Module Code
Task/assessment brief:
Assessment 2: (WRIT1) Business Report
Writing an effective business report is a necessary skill for communicating ideas in the business world.
Reports usually address a specific issue or problem and are often commissioned when a decision
needs to be made. They present the author’s findings in relation to the issue or problem and then
recommend a course of action for the organisation to take. The key to a good report is in-depth
analysis. Good writers will show their reader how they have interpreted their findings. The reader will
understand the basis on which the conclusions are drawn as well as the rationale for the
recommendations (University of Wellington, 2016).
You will have understood the context of business challenge presented to you for PRES1. You are now
required to follow up the work completed for this task by producing a professional business report, so
that you can propose a solution to the challenge in depth. The report should serve as a means of
presenting, in a written format, the investigation, analysis and evaluation of, and solution to, the
business challenge based on clearly articulated research, evidence and analysis. You should use the
following structure for your report:
1. Introduction
2. Extended Context
a. The Business Challenge
b. Organisational Context
3. Solutions
a. Options
b. Preferred Option/Solution
c. Implementation
d. Evaluation
4. Conclusion and Recommendations
Further detail related to the recommended contents for each of the above sections will be provided
during lectures (also see WRIT1 support document).
You are required to complete an individual 2,800-word (± 10%) business report based on the
business challenge. The word count excludes appendices and the reference list. The report
should enable readers to understand the business challenge, its context, and the means by which
you have arrived at a suitable and viable solution. Your business report should be professional,
produced in a suitable layout and format, and structured logically and coherently. The report should
make appropriate use of theory, relevant analytical and evaluation tools and can include appendices
in support of its content. Appropriate academic and industry literature must be applied to the report,
supported by the inclusion of a reference list, in-text citations, and correct use of Harvard
• This is an individual assessment
• You must use and apply appropriate theory, tools, models and techniques from this module
to inform your understanding of the problem, problem solving and generation of solutions.
These must be included in your report.
• Theory from other years 1 & 2 modules can and should be used where appropriate.
• You must use, include and reference correctly appropriate academic and industry literature
in the production of the business report.
• The business report word count of 2,800 ± 10% words excludes appendices and the
reference list but includes in-text citations. The word count must be followed.
• Harvard Referencing must be used. More information on Harvard Referencing can be found
• The business report must be written in the 3 rd person.
• No primary research can be conducted. All information must be obtained from secondary
• Further guidance on the requirements of this assessment will be provided during the
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