Module Code
Purpose of the task:
This assignment has been designed to allow you the opportunity to create a marketing plan for an
organisation. You will also critically evaluate strategic marketing arguments and/or propositions and
make judgments that guide the development of marketing plans and decision-making. In addition,
students deliver their marketing plan in an individual presentation.
1 The grade is provisional until confirmed by the relevant assessment board(s). Your work will be marked in
percentages. This is considered to deliver the most accurate and fair outcomes for students. Each assessment
that you undertake will be assessed using the common grading system. Information about the grading system can
be found in your Student Handbook, Section 13.
The Grade Criteria can be found in Appendix C of your Student Handbook.
Assignment Part A: Marketing Plan (1,500 words):
‘For successful organizations, innovation is an imperative. It has to be backed by a commitment. Putting
your organization on a new growth trajectory requires both deliberate action and resource allocation.
However, while innovation is at the top of most organizations’ agenda, far more fail than succeed at
driving successful innovation. In fact, 86 percent of executives we surveyed told us that innovation is a
top three priority, yet fewer than 10 percent say they are satisfied with their organizations’ innovation
performance.’ (Furstenthal and Roth, 2021).
Every successful innovation throughout history has come at the intersection of three lenses: an unmet
customer need, or ‘the who’; a technology that generates a solution, or ‘the what’; and a business model
that enables you to monetize that solution, which is ‘the how’. Another way to think about it is to ask
yourself the three questions. First, does what you are doing matter? Will customers benefit from it?
Second, can you build it, and what technologies do you need to do that? And third, will it win? Is there
an opportunity for the innovation to take on a market? Because all of these lenses are required for
successful innovation, the best way to generate new concepts is to collide them in a very structured
and purposeful way.
Considering the increasing concerns for innovative products, you are required to select any innovative
product and develop a marketing plan of this product for any existing organisation. You also need to
explore and justify the rationale for the various strategic marketing decisions while creating the
marketing plan.
Source: Furstenthal, L. and Roth, E. (2021) Innovation – the launchpad out of the crisis, McKinsey &
Company. Available from:
finance/our-insights/innovation-the-launchpad-out-of-the-crisis [Accessed 23 May 2023].
You should develop a Marketing Plan for your chosen innovative product, following the outline
set out below:
1. Situation Analysis
• Internal Environment
• External Environment (PESTLE analysis)
• SWOT Analysis
2. Set Marketing Objectives (Adhere to the SMART framework)
3. Develop Marketing Strategies
• Select Target Markets and Positioning
• Product Strategies
• Pricing Strategies
• Distribution Strategies
• Promotional Strategies
4. Implement And Control the Marketing Plan
• Action Plans (for all marketing mix elements)
• Responsibility
• Timeline
• Budget
• Measurement and Control Assignment
Part B: Individual Presentation (10 minutes + 5 minutes for Q&A):
For this part of your assessment, you must deliver an individual presentation that sets out and
highlights the key points from your written plan (Assessment Part A) for the chosen innovative
product for the organisation selected for the purpose of this marketing plan.
Your presentation should be appropriately targeted for an audience comprised of the company’s
senior management.
You will need to submit two files 1) PowerPoint slides 2) Marketing Plan report
as Word document on Canvas.
The following is a recommended structure of your presentation. You may make changes as you
see appropriate but ensure that your presentation is cohesive and responds to all requirements as
specified above.
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