Module Code
This module has a two-part summative assessment. The first element is the production of
an electronic academic poster that will focus on collaborative and partnership working in
public health / healthcare. The second is a 2500 essay that critically discusses and evaluates
the importance of management and leadership theory within a public health and /or
healthcare management context. The two elements are not directly linked. The weighting of
each component of the assessment is 50%.
Formative assessment
To support your summative assessments, we also provide support via two formative
1. You will produce an electronic academic poster on one PowerPoint slide which will
critically analyse collaborative / partnership working issues in an existing collaborative /
partnership public health and / or healthcare management project of your choice. In
particular there should be a critical discussion of the effectiveness of the collaborative work/
partnership. Examples of projects will be available on the e-learning portal or you can find
your own. This will be presented to your peers in class for review and feedback. You will also
have the opportunity to ask the module tutor questions and get feedback during a group
tutorial session. This peer and tutor feedback will help you to develop your final electronic
academic poster which is one element of the summative assessment.
The electronic academic poster will provide the opportunity for you to present a visual
representation of key issues relating to the rationale and effectiveness of an example of
public health or healthcare management collaborative / partnership working. (All MLOs)
2. You will be asked to produce one page outline plan of your essay. This will be presented
to your peers for review and feedback. You will also have the opportunity to ask the module
tutor questions and get feedback during a group tutorial session. This peer and tutor
feedback will help you to develop your final essay which is the second element of the
summative assessment. (All MLOs)
Summative assessment
Part 1 (50%)
You will produce the final version of your academic poster, which critically analyses
collaborative / partnership working issues within an existing collaborative / partnership
public health and / or healthcare management project. (All MLOs).
Part 2 (50%)
You will submit a 2,500 word essay which critically discusses and evaluates the importance
of management and leadership theory and its application within a public health and/or
healthcare context. You are encouraged to identify and write about a single public health or
healthcare topic (All MLOs).
Research Proposal – The role of AI in the selection processes of skilled employees.
Topic- The role of AI in the selection processes of skilled employees. Aim- To analyse the impact...
Mental Health Issues
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