CORP3547 : Corporate Social Responsibility and Business Ethics


De Montfort University Leiceter


Corporate Social Responsibility and Business Ethics

Module Code

CORP3547 : Corporate Social Responsibility and Business Ethics

Question 1: Critically evaluate Boohoo’s environmental impact disclosure, based on
Boohoo’s Sustainability Report 2021, in terms of transparency. Give one key
recommendation to help improve the report’s transparency and discuss your reason.

Question 2: Based on Boohoo’s Sustainability Report 2021, identify the supplier
engagement strategy that Boohoo has adopted, and at least one strength and one
weakness of this strategy. Recommend one alternate supplier engagement strategy
to address the weakness(es) and discuss your reason.

Question 3: Using Porter and Kramer’s theory of ‘Creating Shared Value’ (CSV),
highlight the CSV method that Boohoo’s activities relate to the most. Give one
recommendation for how the company can improve their contribution to one of the
three CSV methods.