Topic- The role of AI in the selection processes of skilled employees. Aim- To analyse the impact...
Module Code
Cover Page (to be made by the student): Module name, module code,
name of IE chosen, word count excluding references, B00 number
Table of contents: list all Headings and subheadings.
Note: Points 1-6 below are the areas your assessment must cover. You must
use subheadings when discussing different topics under the main
1. Introduction:
introduce international entrepreneur and international
entrepreneurship and by means of both justify your choice i.e.,
how does your IE and their ventures match with the definitions
covered. You must provide referenced definition(s) of
international entrepreneurship and international entrepreneur.
can also briefly comment on the type/theme of IE chosen as well
2. Background to the entrepreneur: entrepreneurial journey so far for
both the chosen IE and their venture(s), an insight into personal and
professional life, sector/size/when started?
3. Drivers and motivation: for your chosen IE and their venture(s)
opportunity recognition process (opportunity driven or necessity
driven, opportunity created vs opportunity discovered).
effectuation and the 5 principles (not all 5 will apply to every IE),
focus on the application of the principle(s) on your chosen IE.
entrepreneurial traits, (refer to lecture 1 for ideas)
motivation to start (can look at socio behavioral factors, push and
pull motivation, personal background and lack or abundance of
resources-only pick what applies to your specific IE)
4. Barriers/enablers: for your chosen IE and their venture(s)
identify the barriers and enablers (some areas to cover can be a
lack or presence of knowledge; funding, networks, trade barriers,
legislation, marketing, supply chain etc.,)
how did they overcome problems? Who/what helped? Were
there e.g., less, or different barriers in subsequent ventures? (Can
tie in the liability of newness among other theoretical
considerations meaning how for later ventures they somewhat
knew what to do). A lack or presence of an entrepreneurial
ecosystem (Isenberg model) in the home country can be explored
as well.
5. Type of internationalization:
Identify the theories used for internationalization out of the 3
main ones namely-Stages (Uppsala Model), Born Global approach
or Network approach.
How and why did they choose this route? Has it been successful?
Did subsequent ventures have different routes to
6. Conclusion: some brief concluding comments around where are the IE
and their venture/s headed now (no suggestions or recommendations,
this is about where they are now)? Any entrepreneurial lessons that can
be derived from the IE and their venture/s journey as an individual and
as an enterprise respectively (reference all secondary information where
References: follow UUBS guide for referencing available on BBL. Make sure
all secondary information is cited properly. There is no such thing as too
little or too many references. If it is not yours please reference and cite.
This is where your course work should end.
Appendix: no need for an appendix, any tables, diagrams should be
included within the main body and are excluded from the word count.
Again, do not force tables and diagrams unless necessary.
Submission Guidelines:
Please do not copy anything directly from this document as it will bring
up the similarity.
• Stay within the word limit – 3000 (+-10%) excluding any tables,
diagrams, references, contents page etc.
• Insert word count clearly on the cover page.
• Check similarity before submission. Make sure you do this a few days in
advance and not at the last minute.
• Upload to TurnItIn as a Word document on 7 th May 2023 by 11.59 pm.
• Arial Font 11/12 or similar, 1.5 spaced, A4. Justified text (helps the
professional ‘look’ of the work and gives us space to mark/write
• Report Format, therefore:
Include a contents page
Use headings/sub headings as appropriate – These should be numbered
Page numbers must be inserted into your assignment.
Label and include source if using tables/graphs or images
• Be careful with spelling, grammar and referencing
• Use credible sources (inc. relevant recent data)
• Ensure your student number (B00) is on the cover page (it helps us
identify you!)
Don’t waste words explaining the theory – apply it!
Be clever with the word count. Cover the main headings and choose how much
to write in each wisely. For one IE there will be a lot to write under one
heading for another IE there will be more to write under a different heading.
Therefore, we are not limiting you by giving a word count for each heading.
What matters is you cover all headings with a link between theory and IE and
clear knowledge of application.
Good luck!!!
Your IE Team
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