7BSP1271-CASE STUDY : Marketing Across Cultures




Marketing Across Cultures

Module Code

7BSP1271-CASE STUDY : Marketing Across Cultures

Assessment Criteria
Learning Outcomes: Knowledge and Understanding assessed in this assignment:
 Evaluate and apply models of environmental analysis and in particular cultural analysis
 Evaluate and apply appropriate global marketing strategies
 Formulate and evaluate plans for the implementation of global marketing strategies
Learning Outcomes: Skills and Attributes assessed in this assignment:
 Gather, interpret and evaluate secondary global marketing data
 Explain and critique different global marketing strategies
 Advise on global marketing plans in terms of development implantation and control across cultures
Transformational Opportunities:
E.g. Use LinkedIn Learning to improve skills
 Develop an understanding of the contemporary marketing challenges in an international context
Feedback /Marking criteria for this Assignment
 Performance will be assessed using HBS Grading Criteria (Rubric)
 Feedback for improvement will be given in writing via your Canvas module site within 4 weeks of
 Lateness Penalty: For each day or part day up to five days after the published deadline, coursework
relating to modules submitted late will have the numeric grade reduced by 10 grade points until or
unless the numeric grade reaches the minimum pass mark (UG 40/PG 50).  Where the numeric
grade awarded for the assessment is less than the minimum pass mark no lateness penalty will be
applied.  If the coursework is submitted more than 5 days after the published deadline, it will not be
marked and a grade of zero will be awarded. Please note: Referred coursework submitted after
the published deadline will be awarded a grade of zero (0).”

Extensions: Students do not have an automatic right to an extension.  If you require an extension,
this must be requested in advance of the submission deadline.  Please give your reason(s) for
needing an extension.

Detailed Brief for Individual / Team Assignment
Assignment Title: Case Study (1 Essay and 1 Report Format)
Description of the assignment, task, content and structure:

Assessment Brief 2022

Karen Robins – Updated June 2022
This assessment consists of Two Case Studies for which you will present separate answers and answer the
questions in Essay and Report format respectively.  You may should make use of paragraphs and sub-
headings to help structure your work.
Section A (750 words – Essay format): All students should complete the questions in section A which
focuses on a single case study
Section B (1250 words – Report Format): Students will choose ONE OPTION case study and present an
answer to the questions posed. No additional marks will be gained by answering more than one option in this
section. The first answer will be marked, and any other work ignored.

 Case Study A: Essay 750 words – Glimmer
This case study is about a growing company that wants to develop its international marketing activity. Your
essay should critically discuss the issues that arise when marketing across cultures in this particular market
sector. You are expected to undertake research to (i) further understand the Jewellery market and the
market of your choice and (ii) address cultural issues
1. Critically discuss the cultural considerations for the Jewellery Company, Glimmer, on entering a
market of your choice. You should focus your answer on the potential growing market for
jewellery among men or children. You will need to conduct further research.
2. Critically discuss what market entry strategy the company founders, Dominic and Dion Osei,
should use to enter this market.

Glimmer – Unisex Jewellery at affordable prices
GLIMMER is a young and growing small business based in the UK.  They sell a wide range of precious
metal jewellery (gold and silver) at affordable prices. GLIMMER was established in July 2015 by brothers
Dion and Dominic Osei and retails online.  Passionate about design, they offer a wide range of products,
displaying over 800 items on their website. Their aim is to show that precious metal jewellery is as affordable
as costume jewellery, with a belief that buying jewellery should be easy, fun and fast. As Glimmer does not
have a high-street presence, their website is currently the only way to access their products and is therefore
essential to the day-to-day success of the business. They have a young dynamic team and high levels of
customer service.
Glimmer is not a luxury brand instead they position themselves as ‘there for those wanting jewellery for
everyday wear, for those who always want to look their best’. Key market trends indicate that branded and
unique products have a high appeal with the 16-34-year-old market and that Christmas and birthdays are the
highest gifting periods (Mintel, 2022).   The company’s primary target market segment is women aged 22-40
who buy jewellery as a treat for themselves and their loved ones.  However, in recent months they have
begun to see an increase in purchases by parents for their children, like trends in the United States (Taylor,
2021) and sales to young men aged 16- 34 who, following in the footsteps of global celebrities and
influencers like ASAP Rocky, Harry Styles and Jackson Wang are wearing jewellery. Their research has
revealed that male jewellery has been a feature of many fashion catwalks in recent seasons and is worn by
high profile celebrities resulting in a steady growth in demand as it becomes mainstream (GQ, 2021;
Velasco, 2021).  A recent 12-month birthday-based promotion for their zodiac based jewellery collection
aimed at the 16-34-year-old male market has been a huge success.
As founder Dion commented, “the main thrust of the campaign has been to use online channels to
demonstrate the brand through interesting content”.  This was supplemented by paid for content (advertising)
mainly on Instagram and Facebook and they introduced pop-up shops in high footfall locations across the
UK during peak seasons to capitalise on the post-pandemic return to shopping malls.
The brothers are now considering branching out overseas with their offer and want to understand and
address their international offering. They know that jewellery is a significant cultural artefact worldwide and
want to understand more about the implications of this for their business.  As a web-based business, they
also would like to have a clearer idea about the best way to enter any new markets as they appreciate this
distribution channel may not be suitable in other territories.
Mintel (2022) Jewellery & Watches Retailing – UK – 2022. Mintel. Available at:  https://reports-mintel-
com.ezproxy.herts.ac.uk/display/1102645/?fromSearch=%3Ffreetext%3Djewellery%26resultPosition%3D1 L

Assessment Brief 2022

Karen Robins – Updated June 2022
inks to an external site.[Accessed: 22 November, 2022].
Taylor, R. (2021) Jewel your rattles: the rise of gifting luxury jewellery to children. FT.com. Available
at: https://www.ft.com/content/f57bb8ac-dcc5-439b-9f73-cedc262d48bd Links to an external site.[Accessed
22 November, 2022].
Velasco, M. (2021) 13 Chic Men's Jewelry Brands to Shop. L’Officiel. Available at:
https://www.lofficielusa.com/men/unisex-mens-jewelry-brands-mejuri-martine-ali-balenciagaLinks to an
external site.
[Accessed 22 November, 2022].

 Case Study B: Report 1,250 words – Bioko Treats
This case study is about creating a marketing plan for the company – Bioko Treats (www.biokotreats.com) to
develop the marketing across cultures. You should follow a report format and choose ONE of the following
markets for entry:
 United Kingdom
 India
 South Africa
 Malaysia
 China
A Marketing Plan for Bioko Treats (www.biokotreats.com)
Bioko Treats is a company based in Accra, Ghana, home of some of the best cocoa in the world. Bioko is
dedicated to crafting gorgeous and delightful chocolate using Ghana’s famed Forastero cocoa infused with
mostly local ingredients.  The company makes handcrafted dark and milk chocolate manufactured in-house
using traceable beans from the Eastern Region of Ghana.
The company was founded by Jeanne Donkor who lived in the United States before returning to Ghana a
few years ago to set up her business. The company’s strap line is ‘chocolate is our Akɔnɔdiɛ (a-kon-o-di-e)’ it
means desirable and connotes sweetness – perfectly describing Bioko’s desire to bring sweet delicacies to
its customers.  Its range consists of chocolate bars, pralines and other specialities such as cookies and
bespoke boxes.
The market for chocolate is worldwide but varies by region (Del Prete and Samoggia, 2020; Sondhi and
Chawla, 2017). In addition, there has been a trend in recent years for the development of artisan or bean to
bar chocolate (Cadby and Araki, 2022) which Bioko produces.
Donkor knows that the potential for additional sales is impacted by culture and regional differences, as well
as the products’ country of origin (Basfirinci and Cilingir, 2020). Now she is planning to develop her business
by taking it overseas.  She has already explored a range of options for collaborating with distributors
including exporting and licencing for production abroad. Her main concern however is the suitability of her
product for foreign markets and she would like your advice on whether she would be best to standardise or
adapt this food product.  She needs your help to design her marketing mix.
Basfirinci, C. and Cilingir, Z. (2020) ‘Does Country of Origin Matter for Chocolate? Ethnocentrism,
Involvement, and Perceived Risk for Turkish University Students’. Journal of Food Products Marketing. 26(2)
pp. 144-184 [Online] Available at: DOI: 10.1080/10454446.2020.1740128 [Accessed: 22 November, 2022].
Bioko Treats (2022) Bioko: Best of Ghana’s Chocolates. [Online] Available at: https://biokotreats.com/ Links
to an external site. [Accessed: 22 November 2022].
Cadby, J. and Araki, T. (2022) ‘The recent rise of craft chocolate in Japan: A 2019 snapshot’. Journal of
Agriculture and Food Research. 7 p.100273. [Online] Available
at: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2666154322000060 Links to an external
site.[Accessed 22 November 2022].
Del Prete, M. and Samoggia, A. (2020) ‘Chocolate consumption and purchasing behaviour review: Research
issues and insights for future research’. Sustainability. 12(14), p.5586 [Online] Available
at: https://www.mdpi.com/2071-1050/12/14/5586 Links to an external site.[Accessed: 22 November, 2022].

Assessment Brief 2022

Karen Robins – Updated June 2022
Sondhi, N. and Chawla, D. (2017) ‘Segmenting and Profiling the Chocolate Consumer: An Emerging Market
Perspective’. Journal of Food Products Marketing. 23(2) pp.123-143, [Online] Available at:
DOI: 10.1080/10454446.2017.1244784 Links to an external site. [Accessed: 22 November 2022].

* More reading materials and guidance will be provided in week 7, 20th March during the lecture.

Any specific instructions:
The HBS Grading Criteria (rubric) will evidence how marks are awarded for individual parts of
the assignment i.e. Presentation and Structure, Intellectual Curiosity and Referencing, Content, Analysis,
The aim of the assignment is to allow you to demonstrate your understanding of how an organisation
strategically designs it activities in international markets and cultures.
This assignment requires you to consider the context of the case study organisation and to apply concepts
and theories related to the management of marketing across cultures.  Your answer should be guided
by consideration of the module material and MUST remain focused on issues relevant to marketing. Tutorial
activities and support given in your AEB class are designed to help you do well in your assignment. Students
should therefore ensure they complete weekly preparation tasks so that they are familiar with the nature of
the assignment and able to participate in analysis, evaluation