2223B – Mapping your Skills and Knowledge
Glasgow Caledonian University
Data Science
Module Code
2223B - Mapping your Skills and Knowledge
You are required to prepare a ten slide PowerPoint with voice over (lasting no longer than 10 mins). The content of the
presentation should include the following elements:
- The employability mapping from before your work related activity and then the 2nd mapping from after your work related
- Analysis of the shifts and changes in your perception of skills and knowledge development, using the dimensions, over the term of the
- The first slide should contain your name and title of the presentation and the last slide should contain closing remarks and any
- A voice over explaining each slide
- Highlight an explanation of what you plan to do next in terms of your professional practice and
To submit your presentation please upload to Turnitin. Help sheets on how to prepare PPT voice over are available on GCU Learn.
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