Module Code
Module Aim
The main of this module is to provide students with fundamental knowledge in
Business Dynamics that is requied in a global context. After introducing the systems
theory and its use in analysis, the dynamics of Supply Chain Management will be
discussed in both the seminars and lectures. Two case-studies (Automotive and
Aviation) are planned during the course of this lecture that highlights the
management principles in both operational and organizational perspectives that
includes risk management including some similuation models based on change
Module Learning Outcomes
Module learning outcomes detail the specific knowledge and understanding,
cognitive and intellectual skills, practical and professional skills, and the key
transferable skills that you will develop during this module. The learning outcomes
for this module are detailed below. These learning outcomes will be assessed when
marking your assignment.
Personal & Transferable Skills
1. Engage effectively in debate and present arguments in a professional manner.
2. Select and justify approaches to the analysis of organisational dynamics and apply them to
produce practical improvements.
3. Develop reflective practice skills in the study and analysis of global business dynamics.
Research, Knowledge & Cognitive Skills
4. Describe and evaluate models of the dynamics of organisational behaviour.
5. Critically evaluate alternative approaches to the modelling of global business dynamics.
6. Effectively organise global business dynamics knowledge using a variety of techniques.
7. Evaluate a range of approaches to the analysis of organisational dynamics models.
Professional Skills
8. Understand and select from a range of key business dynamics modelling skills
Module Assessment
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The assessment requirements for the module, in addition to the generic University
Assessment Criteria and correct use of the required referencing format and style,
include the following module specific criteria:
ECA (100% of the final mark):
• Demonstrate good fundamental academic knowledge of Business
• Critically analyse data using appropriate techniques;
• Draw appropriate conclusions;
• Present the assignment in a clear and understandable way, using the
conventions appropriate to a business report with no spelling or
grammatical errors.
The ECA is a 3,500-word assignment in the form of an individual report on
selected aspects of the module. The subject matter of the report may change
from year to year and students will be informed of assignment details during the
ECA Assignment Submission Semester 1:
Submission: single electronic portfolio document via Blackboard.
Assessment Tasks ECA
The assessment tasks for the ECA are presented in a separate document on
ECA Assignment
Pick any industry of your choice and list some of the global business challenges they
face due to the current dynamics. You are expected to research some potential
challenges the chosen industry faces and list them in order. You should be also be
able to discuss some of the mitigation measures to tackle the challenges in order to
be successful in Global Business. In addition, also list some of the potential positives
/enablers of that industry.
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Part 2
During the lecture, we discussed on a specific part of the supply chain (Inventory
Management / EOQ) and how it effects the entire Business Dynamics. In this part,
you have to mention why inventory management is one of the most vital aspects of
business dynamics. In addition, you are expected to define academically what is
Inventory, Inventory Management, Lead Time, Process Time, EoQ. In the end of tis
part you should be concluding with listing some good practices of inventory
management. Academic referecing is important for this part.
Part 3
In this part, you should describe why processes and structures are important for
companies and how that influences in providing good business dynamics for
industries. Also clearly define how can businesses list the key enablers and inhibitors
that can facilitate in growth. You should draw the key enablers and inhibtors of the
industry case which was discussed during the module in a table format.
Part 4
In this part, You should summarise your approach, provide further insights on how
companies are evolving in Global business, what were the key lessons learned due
to this pandemic. What are the skills the companies need to develop in order to be
succesfull and where do you all see the world in 10 years time in terms of Business
Presentation Guidance
✓ Use font size 12;
✓ Use 1.5 Line and Paragraph spacing;
✓ Headings in bold;
✓ Include your name and student number as a header on all pages;
✓ Include page numbers as a footer;
✓ Use Harvard referencing throughout;
✓ Include a reference list of all of the sources cited in your work.
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