Topic- The role of AI in the selection processes of skilled employees. Aim- To analyse the impact...
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1. Critically examine:
a. Amazon’s international growth motivations. – 20 marks
In this answer you are expected to define internationalisation as a process
(using reliable and reputable resources, such as modules’ core texts or journal
articles in the field of international business and management) and to show
critical understanding of Amazon’s growth motivation; students are expected
to support their discussion with reference to the relevant theoretical
frameworks (Uppsala framework/ OLI paradigm) and up-to-date, reliable
sources of evidence.
b. Amazon’s pattern of international growth (in terms of mode of entry and geographical
expansion). -15 marks
In this answer you are expected to examine key milestones of international
growth by Amazon, critically analyse company’s geographical presence and
its change over time; students are expected to support their discussion with
evidence from the relevant journal articles, up-to-date, reliable sources of
c. Amazon’s value chain configuration in the last decade – 15 marks
In this answer you are expected to critically examine changes in Amazon’s
primary and secondary value chain activities over the last decade; you are
expected to support their discussion with up-to-date, reliable sources of
d. Advantages of the current internationalisation strategy adopted by the company – 15
In this answer you are expected to critically examine company’s current
internationalisation strategy, examine the advantages of their current strategy
and support your discussion with up-to-date, reliable sources of evidence.
2. Can you think of any potential threats Amazon may face in the future? How might they
respond to such threats? -20 marks
In this answer students are expected to examine potential threats Amazon might face
in the future. These could be related to, but not exclusive competitive pressures or
resource availability pressures. You are expected to propose a potential response to
identified threats and to support their discussion with up-to-date, reliable sources of
3. Evidence of the evaluation of the literature and data sources – 15 marks.
This should be presented as one-paragraph reflection (before the Conclusions section)
on the use of the source of evidence in the assignment. You are expected to reflect on
the quality of the evidence and examples used.
Guidance Notes:
The individual assignment is expected to cover the following issues:
• Clear reference to literature on theories/approaches to internationalisation, give clear
reference to literature from reliable sources;
• Identification of motivations, mode of entry and geographical expansion of Amazon, give
clear reference to literature from reliable sources;
• Identification of value chain activities and future risks, give clear reference to literature from
reliable sources;
• Identification of international business strategy adopted by Amazon in the context of the
examples explored in the assignment, give clear reference to literature from reliable sources;
• Reference to examples/illustrations (either based on reliable, reputable and relevant secondary
sources information) to show the process as to how the different approaches to international
strategy and practices work.
An essay (of no more than 2,000 words, plus/minus 10 per cent, excluding References List) should
demonstrate the knowledge and critical understanding of the literature on the key aspects of
international business strategy. Students should demonstrate a critical understanding of the
external/internal contexts within which international businesses operate. The essay is designed to test
the conceptual, analytical and written communication skills of the students.
The essay structure should clearly outline an introduction, main argument, conclusions and well as
the evidence of the evaluation of the literature and data sources.
Notes: Writing an assignment
An introduction to an essay should address itself directly to the question or topics you have been
asked to discuss.
The main section of the essay should outline the argument(s) that describe your response to an essay
question. It might be an idea or a notion which explores in a discursive manner. In this case the order
of the topics being examined forms the structure of the essay argument.
The conclusion of an essay should draw together all the previous points of your argument into one
general statement, which is then directly related to the essay topic or the question you have been
Students are required to show evidence of an extensive use of various well established and reputable
literature sources (i.e. journal articles, books and other reliable, reputable and relevant sources of
Harvard Referencing Style Examples:
Reference List:
• Book
Fisher, R., Ury, W. and Patton, B. (1991). Getting to yes: Negotiating an agreement without
giving in. 2nd ed. London: Century Business.
• Edited Book
Bressler, L. (2010). My girl, Kylie. In: L. Matheson, ed., The Dogs That We Love, 1st ed.
Boston: Jacobson Ltd., pp. 78-92.
• Journal Article
Dismuke, C. and Egede, L. (2015). The Impact of Cognitive, Social and Physical Limitations
on Income in Community Dwelling Adults With Chronic Medical and Mental
Disorders. Global Journal of Health Science, 7(5), pp. 183-195.
• Articles from Newspapers
Weisman, J. (2015). Deal Reached on Fast-Track Authority for Obama on Trade Accord. The
New York Times, p.A1.
• Magazines
Davidson, J. (2008). Speak her language. Men’s Health, (23), pp.104-106.
• Articles from online resources
Messer, L. (2015). ‘Fancy Nancy’ Optioned by Disney Junior. [online] ABC News.
Available at:
2017/story?id=29942496#.VRWbWJwmbs0.twitter [Accessed 31 Mar. 2015].
OR, (2015). M&M’S Official Website. [online] Available at:
[Accessed 20 Apr. 2015].
In-Text Citations
• In the main text:
One of the main motivations for western firms to go into counter trade is the low-cost sources
of production and raw materials for use in the firm’s own production (Okoraofo, 1994).
Okoraofo (1994) suggests that one of the main motivations for western firms to go into counter
trade is the low-cost sources of production and raw materials for use in the firm’s own
• Direct quote from an article or text:
One of the main motivations for western firms to go into counter trade is the “low-cost sources
of production and raw materials for use in the firm’s own production” (Okoraofo, 1994: 74).
Okoraofo (1994: 74) suggests that one of the main motivations for western firms to go into
counter trade is the “low-cost sources of production and raw materials for use in the firm’s
own production”.
• If a quotation extends more than one page:
One of the main motivations for western firms to go into counter trade is the “low-cost sources
of production and raw materials for use in the firm’s own production” (Okoraofo, 1994: 74-
• When referring to two or more authors:
According to Knight and Yorke (2003: 10) meta-cognition includes three senses as: “knowing
what you know, knowing how it can be used and knowing how you get new knowings”.
Meta-cognition includes three senses including the things we know, knowing how to utilise
these things and knowing how we can obtain new knowledge (Knight and Yorke, 2003).
Solomon et al. (2006) state that consumer behaviour includes disposal of purchased products.
Consumer behaviour is defined as “the study of processes involved when individuals or
groups select, purchase, use or dispose products, services, ideas or experiences to satisfy needs
and desires” (Solomon et al, 2006: 6).
BE268: Learning Outcomes
Obtain a critical understanding of international business and strategy and theoretical
approaches in this domain;
Critically assess and analyse global market opportunities for expansion of firms;
Understanding and critique different modes/forms of international expansion;
Obtain a critical understanding of how processes of internationalisation apply to SMEs and
international new ventures;
Obtain a critical understanding of strategy and organisation in the international firms;
Obtain critical understanding of global sourcing;
Critically assess and analyse opportunities for expansion in emerging and transition
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