BM9718 / LD9718 / AT9718 : Research Methods and Analytics for Business Practice




Research Methods and Analytics for Business Practice

Module Code

BM9718 / LD9718 / AT9718
BM9718 / LD9718 / AT9718 : Research Methods and Analytics for Business Practice

General Information

Further information about general assessment criteria, ARNA regulations, referencing and plagiarism can be found on the e-
Learning Portal (Blackboard) site for the module. Students are advised to read and follow this information.

Module Learning Outcomes (MLOs)
At the end of the module the student will:
1. An understanding of the value of research methods in completing a Masters’ dissertation, consultancy project or
management enquiry. [MLO1]
2. Skills of data collection and analysis relevant to their chosen research topic. [MLO2]
3. Reflect on your own ethical values. [MLO3]
Assessment Overview
Assignment 001 (70%): Research proposal – This is an individual 2,000 word extended research proposal synopsis. A
comprehensive illustration of the proposed project in any of Masters’ dissertation, consultancy project or management
Assignment 002 (30%): Poster presentation- This is an individual assignment: the poster must include a brief illustration of the
proposed project in any of Masters’ dissertation, consultancy project or management enquiry.
Assignment 001: (70%)
Using a range of available professional and academic tools, building on the contents of your poster presentation. you are required
to complete your 2,000-word extended research proposal synopsis. A comprehensive illustration of the proposed project in any of
Masters’ dissertation, consultancy project or management enquiry. Your research proposal must include comprehensive
elements of the following:
A. Intro / overview giving background and context in relation to your dissertation, consultancy project or management
enquiry. [20%]
B. Delivery of a summarised literature review and research gaps. [30%]
C. Delivery of the research method adopted in your dissertation, consultancy project or management enquiry. [30%]
D. A conclusion providing an overall summary of the key points made and a summing up of your dissertation,
consultancy project or management enquiry. [20%]

Assignment 002: Outline Brief (30%)
Using a range of available professional and academic tools, you will showcase your poster presentation in your seminar session
in either week 9,10 or 11. The poster must include the following elements:
A. Intro / overview giving background and context in relation to your dissertation, consultancy project or management
enquiry. [10%]
B. Delivery of a summarised literature review and research gaps. [20%]
C. Delivery of the research method adopted in your dissertation, consultancy project or management enquiry. [20%]
D. A conclusion providing an overall summary of the key points made and a summing up of your dissertation,
consultancy project or management enquiry. [10%]
E. Engaging design, use of graphics, images, colour and other design elements to attract the reader. [40%]

Word limits and penalties for assignments
The word count is to be declared on the front page of your assignment and the assignment cover sheet. The word count
does not include:
• Title and Contents page
• Reference list • Appendices •Appropriatetables,figures and illustrations
• Glossary • Bibliography • Quotes from interviews and

focus groups

Please note, in text citations [e.g. (Smith, 2011)] and direct secondary quotations [e.g. “dib-dab nonsense analysis” (Smith,
2011 p.123)] are included in the word count.
If the assignment is within +10% of the stated word limit no penalty will apply.
If the word limit of the individual report exceeds the +10% limit, 10% of the mark provisionally awarded to the assignment will
be deducted. For example: if the assignment is worth 70 marks but is above the word limit by more than 10%, a penalty of 7
marks will be imposed, giving a final mark of 63.
If the word count is falsified, students are reminded that under ARNA regulations this will be regarded as academic
Submission of Assessment & Feedback:
Electronic Management of Assessment (EMA) applies: please note assignments will need to be submitted electronically by the
given deadline via Turnitin. The Turnitin link will be made available on the module’s eLP (Blackboard) site.
Summative Feedback – you will be provided with a mark and feedback on your performance, which will include any actions
to be taken to improve performance. This will be returned to you via the same system used for submission of the assignment
i.e. EMA system.
Formative Feedback – all teams should take note of the formative feedback provided during the workshops / seminars
throughout the semester in order to feed forward into the final summative presentation and report.
Late submission of work
Where coursework is submitted without approval, after the published hand-in deadline, the following penalties will apply.
For coursework submitted up to 1 working day (24 hours) after the published hand-in deadline without approval, 10% of the
total marks available for the assessment (i.e.100%) shall be deducted from the assessment mark.
For clarity: a late piece of work that would have scored 65%, 55% or 45% had it been handed in on time will be awarded
55%, 45% or 35% respectively as 10% of the total available marks will have been deducted.
The Penalty does not apply to Pass/Fail Modules, i.e. there will be no penalty for late submission if assessments on
Pass/Fail are submitted up to 1 working day (24 hours) after the published hand-in deadline.
Coursework submitted more than 1 working day (24 hours) after the published hand-in deadline without approval will be
regarded as not having been completed. A mark of zero will be awarded for the assessment and the module will be
failed, irrespective of the overall module mark.
For clarity: if the original hand-in time on a working day is 12noon the 24-hour late submission allowance will end at 12noon
on the next working day
These provisions apply to all assessments, including those assessed on a Pass/Fail basis.

Mapping to Programme Goals and Objectives:

This assessment will contribute directly to the following Postgraduate programme goals and objectives.
Goal One: To develop the skills necessary for employment and career progression

1. Demonstrate awareness of their personal strengths and weaknesses and the ability to engage in
continuing self-development
2. Demonstrate the development of inter-personal and intra-personal skills.
3. Demonstrate competence in contemporary analytical and ICT applications

Goal Two: Be culturally and ethically aware

1. Demonstrate their ability to work in culturally diverse groups and teams and make an
appropriate personal contribution to team effectiveness

X 2. Reflect on their own ethical values.
3. Understand the wider impact of individual or organisational decision making on social and
environmental contexts

Goal Three: Have developed leadership and management capability
1. Analyse and communicate complex issues effectively
2. Demonstrate decision making, problem solving and project management skills

Goal Four: Have developed and applied knowledge of international business and management theory
1. Acquire, interpret and apply knowledge of international business, management and
organisational functions.
2. Demonstrate an understanding of the impact of innovative and contemporary research on the
business and management community
3. Acquire, interpret and apply specialist functional knowledge in relation to their programme of
study (specialist programmes only)

Goal Five: Have developed a range of research skills and project capabilities
X 1. Plan and complete a major individual piece of research on a contemporary business,

management or leadership topic.

X 2. Demonstrate skills of analysis and synthesis in the application of research methods to the

exploration of contemporary business and management issues.