Module Code
Answer the following questions in this document template. Provide your response below each corresponding question. Submit your assignment in a single Word or PDF file. Include the course code, your name, and the assignment name in the name of your file.
There are 6 questions total. Be sure to complete each section:
- Academic Integrity Basics,
- Citing and Referencing,
- Paraphrasing, and
Academic Integrity Basics
- Provide a description and an example to 4 of the following (don’t forget to include citations):
- Definition:Submitting or presenting work of another person(s)/organization in whole or substantial part as one’s own without proper citation and referencing.
- Example:Using an online translator to convert someone else’s work and then claiming it as one’s own work.
- Citation: (n.d.). Academic integrity
- Definition: Cheating is the use of aids and supports in order to secure an unfair advantage during testing or other scenarios
- Example:Copying answers from another student during a test or exam.
- Citation: (n.d.). Academic integrity
- Definition: Deliberately submitting work prepared collaboratively with someone else without explicit permission from the instructor.
- Example: Reviewing a previously submitted assignment, with instructor’s feedback, which was provide by a student who took the course in a prior semester to avoid research.
- Citation: Unauthorized Collaboration. (n.d.). Academic integrity
- Definition: Falsifying information with the goal of deception.
- Example: Altering or falsifying medical, academic or other documents or records.
- Citation: (n.d.). Academic integrity
- Definition: Helping someone in an act of Academic Dishonesty.
- Example: Causing a distraction in a testing situation that prevents the professor or proctor from observing other students.
- Citation:Aiding, Abetting and Unscholarly Behaviour. (n.d.). Academic integrity
References:above mention data collected from college ‘’
Citing and Referencing
- Provide the proper in-text citation and reference to the following:
- YouTube: (hint: Person or group who uploaded video. (Date of publication). Title of video [Video]. Website host. URL )
In-text citation | What’s the stylish way to ease someone’s pain and suffering? In this beautifully amped RSA Short, Brown reminds us that we can only produce a genuine humane connection if we’re stalwart enough to really get in touch with our own fragilities. |
Reference | RSA. (2013, December 10). Brené Brown on Empathy [Video]. YouTube.
- Course Content: Week 3 – Connecting Success with Goals and Goal Setting
In-text citation | |
Reference | |
- Website article: When COVID-19 Breaches the Brain
In-text citation | By Emily Deans M.D. published March 2, 2021 |
Reference | |
Paraphrasing is putting information into your own words.
- Below are 3 quotes from this course (textbook and modules). Paraphrase each phrase.
Original Source | Paraphrase |
a) “Multitasking is the term commonly used for being engaged in two or more different activities at the same time, usually referring to activities using devices such as cell phones, smartphones, computers, and so on. Many people claim to be able to do as many as four or five things simultaneously, such as writing an e-mail while responding to an instant message (IM) and reading a tweet, all while watching a video on their computer monitor or talking on the phone” (College Success, 2015, p. 69) | a) “Multitasking is a process of doing two and three tasks in a common time so in this processutilization of time and resources with the help of devices such as internet and cell phones .Most of the people said that they can perform multiple task for instance writing and listening on a one time.It also impact on the development of cognitive skills.
(College Success, 2015, p. 69) |
b) “A student who acts with academic integrity follows the policies and procedures of the college and evaluation instructions to create original work that honestly reflects their ability to meet course outcomes. The word integrity includes several pieces to a definition: acting with ethics and moral principles, strength of personal character, honesty, and a sense of ‘wholeness’” (Week 4, What is Academic Integrity?). | b) “A pupil who perform a offence of academic integrity whereas to the council’s programs and proceduresfurthermore the evaluation instructions, to make original work that directly reflects their capability to meet course issues.” The official definition of integrity includes” acting with principles and moral principles, particular character strength, honesty, and a sense of’ wholeness'” (Week 4, What is Academic Integrity?). |
c) “A goal is a result we intend to reach mostly through our own actions. Things we do may move us closer to or farther away from that result. Studying moves us closer to success in a difficult course, while sleeping through the final examination may completely prevent reaching that goal” (College Success, 2015, p. 55). | c) “A goal is a outcome of an effort which we want to achieve as a success that we intend to achieve primarily through our own actions.” We can put more hard work for bringing us closer or further away from that outcome. Studying brings us near to completing a specific course, whereas sleeping through the final test may fully help us from achieving it” (College Success, 2015, p. 55). |
Summarizing includes putting information in your own words and including support from a source, either through paraphrasing or quoting.
- Find a website article of your choice and write a brief paragraph explaining the article. Include in-text citation(s) and full reference.
Link to article: |,+U.+(2018).+What+is+globalization%3F.+John+Wiley+%26+Sons.&ots=goq80Q-Wwx&sig=Jawvo5yC1tsabjok3die-q3QDSI&redir_esc=y#v=onepage&q=Beck%2C%20U.%20(2018).%20What%20is%20globalization%3F.%20John%20Wiley%20%26%20Sons.&f=false |
Summary: | Globalization is defined how exchange of trade and services between nations and societies are connection each other and create world as a global village people can get best services and things globalization has been helpful since past era because it promoted growth and culture. |
Reference: | Beck, U. (2018). What is globalization?. John Wiley & Sons. |
- Find a video about study strategies. Write a brief paragraph on the video, include in-text citation(s) and full reference.
Link to video: | |
Summary: | According to the video we should adopt understanding approach rather than cramming method because it helpful for mental development and we should study on a specific time also make a timetable for study. |
Reference: | AsapSCIENCE. (2015, September 3). The 9 BEST Scientific Study Tips[Video]. YouTube.
- Using the Conestoga College Library website, find an academic journal article about sports psychology. Write a brief paragraph on the video, include in-text citation(s) and full reference.
Abstract: | sport psychology professionals( SPPs) have identify the value of being apprehensive of culture in their scholarly and applied practice. still, there’s still a gap between this recognition and the implementation of these artistic lenses in sport psychology( SP). We’re try to find and understand the perceived gests of SPPs of the challenges faced while integrating and enforcing culture in their scholarly and applied practice. |
summary: | ON the foundation position in a critical realist philosophical frame, we conducted a study using semistructured interviews and a consensual qualitative exploration( Hill, 2012) methodological approach to dissect the data. We canvassed 25 encyclopedically positioned SPPs( 13 males and 12 ladies) with roughly 18 times(17.83, SD = 10.88) of professional experience. We developed two main groups one is a and b( a) SP as a culturally challenged field and( b) particular challenges to artistic SP practice. Although these SPPs conceded the significance of culture in developing and enforcing SP exploration studies and applied interventions, they also honored how most education and applied practices are still innovated in Westernized ethnocentric philosophical hypotheticals. |
Reference: | Quartiroli, A., Vosloo, J., Schinke, R. J., Anderson, S. N., Fisher, L. A., &Giffin, C. E. (2021). Sport psychology professionals’ perceptions of the roadblocks to cultural sport psychology. Sport, Exercise, and Performance Psychology, 10(2), 240–256. |
Research Proposal – The role of AI in the selection processes of skilled employees.
Topic- The role of AI in the selection processes of skilled employees. Aim- To analyse the impact...
Mental Health Issues
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