Module Code
Assessment Instructions
In this task you are to develop social media and supporting digital content and incorporates the strategic recommendations
outlined in Assessment Task 1.
This Assessment Task comprises of two parts:
Part A – Prepare Strategy
Part B – Review and Present Strategy
To complete this Assessment Task, you will need to refer to the documentation from Assessment Task 1.
Part A – Prepare Strategy
1. Prepare a detailed rationale for the selection of the channels for each persona touch point within the specific
persona map. Included must be a discussion on how each strategy maintains integrity of the brand (i.e.
consistent messaging) and develops trust with the audience in line with client requirements. This must adhere to
organisational policy and clarify the responses to triggers, interventions and behaviours (as identified in
Assessment Task 1).
1.1 Complete 2 rationale tables (can be combined) one for each persona journey map
1.2 Include at least 4 channels for each persona from which you can select from the range of channels available
that meet the requirements of the organisation.
2. Provide an overview and explain what specific content will prove engaging for each of the personas and each of
the touch points identified:
2.1 Complete 2 rationale tables, one for each persona journey map (can be presented as a combined table)
3. Produce organic content:
3.1 Produce 2 pieces of organic content for persona 1
3.2 Produce 2 pieces of organic content for persona 2
3.3 Ensure that all content is user ready, meets any organisational policy requirements, and adheres to the
relevant legal and regulatory requirements for content in their chosen channels/platforms
4. Choose a topic of your choice and produce one (1) Blog article, in addition to the above to demonstrate
engagement with the target audience. This can be for either persona or touch point and needs to include:
offering personalised responses to target audience, comments and reactions.
5. Prepare content for an email campaign that supports the social media content identified. This can be for either
persona, any touch point and needs to include: offering personalised responses to the target audience,
comments and reactions.
6. Using appropriate planning templates and tools provided in class, prepare for a schedule for release for
maximising target audience attention. This needs to include:
6.1 a weekly schedule for each proposed channel and content (both personas combined) including potential
daily themes to optimise reach and spread/potential to go viral
6.2 the inclusion of time of day recommendations
6.3 a model of engagement – including examples of automated messaging as well as possible
conversations/personalised responses for at least one (1) persona
7. Prepare a summary table and discussion on social media management metrics to explain what should be
considered for monitoring and evaluation. Include details of the analytics software to be used to track and
measure how users will interact with their content which includes metrics for posts, responses, updates. Which
social media analytics service would be suitable for this?
8. Prepare a social media engagement plan and include key recommendations for consistent messaging to ensure
all of the content developed is designed for automated engagement.
State how this plan will be monitored and evaluated (reviewed) in the future and which social media analytics
service will be used to update accordingly after completing the review process.
Ensure the content is ready for use and to be delivered to the relevant personnel.
9. Demonstrate the following strategies and outcomes to meet organisational requirements:
9.1 How gaps in performance will be identified and monitored. Include examples of these gaps such posts,
responses and updates and suggest suitable adjustments for each
9.2 Ensure contingencies for the risks have been identified to ensure brand and message integrity and trust of
target audience.
Part B – Review and Present Strategy
• Deliver a short approx. 3-5 minute oral (PowerPoint) presentation to the class, using structure and language
appropriate to audience.
• Present the research results regarding the choice social media strategy (identified in AT1).
• Present the journey maps developed.
• Evaluate the effectiveness of the social media engagement (why is it the right fit of the organisation?)
• Use questioning and listening skills to confirm understanding.
• At the end of the presentation provide an opportunity for the audience (stakeholders) to ask any questions to
clarify information.
You will be provided some class time to work on this assessment, however it is expected that the majority of this assessment
will be completed outside of class.
You will be assessed according to the criterion outlined in the Criteria for Assessment listed in the marking guide. To achieve
satisfactory result, you will need to address all criteria satisfactorily.
Conditions of Assessment
• You must submit their file in Canvas by the due date. The assessor will assess the documentation you provide, and
feedback will be provided within 2 weeks of your submissions.
• You must complete the task by due date.
• This is an individual task. Students can work with others to collaborate and
discuss ideas, however, you must submit your own work and not copy the work of others. (For more information
regarding Academic Integrity please refer to RMIT Academic Integrity Guidelines)
• In certain circumstances, you may be eligible for an assessment adjustment (e.g. a disability or long-term medical or
mental health condition; an unavoidable employment, family, cultural, religious or elite sporting commitment known in
advance; other unexpected circumstance outside your control).
• Make prior arrangements with the instructor at least one week prior to the assessment due date if you require special
allowance, allowable adjustment to this task or extension of time.
• All documents must meet the criteria to the standard described in the marking guide in Section B to be deemed
satisfactory in this assessment.
• You will be assessed as satisfactory or not satisfactory.
• You will have the opportunity to resubmit any tools that are deemed Not Yet Satisfactory (one re-submit is allowed per
• You will have the opportunity to resubmit the assessment task if they were deemed not satisfactory (one resubmit).
• Students to name their submission file as <student_no_your name_ BSBMKG546_Task>.
• For example, 23456789JohnSmith_BSBMKG546_Task2.docx
• You can appeal the assessment decision according to the RMIT Assessment Processes.
Instructions on submitting your Assessment
You are required to upload their assessment in Canvas by due date.
Students to name submission file as <student_no_your name_ BSBMKG546_Task>.
• Name file documents with: Student number, Student first and last name, National unit code, Task number For example,
• Use the document format: .docx or .doc. MAC users must comply with this requirement.
Equipment/resources students must supply (if applicable): Equipment/resources to be provided by RMIT or the
workplace (if applicable):
• Laptop/Computer
• Access to internet if working off campus
• Class space
• Data projector
• Library resources
• Internet access
• Study space physical or virtual
• All required templates
• Assessor available to answer questions
Section B – Marking Guide
Describe the product to be
Prepare content relevant to the personas developed in Part 1 of Assessment 1 including both
organic and paid content.
Completed a blog article and email campaign relevant to the content developed.
Criteria for assessment
It is recommended that for product assessments you divide
your criteria into key sections and under each section clearly
describe the criteria students must demonstrate
Satisfactory Not
The student has prepared a detailed rationale for
the selection of the channels for each persona
touch point within the specific persona map.
1.1 The student has provided at least two rationale
tables explaining how they selected the suitable
channel for each persona.
1.2 The student has included at least 4 channels for
each persona.
☐ ☐
2. Student has provided an over viewed and
explained specific content that would prove
engaging for each of the personas and each of the
touch points identified.
2.1 Student has completed 2 rationale tables, one
for each of the personas.
☐ ☐
3. Student has produced organic content
3.1 Student has produced 2 pieces of organic
content for persona 1
3.2 Student has produced 2 pieces of organic
content for persona 2
3.3 Student has ensured that all content is user
ready, meets any organisational policy
requirements, and adheres to the relevant
legal and regulatory requirements for content
in their chosen channels/platforms
☐ ☐
4. The student has chosen a topic of your choice
and produce one (1) Blog article, in addition to the
above to demonstrate engagement with the target
☐ ☐
[BSBMKG546_Create Social Media Engagement Strategy] [ 2 of 2 ] [20/07/2021]
Student product assessment task © Content is subject to copyright, RMIT University
STUDENT RMIT Classification: Trusted
Criteria for assessment
It is recommended that for product assessments you divide
your criteria into key sections and under each section clearly
describe the criteria students must demonstrate
Satisfactory Not
This can be for either persona or touch point and
needs to include: offering personalised responses
to target audience, comments and reactions.
5. Student has prepared content for an email
campaign that supports the social media content
identified. This can be for either persona, any
touch point and needs to include: offering
personalised responses to the target audience,
comments and reactions.
☐ ☐
6. the student has used appropriate planning
templates and tools provided in class, prepared for
a schedule for release for maximising target
audience attention. This needs to include:
a weekly schedule for each proposed channel and
content (both personas combined) including
potential daily themes to optimise reach and
spread/potential to go viral
the inclusion of time of day recommendations
a model of engagement – including examples of
automated messaging as well as possible
conversations/personalised responses for at least
one (1) persona
☐ ☐
7. Student has prepared a summary table and
discussion on social media management metrics to
explain what should be considered for monitoring
and evaluation. Include details of the analytics
software to be used to track and measure how
users will interact with their content which
includes metrics for posts, responses, updates.
Which social media analytics service would be
suitable for this?
☐ ☐
8. Student has prepared a social media
engagement plan and included key
recommendations for consistent
messaging to ensure all of the content
developed is designed for automated
☐ ☐
[BSBMKG546_Create Social Media Engagement Strategy] [ 2 of 2 ] [20/07/2021]
Student product assessment task © Content is subject to copyright, RMIT University
STUDENT RMIT Classification: Trusted
Criteria for assessment
It is recommended that for product assessments you divide
your criteria into key sections and under each section clearly
describe the criteria students must demonstrate
Satisfactory Not
Student has stated how this plan will be monitored
and evaluated (reviewed) in the future and which
social media analytics service will be used to
update accordingly after completing the review
Student has ensured the content is ready for use
and to be delivered to the relevant personnel
9. Student has demonstrated the following
strategies and outcomes to meet organisational
Student has shown how gaps in performance will
be identified and monitored. Include examples of
these gaps such posts, responses and updates and
suggest suitable adjustments for each
Student has ensured contingencies for the risks
have been identified to ensure brand and message
integrity and trust of target audience
☐ ☐
Section B – Marking Guide
Observation checklist for Part B
Describe the product to be
Part B Presentation
List the actions to be observed Satisfactory Not
Student has delivered a short approx. 3-5 minute
oral (PowerPoint) presentation to the class, using
structure and language appropriate to audience.
☐ ☐
[BSBMKG546_Create Social Media Engagement Strategy] [ 2 of 2 ] [20/07/2021]
Student product assessment task © Content is subject to copyright, RMIT University
STUDENT RMIT Classification: Trusted
List the actions to be observed Satisfactory Not
• Student has presented the research results
regarding the choice social media strategy
(identified in AT1)
☐ ☐
• Student has presented the journey maps
☐ ☐
• Student has evaluated the effectiveness of the
social media engagement (why is it the right fit
of the organisation?)
☐ ☐
• Student has used questioning and listening
skills to confirm understanding.
☐ ☐
• Student, at the end of the
presentation provided an opportunity for the
audience (stakeholders) to ask any questions
to clarify information
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