Module Code
Write a 1500-word critical review of one of the following 8 recent articles and propose a
research project linked to the topic:
1. Li 2022 (HR and performance)
2. Larsen Østerud 2022 (Recruitment and Selection)
3. Yates 2022 (Training and Development)
4. Terry et al 2021 (Performance Management)
5. Tse 2022 (Reward)
6. Aboubichr & Conway 2021 (HR in the public sector)
7. Richards & Sang 2021 (HR and Ethics)
8. Kirkton & Guillaume 2022 (Employment Relations)
Your essay should have the following structure:
The title should have the following format: Critical review of [ARTICLE TITLE] by
Introduce the topic and the purpose of the essay
o State which article you are reviewing and why
Summarise the structure of your essay
Provide a brief summary of the article, including the main argument, theoretical
approach and key findings
Evaluate the article using academic articles from journals on the ABS list (NB: you can
also use non-academic evidence (eg. News stories, CIPD articles) to supplement
academic evidence).
Summarise the purpose of the review and the points made in the body of the essay
Research proposal
Propose a qualitative, interview-based research project linked to your critical review
– If you were to do a research project on this topic, what would you investigate and
o Specify the aim of your research (What will you investigate?)
o State your research question (What question will the research look to
o Justify your research project (Why is it imperative that we look into this?)
o Include 3 interview questions you would ask the participants in your research
Not included in the word count
***Please refer to the assessment section on Canvas for further guidance and resources***
Module Learning Outcomes:
In this assessment the following learning outcomes will be covered:
Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the origins and development of HRM
and critically evaluate the reason for its prominence in the contemporary work
Critically appraise the effect of HRM on the competitive advantage of the firm;
Critically evaluate the impact of HRM policies and practices in various industrial
sectors and for various occupational groups;
Demonstrate comprehensive understanding of the relationship between HRM and
more traditional forms of participation such as collective bargaining and industrial
relations and evaluate the impact of the former on the latter.
Grading Criteria:
Has a clear structure: follows the required structure, essay form, logical and clear
presentation of the review
Demonstrates critical thinking: shows reflection and weighs up different arguments
and perspectives, takes position
Uses evidence: appropriately applies knowledge from academic articles from ABS
listed journals to evaluate the article
Proposes a possible research project linked to the review: clearly states the purpose,
research question, and interview questions for the research project
Is well written with appropriate referencing: Uses Harvard style referencing.
Suggested breakdown of the total word count:
This is to give you a broad indication of the size that each section should have within the
total word count (1500 words):
Introduction: around 200 words
Body: around 800 words
Conclusion: around 300 words
Project proposal: around 200 words
NB: You have + or – 10% for the total word count (i.e. 2250-2750 words).
Feedback to Students:
Both Summative and Formative feedback is given to encourage students to reflect on their
learning that feed forward into following assessment tasks. The preparation for all
assessment tasks will be supported by formative feedback within the tutorials/seminars.
Written feedback is provided as appropriate. Please be aware to use the browser and not
the Canvas App as you may not be able to view all comments.
It is your responsibility to ensure that you understand correct referencing practices. You are
expected to use appropriate references and keep carefully detailed notes of all your
information sources, including any material downloaded from the Internet. It is your
responsibility to ensure that you are not vulnerable to any alleged breaches of the
assessment regulations. More information is available at .
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