

University of Birmingham


Business Management

Module Code


Answer all the questions below (and follow the instructions):
1. Will you be using any data in your project?
NO (Jump to part 5)
YES (please read the statement below, tick the check-boxes and then go on to part 2)
I will store the data on password-protected computers and that have disk or file encryption.
I will pass the data on to university staff involved in my studies, if they request it for the
purpose of my studies and if the data use agreements permit it, on the understanding they
will destroy their copies after my registration for the current study programme ends.
I will retain the data in case it needs to be inspected, up until my registration for the current
study programme ends. Thereafter I will destroy it if the data-use agreements request it.
2. Will you be using secondary data in your project?
{Secondary data are data that were previously collected by an institution or another person.
Usually these data come from a statistical office, a research centre, an internet data provider or a
data company.}
NO (jump to part 3)
YES (confirm you will comply with all the statements below by ticking all the boxes, then go on
to part 3)
I will respect the terms and conditions of the data provider.
I will not attempt to find the identity of any individuals within the data.
I will not produce tables or graphs that allow the identification of individuals in the data.
3. Will you be collecting primary data in your project?
{Primary data are data you collect yourself, usually by interviewing individuals directly in a survey,
by carrying out a laboratory experiment, or by collecting original new data on the internet.}
NO (jump to part 5)
YES (confirm you will comply with all the statements below by ticking all the boxes)
I will ensure participants are fully informed as to what their participation will entail.
I will tell participants their participation is voluntary and based on their informed consent.
I will tell participants they may withdraw from the research at any time and for any reason
up until the assignment is submitted.
I will tell participants that their data will be kept confidential.
I will obtain consent from each participant before their primary data collection begins,
either electronically or on a paper consent form. This includes the consent from the

‘gatekeepers’ of any company data. These consent forms will remain confidential and I will
produce them if required to by an approved member of the university.
My data collection will be sensitive to any group who has particular cultural, religious or
social beliefs.
My project will not induce psychological stress or anxiety beyond the risks encountered in
the participant’s normal life.
My project will not involve members of vulnerable groups e.g. children (under 18), people
with learning or communication difficulties, in custodial care, etc.
My project will not involve discussions of sensitive topics affecting individual respondents,
or people engaged in illegal activities (e.g. drug use).
4a. Additional question for students collecting primary data.
Will you be interviewing participants with whom you have a working or personal relationship? (e.g.
family, friends or colleagues)
YES (Briefly explain below why this is necessary)

4b. Additional question for students collecting primary data.
There are good ethical and safety reasons for not deceiving the people we are surveying but in
some rare cases non-harmful, temporary deceit might be allowable in a discipline (e.g. concealing
labels in a product trial). Will you be temporarily deceiving survey participants in any way?
YES (Briefly explain below why this is necessary and outline how you will ensure the
participants will not come to any harm. For example, how you will ensure your experiment
does not cause participants to consume products they are allergic to or to take actions that go
against their religious or ethical beliefs. Also explain that the deceit will end before the end of
the interview process.)

5. I hereby affirm that all the statements I have made are truthful:
Student’s name:
Now submit this form online and inform your supervisor. Your online submission will be used to
confirm you understand the options you have selected and will be used to date the document.
Thereafter your supervisor and another academic will give it an online ‘Complete’ mark if they
approve it. If you receive any ‘Incomplete’ marks, your supervisor should provide comments on
what to change and you must re-submit it as soon as possible to avoid penalties.