Topic- The role of AI in the selection processes of skilled employees. Aim- To analyse the impact...
Module Code
1 Introduction
ThisisthefirstassignmentforCSM6120‘FundamentalsofIntelligentSystems’andcomprises40%of the total marks for the module. It gives information aboutthe differentcomponents, how and when to handin,specifiesthe tasks youhaveto perform,andhighlights the criteriafromwhich the assignment will be marked. Please follow these instructions carefully. If anything is unclear or you have any questions, please, send an email to [email protected].
Thisassignmentpreparesyoutosubmitworktoascientificconferenceandpresentitincaseit is accepted.Weuse International JointConferenceon NeuralNetworks(2019-23), IEEE International Conferenceon Fuzzy Systems(2019-23)andIEEE Congresson EvolutionaryComputation (2019-23) as examples. These are, arguably, important international conferences on computational intelligence (CI).Mostresearcherssubmittheirworkas‘fullpapers’forconsideration.In aselectionprocessbased on peer reviews, a submission is either accepted as a full paper, accepted as a poster, or rejected. If a paperisacceptedasaposter,the authorshavetoreducetheir full-lengthsubmissiontoonlytwopages. You are asked to do this based on a paper that was actually acceptedas a full paper. Pretend that you are an author of an IJCNN/IEEE-FUZZ/CEC paper that has been accepted as a poster only and that needstobeshortenedtoonlytwopages(notincludingreferences).Theshortenedpapershould,ideally, contain the same scientific content but omit details and have a more concentrated presentation. You also have to prepare such a set of slides and present it to all participants of the modules.
2 Hand-In
You have to writea 1,500-wordscientific paper,called a report (notincluding references),based on a specific paper that is longer. Additionally, you have to prepare a set of slides about this paper and present the paper to all participants of the module.
You are asked to submitthe reportand slidesvia Blackboard. The deadline for submission is 9th November2023,at 1 pm.Note that the submission portalwill be openedduring the firstweekof November2023. By submitting your work,you areacknowledgingthat it is yourown work (written in your own words) and that you are aware of both the University’s and the Department’s views on plagiarism. See the section on plagiarism at the end of the assignment for the special rules that apply here. A zero mark will be given to a late submission; however, feedback will be provided.
3 Task
You have to write a 1,500-word scientific paper (not including references)based on a specific paper thatislonger.You canchoosefromthelist ofallacceptedfullpapersatInternationalJointConference onNeuralNetworks(2019-23),IEEEInternationalConferenceonFuzzy Systems(2019-23)andIEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation (2019-23). You can browse and accessthose papers from the following links. You need to be on the AU network for this (automatically the case on campus; otherwiseusetheVPN).Notethatyourselectedpapermustcontainanaspect(s)ofsearchproblem oroptimisation,i.e.,theproposalofa newtechniqueor theapplicationofexistingtechnique(s)to a specific problem.
To make sure that no twoor more students choose the same paper, send yourchoiceby 18th October 2023,4pm,to[email protected].Thisisa harddeadline,astheselectionwillbeconfirmed on 20th October 2023, 4 pm, i.e., no further change is allowed hereafter. If you have difficulties decidingwhichpapertochoose orifyouhave difficultieswiththe paper,please,contactmeassoonas possible to arrange to discuss your questions.
Additionally, you have to prepare poster-like material for a presentation to all participants in the module about your paper. Instead of investing in poster making/printing, we will prepare a set of presentation slides with its electronic version being shared to all participants. Also, there are specific
requirements for your report as well as the presentation slides that are specified in the next section. Please follow them closely. Also consider the marking scheme to understand what is expected.
4 Requirements
Thereporthastobewrittenfollowingtheprovidedtemplate(seethefilenamed‘report-template.docx’). Itwillbearound2pagesofmaincontent;oneadditionalpageisallowedforreferencesonlyandanother additional page for diagram(s) and table(s). Common sections are expected to be in your report, e.g., introduction, related work, proposed method, evaluation, and conclusion. You can make changes to these or even add a new section if appropriate (as to better present the original work). For references, pleasefollowtheIEEEstyle,see
-Guide.pdffor furtherdetail. Thereporthastobe submitted asa single PDF documentvia Blackboard before the deadline.
The set of slides has to be submitted asanotherPDF file via Blackboard beforethe deadline. Youaretofollow the providedtemplate (seethe file named‘slide-template.pptx’).Youhave oneslide for the title and your name, up to 8 slides for the main content, and another one for references. The presentationshould be given in a waythat explains the main contentof the paper, using the submitted set of slides as a visual aid, in 7 minutes (with 3 more for Q&A). We plan to have all presentations during work week (13–16 November 2023).
5 Marks
Thereportaccountsfor60%ofthemarksoftheassignment,the setofpresentationslidesfor20%,and the presentation itself for another 20%. The report will be assessed under departmental assessment criteriain AppendixAC (Essays)of the StudentHandbook( In particular, the marks breakdown for this component is as follows, adding up to 60 marks (corresponding to the weight of 60%). The report will be marked by Tossapon Boongoen.
- 10marks forthecontent,
- 10 marks forstructure,
- 10marksforlinguistic quality,
- 10marksforappropriate use of figures/tables/illustrations,
- 10marks forreferences,and
- 10marksforformalaspects(submission;format)
The set of slides will be assessed under assessment criteria in Appendix AD of the Student Handbook(OralPresentation; as far as applicable to posters as visual presentation aids. The marks breakdown for this component is as follows, adding up to 20 marks (corresponding to the weight of 20%):
- 5marksforvisualquality(mostlyfigures/tables;textwell-structured),
- 5 marks forcontent,
- 5marks for overallappearance,and
- 5marksforformalaspects(submission; format)
ThepresentationwillbeassessedunderassessmentcriteriainAppendixAD(OralPresentation; see the link given previously) of the Student Handbook as far as applicable to presentations using a poster as a visual aid. The marks breakdown for this component is as follows, adding up to 20 marks (corresponding to the weight of 20%):
- 5 marks forcontent,
- 5marksformakingproperuseofslides/illustrationsduringthe presentation,
- 5marks forability toanswerquestions, and
- 5marksforformalaspects(timing;clarityofvoice;connectiontoaudience)
The set of slides and presentation will all be marked by Tossapon Boongoen and the students that participate in a session. The average of the students marks (taken as single mark) are averaged with Tossapon’s to yield the total marks for those two components.
6 Plagiarism
Follow guidelines from the Student Handbook (available at to help you avoid straying from legitimate as wellasdesirablecooperationintotheareaofplagiarism.For thisassignment,youcanre-usediagrams, tables, and other illustrations from the original paper. However, any text must be in your own words, summarizing the original paper. You must not copy and paste the text from the original paper.
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