BS 6205 : Entrepreneurial Opportunities across the world


Kingston Business School


International Entrepreneurship in SMEs

Module Code

BS 6205
BS 6205 : Entrepreneurial Opportunities across the world

Assignment Task
This is a group assignment.
One of the team members should undertake the additional role of the Assignment Coordinator who will be
responsible for the effective management of the timings and deliverables and the smooth collaboration of the
team. The group has to agree and sign the Group Contract before start working on the assignment.
A group assignment where students will apply their knowledge of internationalisation to identify
entrepreneurial opportunities in one of the two pre-selected markets across three different countries, each
one should be located in a different continent (Europe, Asia, Africa). Sources of information include
practitioner data such as McKinsey Quarterly, Nielsen and Mintel, Statista reports, the Economist, the Financial
Times, Business Weekly and other internet sources and, academic references from academic journals such as
Harvard Business Review, International Business Studies, Management International Review, International
Small Business Journal, Journal of Business Venturing.

Allocation of Marks


Group Name, Members’ Names and Kingston Id, Name/Country/Industry of SME
These items should be presented at the cover page of the document.
Group Contract (words in this section do not count towards the overall word count of the assignment) (form is available
below) The group contract is an agreed statement of the ways of working among the team members and it has to be
completed prior to the start of the project. It has to be agreed by all the members and the instructor. The contract form is
attached below (page 8) and, it should be completed and presented after the cover page of the report.


Executive Summary (appr. 300 words)
Provide a brief summary that encapsulates the main points of your business report. (Attention: use of bullet points should
be strictly avoided)


Data Critical Analysis (market, consumer, competitors) (appr. 1000 words)
Conduct an analysis for the online food delivery OR the e-bike market in three different countries that could serve as
potential targets for export (in your second assignment). Each team should select one country from Europe; one
country from Asia; one country from Africa:
Country A (from Europe) (for selected market):
-Identify the main market trends (sector and sub-segments trends in volume and value in the last 5 years and forecast);
identify the main consumer future trends and write a short explanatory narrative (reasons why with evidence from sources).
Tables and figures should be included to supplement the narrative.
-Identify the main sector competitors and their trends (market share evolution of main sector players in the last 5 years and
forecast). Tables and figures should be included to supplement the narrative.
Country B (from Asia) (for selected market):
-Identify the main trends (sector and sub-segments trends in volume and value in the last 5 years and forecast); identify the
main consumer future trends and write a short explanatory narrative (reasons why with evidence from sources). Tables and
figures should be included to supplement the narrative.
-Identify the main sector competitors and their trends (market share evolution of main sector market players in the last 5
years and forecast). Tables and figures should be included to supplement the narrative.
Country C (from Africa) (for selected market):



-Identify the main trends (sector and sub-segments trends in volume and value in the last 5 years and forecast); identify the
main consumer future trends and write a short explanatory narrative (reasons why with evidence from sources). Tables and
figures should be included to supplement the narrative.
-Identify the main sector competitors and their trends (market share evolution of main sector market players in the last 5
years and forecast). Tables and figures should be included to supplement the narrative. Helpful tool for the critical
discussion is the Critical Thinking Toolkit. Pre-requisite: Extract secondary numerical data
Opportunity for International Entrepreneurship (appr. 700 words)
-Identify the blind spots and white spaces drawn from the analysis of the market in each one of the three countries
(A,B,C). Select ONE country that provides the most significant opportunity for starting a new enterprise in the selected
market in the next two years. Provide a critical discussion (with positives and negatives and reasons why) with evidence
drawn from business & academic sources to support your recommendation.
Helpful tool for the critical discussion is the Critical Thinking Toolkit. Pre-requisite: Use at least 8-10 references from reliable
sources (academic journals such as Harvard Business Review, International Business Studies, Management International
Review, International Small Business Journal, Journal of Business Venturing and/or business periodicals such as
Economist, the Guardian, BBC and others)


Organisation and Mechanics
The whole structure of the report should follow the above-mentioned outline. Check carefully for spelling, grammar, syntax
and punctuation errors. Citations should be included in the text. Reference list should be included at the end of your report.
Consistent reference style should be used throughout the report. Pages numbers should be included. Use Arial or Tahoma,
minimum font size 12, single-spaced.
Tables and Figures need to be numbered, have a clear title, year(s) of reference, unit identification (value €, volume, etc),
and referenced. An Appendix could be used to present additional material and data.100