executive summary including all relevant information to a high standard. Introduction provides an outstanding
discussion of the rationale for the study which is relevant to the learners’ organisation and focused within a business, leadership or management context. Evidence to support this is included, but further discussion needed. Outstanding, clearly defined research question and key outcomes/objectives. |
Exemplary executive summary including all relevant information to an extremely high standard. Introduction provides an exemplary
discussion of the rationale for the study which is relevant to the learners’ organisation and focused within a business, leadership or management context. Consideration is given to organisational, academic and personal rationale in detail, to form a very strong argument, which is evidenced strongly, for the study. Exemplary, clearly defined research question and key outcomes/objectives. |
0-4 | 5 | 6-7 | 8 | 9-10 | 11 | 12-13 | 14-15 | |
Literature Review (35%) (includes discussion of Research Methods)
Completely insufficient literature review. The review is purely descriptive, inappropriate, irrelevant and lacks the required academic underpinning and focus. There is no acknowledgement of the role of the literature or the work of others.
Completely insufficient or no discussion on research strategies, research methods or data analysis. The practical detail of the research and ethical implications for the study are missing. |
Insufficient literature review.
The review is purely descriptive, generally irrelevant and lacks academic underpinning.There is no acknowledgement of the role of the literature and the work of others is not always acknowledged or referenced in the appropriate APA style.
Insufficient and significant lack of discussion focusing on research strategies and research methods. The practical detail of the research is limited and there is no acknowledgement of the ethical implications or data analysis tools. |
Adequate literature review. The review is somewhat relevant but lacks focus and is descriptive, with no critical points made, and a limited number of academic sources. The role of the literature is unclear. The work of others is acknowledged and referenced, but not always in the required APA style.
An adequate discussion of research methods, however, some elements of the discussion missing; awareness of the different types, justifying selection and recognising the potential limitations may be missing or underdeveloped. Identification of data analysis tools is underdeveloped or not appropriate. Limited discussion of the practical details of the data collection process is evident and requires further work. The ethical issues are highlighted but with little or no attempt to discuss the implications for the study. |
Good literature review. The review is relevant to the topic area but is mainly descriptive with few critical points made. An attempt to discuss or highlight the role of the literature is made but requires development. The work of others is acknowledged and referenced in places, however, is not consistent with the APA style.
A good discussion of research methods; awareness of the different types, justifying selection and recognising the potential limitations are underdeveloped. Identification of appropriate data analysis tools are either incorrect or missing a discussion. Some elements of the practical details of the conduct of the research is evident, |
Very good literature review. The review incorporates academic literature relevant to the topic area, with some critical points, but this could have been developed further. The role of the literature is clearly highlighted. The work of others is acknowledged and referenced in accordance with the APA style.
A very good discussion of research methods demonstrating awareness of the different types, justifying selection and recognising the potential limitations. Appropriate data analysis tools are identified and explained.A clear explanation of the practical details of the conduct of the research with a very good appreciation of the ethical issues.
Excellent literature review. The review incorporates literature relevant to the topic area, with evidence of much critical discussion from a range of academic sources. The role of the literature is explained well. The work of others is acknowledged and referenced in accordance with the APA style.
An excellent discussion of research methods demonstrating awareness of the different types, justifying selection and recognising the potential limitations, with some engagement with methodological literature. Outstanding Excellent identification of data analysis tools, which are explained and acknowledge the limitations. A detailed explanation of the practical details of the conduct of the research, with an excellent appreciation of the ethical issues.
Outstanding critical literature review of a range of both contemporary and seminal scholars relevant to the topic area. The role of the literature is thoroughly explained.The work of others is acknowledged and referenced in accordance with the APA style.
Outstanding discussion of research methods demonstrating awareness of the different types, justifying selection and recognising the potential limitations, with engagement with methodological literature. Outstanding identification of data analysis tools, which are thoroughly explained, acknowledging limitations with an attempt to manage them within the study.Thorough explanation of the practical details of the conduct of the research with an ouststanding appreciation of the ethical issues.
Exemplary critical literature review, of a wide range of contemporary and seminal scholars and practutioner sources with a high standard of consistency and relevance to the focus of the study. The role of the literature is thoroughly explained, and justifies research design. The work of others is consistently acknowledged and referenced in accordance with the APA style.
Exemplary discussion of research methods demonstrating awareness of the different types, justifying selection and recognising the potential limitations, with extensive engagement with methodological literature. Exemplary identification of data analysis tools which are thoroughly explained, acknowledging limitations with a clear discussion of how they will be managed within th study. Thorough explanation of the practical details of the conduct of the research with an exemplary appreciation of the ethical issues.
0-11 | 12-14 | 15-17 | 18-21 | 22-24 | 25-27 | 28-30 | 31-35 |
0-4 | 5 | 6-7 | 8 | 9-10 | 11 | 12-13 | 14-15 | |
Discussion and Analysis (20%)
Completely insufficient or lack of data presented. No inferences are drawn and no theoretical links made. | Insufficient data presented. Only a few inferences are drawn from the data and those which are, are poor. No theoretical links are drawn upon when discussing the data. | Adequate data presented. Inferences drawn from the data are limited. Very few theoretical links are drawn upon when discussing the data. | Good data presentation. Inferences are drawn from the data. Few theoretical links drawn upon when discussing the data. | Very good presentation of data. Very good inferences drawn from the data. Some relevant theory is drawn upon when discussing the data.
Excellent presentation of data. Excellent inferences are drawn from the data. Relevant theory is drawn upon when discussing the data providing a very detailed discussion of the findings. | Outstanding presentation of data. Outstanding inferences drawn from the data and discussed well. A range of relevant theory is drawn upon to develop a mature discussion of the findings.
Exemplary presentation of data. Exemplary inferences drawn from the data and discussed very well. A wide range of very relevant theory is drawn upon to develop a mature discussion of the findings.
0-5 | 6-7 | 8-9 | 10-11 | 12-13 | 14-15 | 16-17 | 18-20 | |
Conclusions, recommendations and Future Research (20%)
Completely insufficient or no conclusions drawn. No recommendations made. The need for further research is not acknowledged.
Insufficient, irrelevant or inappropriate conclusions drawn which are not supported by the data. Insufficient justification of recommendations, which are unrealistic. The need for further research is not acknowledged. | Adequate conclusions are drawn from the analysis and supported by data, however, greater transparency and discussion required to develop this section further. Conclusions are somewhat relevant to the literature reviewed and attempt to address the research question, however, they require further development. Adequate justification of recommendations which are generally realistic. The need for further research is acknowledged. | Good conclusions drawn from the analysis and supported by data, but this could be strengthened. Conclusions are relevant to the literature reviewed and go some way to address the research question. Good justification of recommendations which are generally realistic. The need for further research is highlighted but not discussed in detail. | Very good conclusions drawn from the analysis and supported by data. Conclusions are relevant to the literature reviewed and address the research question. Very good justification of recommendations, which are realistic. The need for further research is outlined. | Excellent conclusions drawn from the analysis and supported by data. Conclusions are very relevant to the literature reviewed and address the research question. Excellent justification of recommendations, which are very realistic. The need for further research is identified with some supporting analysis. | Outstanding conclusions drawn from the analysis and supported by data. Conclusions are extremely relevant to the literature reviewed and clearly address the research question. Outstanding justification of recommendations, which are extremely realistic. The need for further research is identified and critically analysed.
Exemplary conclusions drawn from the analysis and supported extensively by data. Conclusions are extremely relevant to the literature reviewed and clearly address the research question. Exemplary justification of recommendations, which are extremely realistic, with their implementation well thought out. A range of areas for further research are identified and critically analysed.
0-5 | 6-7 | 8-9 | 10-11 | 12-13 | 14-15 | 16-17 | 18-20 | |
Presentation and Research Plan (10%) |
The research plan was not submitted an/or the peer review activity was not engaged in.
The report contains significant spelling, grammatical and typographical errors and the layout does not conform with the specified guidelines. |
The research plan was submitted and the peer review activity engaged in.
The report contains significant spelling, grammatical and typographical errors and the layout does not conform with the specified guidelines. |
The research plan was submitted and sequences the project suitably. The peer review activity engaged in.
The report is generally from spelling, grammatical or typographical errors. The layout and format is generally consistent with gudielines.
The research plan was submitted and sequences the project very well. The peer review activity engaged in.
The report is mostly free from spelling, grammatical or typographical errors. The layout and format is mostly consistent with gudielines.
The research plan was submitted and sets out a very good design for the project. The peer review activity engaged in.
The report is free from spelling, grammatical or typographical errors. The layout and format is consistent with gudielines.
The research plan was submitted and sets out an excellent design for the project. The peer review activity engaged in
The report is free from spelling, grammatical or typographical errors. The layout and format is consistent with gudielines.
The research plan was submitted and is outstanding. The peer review activity engaged in.
The report is completely free from spelling, grammatical or typographical errors. The layout and format is consistent with gudielines.
The research plan was submitted and is exemplary. The peer review activity engaged in.
The report is completely free from spelling, grammatical or typographical errors. The layout and format is consistent with gudielines.
0-2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9-10 |
The Research Declaration is included, signed and is within the WorkBased Research Report
Yes/No | |
The Work Based Research Report contains primary data collection with human subjects
Yes/No | |
The issue of informed consent has been considered in the methods chapter
Yes/No | |
A description of ethical issues and how these have been addressed is included within the Work Based Research Report
Yes/No | |
The ethical issues are considered and addressed appropriately against the University and NBS guidelines
Yes/No | If No please comment… |
Any extraordinary ethical issues identified by the student or superviusor (e.g. NHS context)
Yes/No | If Yes please comment… |
MODULE NX9636 –Work-Based Project
Goal and Objective | Exceeds Standards (E)
Meets Standards (M)
Needs some improvement to meet standards (NM)
Overall Assessment
(E/M/NM) |
Goal 1
Developed and applied knowledge about internationally relevant theory and practice of business, management and/or leadership
Objective 3 Conduct contemporary research into business, management and/or leadership issues
The theory drawn upon within the study is clearly grounded within the business, management and/or leadership literature. The contemporary nature and relevance of the issue for the student’s organsation or within the academic literature is clearly discussed within the report. | The theory drawn upon within the study is grounded within the business, management and/or leadership literature. The contemporary nature of the issue for the student’s organsation or within the academic literature is discussed within the report. | There is some evidence that the sources referenced are based upon business, management and/or leadership literature, however, this is limited and requires further work to meet the requried standard . The nature of the issue for the student’s organisation or within the academic literature is briefly highlighted but not explained and/or is not contemporary.
Goal 2
Enhanced skills and competences to enable personal, managerial and/or leadership practice
Objective 4 Demonstrate critical thinking skills
Demonstrates a high level of critical thinking by drawing together the work of others and comparing and contrasting key arguments and findings within the literature and relating this to the student’s own findings. Clear evidence of evaluating the data collection methods of others to identify the strengths and limitations in relation to their own research choices.
Demonstrates critical thinking by comparing and contrasting different scholars’ work with links made back to student’s own data. Evidence of evaluating the data collection methods of others to identify the strengths and limitations in relation to their own research choices. | Very limited evidence of critical thinking with only a small number of underdeveloped points which have not been sufficiently explained. Limited acknowledgement of the relative strengths and weaknesses of their chosen research method. | |
Goal 3
Demonstrated awareness of ethical issues impacted on leaders and/or managers and professional practice
Objective 1 Demonstrate an understanding of the implications of ethical issues for individuals and organisations |
Demonstrates a high level of understanding of ethical issues relating to the research and their implications for the student’s organisation and individuals.
Demonstrates a good level of understanding of ethical issues relating to the research. However their implications for the student’s organisation and individuals could be further developed.
Demonstrates a lack of understanding of ethical issues relating to the research and their implications for the student’s organisation and individuals. |
Supervisor/ First Marker | Print name:
Signature: |
Second Marker | Print name:
Signature: |
Research Proposal – The role of AI in the selection processes of skilled employees.
Topic- The role of AI in the selection processes of skilled employees. Aim- To analyse the impact...
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