Module Code
- acasestudyonadigitalbusiness(4sections2,500wordsintotal)and
- write a reflective statement on their learning experience, team presentation (please see below), the feedback they received and how they made use of this feedback (3 sections 1,500 words in total).
The case studyand reflective statement are bothINDIVIDUALpieces of work and together they represent 100% of the module mark.
Assessment criteria for both components are (i) informativeness, (ii) engagement with relevant literature, (iii) analysis and (iv) structure and writing. For clarity, in the reflective statement component, relevant literature corresponds to the literature on professional skills (e.g. project management, leadership) and analysis refers to using analytical skills for making sense of your own learning experiences.
You are expected to keep evidence of your engagement with the sources you used in your assessment(foryourcasestudyandreflectivestatement)includingscreenshotsordigitalrecords of your search through academic search engines, your literature notes and drafts of both assessment components. You are responsible from keeping this content safe and clearly organised. You will add some of this evidence as appendix to your submission (see below) and you may be asked to show all this evidence to your lecturers following your submission.
Component One: Case Study
Thecasestudyisaresearch-based,student-ledassignment.Youareexpectedtocollectreliable and relevant information about the digital business that you are studying, review the relevant literatureandanalysetheinformationyoucollectedinthelightofyourliteraturereviewtoproduce an informative and coherent case study.
- Your case study should be about a digital business organisation that was founded after 30 September 2003 (hence, not more than 20 years old).
- Thedigitalbusinessorganisationthatyouchooseshouldbeoperatingintheindustryyou are assigned for teamwork in Week 2 (e.g. Fintech). You will be asked to work in teams and analyse a digital business sector. You will produce a collaborative literature review and analyse the business environment at national, or global level. You will present your collaborativeworkduringseminarinWeek6andreceiveaformativemark(thatdoesnot affect the final module mark) and constructive feedback from their lecturer and peers in Week 7. The digital business that you will study individually will, then, be from the same sector that you studied as a team (e.g. Klarna).
- Wewouldliketoencourageyoutothinkaboutyourcasestudyorganisationearlyonand wewouldliketoseeagoodvarietyoforganisationsbeingstudied.Forthesereasons,we willaskyoutoindicatetheorganisationyouchoosebymakingashortpostonthemodule eLP (Blackboard).
You can choose any digital organization (observing the rules above) as long as you post yourchoiceuntil06November2023,12.00noon.Afterthistime,youcanonlychoosean organisation that hasn’t been chosen by another student before you.
You can change the organisation you are studying until the submission deadline following thesame three rules.
As it is mentioned above, there is a link between collaborative work for which you will receive formative mark and feedback, and the individual work for which you will receive a summative markandfeedback.Thislinkisdesignedforenrichingyourlearningexperienceandmakingsure thatyouwillbenefitfromteamworkandexperientiallearningaswellasindividualandself-directed study. However, you should not submit industry level teamwork output as your individual assessment. Instead, you are expected to conduct further research and initiate a dialogue between the industry and the business, as well as examining the relationships between the business environment and business plan, the academic literature and the case study.
The case study should have four sections; three of which you choose from the options given below (2250 words in total), and a Section 4: Key Insights (see below, 250 words).
Each of the three sections you choose from the options will correspond to 20% of your assessment mark. Key insights section corresponds to 10% of your assessment mark.
You can choose any three of the following options to build your optional sections. However, you need to make sure that the sections you write are coherent with each other and together they producekeyinsightsaboutinnovationandentrepreneurshipindigitalbusinessesthatyouexplain and justify in Section 4: Key Insights (see below).
Inthisoption,youdevelopasectionofyourcasestudythatpresentsanoverviewofthecompany and a critical analysis of its emerging entrepreneurial narrative.
A narrative is a description of connected events, similar to history, or a story. Furthermore, narratives often cover, or provide insights on relevant contexts and actors, as well as significant changesintheseelements.Narrativeshaveanimportantroleinhowwemakesenseofcomplex phenomena.Simplyput,anentrepreneurialnarrativeisabriefstoryaboutanentrepreneur,oran entrepreneurialorganisation.Itcanincludehowanorganisationwasfoundedandgrew,itsmajor milestones and/or its distinctive features.
Whilepresentingyourcriticalanalysisoftheentrepreneurialnarrativeofthedigitalbusinessyou are studying, clearly distinguish between the way(s) the business, its founders and managers introduce,defineandpositionthebusiness,howothersources(e.g.inmedia,academicliterature) describe this business and how you see this business based on the data and information you collected.Structureyoursectioninaclearwaytomakethesedistinctionscleartothereaders.If relevant, include comparisons and contrasts between these different aspects of the entrepreneurial narrative, or discuss the changes over time to enrich your critical analysis.
In this option, you are expected to write a literature review that helps readers appreciate your casestudy,aswellaswhyitisinterestingandworthstudying.Theliteraturereviewcanprovide atheoreticalperspectiveforanalysingandmakingsenseofthecase.Itcanalsoinformreaders on the nature of the industry including major strategic considerations, opportunities and challenges and/or societal considerations.
A literature review involves careful engagement with academic literature (e.g. academic books and journal articles). You are expected to read academic publications, take notes, analyse and organiseyournotesandproduceacoherent,wellorganisedtextthatinformsreadersaboutthe studies you have reviewed.
Yourliteraturereviewsectionwouldbuilduponandfurtherdevelopsthecollaborativeanalyses you conducted in your team. For clarity, do not copy and paste your collaborative literature review. Instead conduct further research to create a dialogue between the industry level analysis you have done collectively and the organisation level analysis that you carry out individually.
In this option, the section you write is an analysis of the macro business environment with aspecific focus on the impact on the digital business you are studying. Like option 2, this section builds upon and further develops the collaborative analyses you conducted in your team. Macro environment typically refers to global or national business environment.
Pleaseprovideanoverviewofyourfindingsinyourteamworkaboutthebusinessenvironmentin the sector that you studied. This may have similarities (in terms of data, facts and sources) with yourteampresentation,butthetextshouldbeyourownindividualworksummarisingthefindings that you find important. Then, discuss the impact of the business environment on the digital business that you are studying. Provide further sources and evidence to justify your arguments.
Inthisoption,thesectionyouwriteisananalysisofthemicrobusinessenvironmentwithaspecificfocusontheimpactonthedigitalbusinessyouarestudying.Likeoption2and3,asectionwritten following option 4 would build upon and further develops the collaborative analyses you conductedinyourteam.Microenvironmenttypicallyreferstoindustry-level,orsectoralbusiness environment.
Pleaseprovideanoverviewofyourfindingsinyourteamworkaboutthebusinessenvironmentin the sector that you studied. This may have similarities (in terms of data, facts and sources) with yourteampresentation,butthetextshouldbeyourownindividualworksummarisingthefindings that you find important. Then, discuss the impact of the business environment on the digital business that you are studying. Provide further sources and evidence to justify your arguments.
In this option, the section you will develop will present a description and assessment of the business model of the digital business you are studying.
Yourdescriptionoftheorganisation’sbusinessmodelshouldclearlyidentifythevalueproposition of the company, and explain how it creates/plans to create this value for its customers. You can use Strategic Management tools such as Business Model Canvas to structure, or support your discussion. Your critical assessment of the business model can also include the societal impact of the business and/or its impact on the natural environment.
Your assessment of the company’s business model should analyse and critically evaluate strengths and limitations of the company’s business model. This analysis should be informed by and ideally would build links to the literature review and business environment analysis you collaboratively produced in your teamwork, as well as the sections you wrote individually.
The fourth and final section of your case study involves a short statement about the key insights of the case study. This section is not optional.
For preparing this statement, please first consider what you have learned from this work. What do you expect readers to learn by reading your case study? What makes this case study interesting and worthwhile reading? Then, clearly state the key insights of your study.
Your statement can include references to academic literature based on team or individual literature review, or to other relevant and reliable sources. It needs to be clear and to the point.
Students are advised to read their case study once again after they wrote their key insight statement. Please consider whether you were able to develop these insights sufficiently in your case study and if you explained them clearly. If you are unsure about these questions, please have another look at your work and try to improve its content, analysis, structure and clarity. Reviewing and editing are important parts of producing academic outputs. When you are happy withyourupdatedtext,youwillprobablyhaveimprovedthequalityofyourworkandyourchances of achieving a higher mark.
Component Two: Reflective statements
For the second component of the assignment, you are asked to reflect on your learning experiences in the module in three sections. It corresponds to 30% of your assessment mark.
Agoodreflectivestatementisauthenticasopposedtogeneric.Yourreflectivestatementshould bebasedonexamplesandevidencesofyourengagementwiththemodule.Pleasebeawarethat fabricating evidence of engagement in this context can be considered as academic misconduct, as it involves dishonesty related to the nature and content of your assignment.
Please allow yourself time to work in at least few rounds of describing your specific learning experiences, using your analytical skills to make sense of these experiences, exploring relative literature (e.g. on teamwork, learning from feedback), and structuring your text for clearly communicating these analyses and learning.
Thefirstsectionofyourreflectivestatementfocusesonyourdiverselearningexperiencesinthis module.
By referring to specific examples (e.g. topics, activities) from lectures, seminars, electronic learning platform (Blackboard), teamwork and self-directed study, reflect on your learning and your professional development through your engagement in this module. Highlight your key insights, topics that you are most interested in as well as challenges and difficulties you have faced. Analyse how you could improve the outcomes if you started over and carry this learning forward in plans for the future.
You need to attach evidences of engagement with module activities as appendices to your reflective statement (please see below).
Basedonyourseminaroutputsandfurtherresearchthroughacademicandpractitionerliterature, describe what successful teamwork mean to you. Explain how you implemented successful teamwork practices in this module, and reflect on your experiences and outputs.
You need to attach evidences of engagement with module activities as appendices to your reflective statement (please see below).
Thethirdandfinalsectionofyourreflectivestatementfocusesonthefeedbackyoureceivedfrom your lecturer and peer students, and how you incorporated this feedback to improve your individual case study.
Basedonyourseminaroutputsandfurtherresearchthroughacademicandpractitionerliterature, discusstheroleofconstructivefeedbackinbusinessandprofessionaldevelopment.Explainhow you implemented giving, receiving and acting upon constructive feedback in this module.
You need to attach evidences of engagement with module activities as appendices to your reflective statement (please see below).
You need to support your case study with evidence of engagement with academic literature as well as other reliable sources and datasets about the organisation you study. These include:
- Screenshotorsavedsearchresultsforacademicsearchengines
- Screenshotsofrelevantpagesof3sourcesyouused most
You need to support your reflective statements described above by attaching evidences of engagementwithmoduleactivitiesasappendicestoyourreflectivestatement.Theseevidences and examples include but are not limited to:
- relevantshortsectionsfromyourlecture/studynotes
- screenshotsofyourcontributiontoelectroniclearningplatformdiscussions
- selectedseminaroutputs(e.g.statementonsuccessfulteamwork),
- examplesofyourimplementationofteamworkpractices(e.g.minutesofmeeting,shared objectives)
- yournotesofthefeedbackyourteamreceived
- yourformativemarkonyourteampresentation
Please briefly explain in one or two sentences how each item in your appendix support your reflection on module learning activities.
This is a research-based assignment. Your case study and reflective statement should be clear, concise, well-organised and structured. While producing your research-based arguments and analyses, be selective and prioritise the most important facts and/or findings.
In research-based assignments, you are expected to justify all your arguments. Your analytical discussionmustbesupportedbyasignificantnumberofreliablesources.Yourreferencesshould include academic publications. So, as a rule of thumb, avoid large chunks of text withoutany in- text references.
As mentioned above, SM7515 assessment case study is intended to be an individual piece of work.Students must not copy or collude with one another or present any information that they themselves have not generated as their own work.
Referencing: All sources that you use for yourcase study need to be cited both in the textand in a separate sectionat the end of your case study. Referencing should be done in APA 6th or 7th style. Referencing styles provide a standard format for noting the details of the sources that you use.
In-text references clarify which arguments or facts are coming fromwhich source, or sources. In APA style, the author’s or authors’ name(s) and the date of the publication are used for in-text references. For example:
Coutu(2009)foundthateveryteamneedsadeviant.Therearemanyexamplesofwhereteams go wrong (Coutu, 2009).
References are, then, also listed at the end of the text in alphabetical order by the first author’s name. The end-of-text references listed in this section have full details of the publication. The general format of an electronic journal reference in the APA style is shown below:
Coutu, D. (2009).Why Teams Don’t Work.Harvard Business Review,87(5), 98-105. Retrieved 29th April 2016 from EBSCO
Author/snameandinitialsarelistedfirst,followedbyyearofpublicationinbrackets.Thenthere is the title of article and the journal where the article appears, which is in italics. Then state the volumeandissuenumber(inbrackets)alongwiththepageswherearticlecanbelocated.Finally, add the date the article was retrieved and then the name of the database, followed by the web address. Wherever possible use the homepage URL rather than the full and extended web address.
InadditiontoAPAstandards,youarealsorequiredtonotepagenumbers(likeyouwould foradirectquotation,seebelow)forallofyoursources.Thisadditionalrequirementisfor us to be able to follow your engagement with academic literature more easily.
Thereferencelistshouldbeleft-aligned.Alllinesafterthefirstlineofeachentryinyourreference list should be indented one-half inch from the left margin.
For further information on the APA style of referencing see the Concise Rules of APA Style (6th ed.) through library and the APA website
Pleaseusedirectquotationonlywhenitisnecessaryandtrytokeepthemshort.Themajorityof yourassignmentshoulddemonstrateyourparaphrasing,interpretation,analysisandorganisation (of arguments and text) skills.
Clearly indicate direct quotations with double quotation marks and adding the page number (if available) to your in-text citation (e.g. Veblen, 1890 p.64 instead of Veblen, 1890).
Plagiarism:YourattentionisdrawntotheUniversity’sstatedpositiononplagiarism.THEWORK OFOTHERS,WHICHISINCLUDEDINTHEASSIGNMENTMUSTBEATTRIBUTEDTOITS
For further information on why it is important to reference accurately go to the Referencing and Plagiarism topic in Skills Plus available from the Library website: with the skills involved in writing your assessments and preparing for exams.
The format of your assignment:The assignment should be written in Arial, 11pt, left-aligned, 1½ spacing.
Theassignmentshouldhaveacoversheet.Acoversheetshouldincludemodulecode,module title, your student number and word count for each section.
DO NOT put Your Name, or any Tutor’s Name anywhere on your assignment. Everypageshouldbenumbered(inheaderorfooter)andshowyourstudentID.
Thewordcountallowanceforeachofthecomponentsisthewordlimitgivenabove+ 10%.
Submission deadline and extensions:Submission deadline has a date and time. One minute after the deadline is considered late submission.
If,duetovalidreasons,youneedanextension,pleasecontactStudentCentral(Ask4Help)team assoonaspossible,andbeforethesubmissiondeadline.Moduleteachingteamcannotapprove late submission requests.
Submitting your portfolio: This module requires only one submission to the eLP Assignment Submission Folder (Turnitin) before the Module Submission Deadline. No print copy will be required.
Pleasemakesureyousubmityourassessmentasapdffile.MoststudentsfirstproduceaWord document or a similar file and save it as a pdf file before submission.
Turnitincannotprocesssomefileformats(e.g.pagesfiles).Itisyourresponsibilitytosubmityour fileinanacceptableformat.Ifyouareindoubt,youcanusetheDraftSubmissionfoldertocheck if your submission produces a Turnitin similarity report (please see below).
Students with Approved Extensions will find that a special Turnitin folder ‘Extension’ will be available to them after the normal deadline has expired.
In addition, a ‘Late submission up to 24hrs’ Turnitin folder will be open on the eLP for 24 hours afterthedeadline(pleaseusethisfoldertosubmityourworkafterthedeadlineifyoudonothave an approved extension). Please see ARTA regulations for late submissions below.
Turnitinsimilaritycheck:YoucansubmityourdraftorfinishedassignmentstotheTurnitinDraft Folder before submitting to their Final Folder. You will, then, receive a Turnitin Similarity Report for your drafts. (See eLP for further instructions).
Please kindly note that this can take some time, so do not leave this task to the lastday. Please alsonotethatthefinalTurnitinSimilarityReportthatwillbeavailabletoyourmarkerswillcompare your work to that of your fellow students, and it may differ from the report you receive from the draft folder for this reason.
Whenyoureceiveyoursimilarityreportforyourdraft,pleasehavealookatsimilaritieshighlighted by Turnitin. Is it possible that you forgot to paraphrase your notes? This is your chance to catch these mistakes and avoid plagiarism.
After submission: Please take a screen shot of the Turnitin submission page and keep it at a safeplace.Pleasecontinuetofollowyouruniversityemailsregularly.Wemaycontactyouabout your submission.
MarkedassignmentswillbereturnedtostudentsviatheeLP.YourmarkwillbereturnedviaGrade Mark on the eLP.
StudentsareexpectedtobefamiliarwithallAcademicRegulations.Allstudentsshouldbeaware whichregulationsrelatetotheirprogrammeofstudy.Ifyouhaveanydifficultiesinunderstanding the regulations you should consult your Programme Leader, Faculty Registry team or Personal Tutor. You may also seek independent advice and support from the Students’ Union Advice & Representation Service ([email protected]).
- Itistheresponsibilityofthestudenttoattendscheduledclassesandcarryoutprescribed learning activities for the programme on which they are registered. The student is also expected to know when work is due to be submitted and when and where examinations are scheduled.
Students are expected to observe University regulations, which define and proscribe cheating, plagiarism and other forms of academic misconduct.They are also required to take reasonable precautions to guard against unauthorised access by others to their work.
Summarisingandcompressingtheinformationinyourassignmentintothewordlimitisoneofthe skillsthatstudentsareexpectedtoacquire,anddemonstrateaspartoftheassignmentprocess.
If this word count is falsified, students are reminded that under ARTA regulation this will be regarded as academic misconduct.
Thewordcountdoesnotinclude:Titleandcontentspage,headingsandsubheadings,reference list, appropriate tables, figures and illustrations
Please note, in-text citations [e.g. (Smith, 2011)] and direct secondary quotations [e.g. “dib-dab nonsense analysis” (Smith, 2011 p.123)] are INCLUDED in the word count.
If the word limit of the assignment components exceeds the +10% limit, deduction of 10% of the totalmarksavailablefortheassessment(i.e.100%)shallbedeductedfromtheassessmentmark. Forclarity:apieceofworkwhichwouldhavescored65%butthathasawordcountgreaterthan 10%oftheprescribedwordlimitwillbeallocated55%;apieceofworkwhichwouldhavescored 45% but that has a word count greater than 10% of the prescribed word limitwill be allocated 35%.
Under the prevailing ARTA regulations, where coursework is submitted without approval, after the published hand-in deadline, the following penalties will apply:
“For coursework submitted up to 1 working day (24 hours) after the published hand-in deadlinewithoutapproval,10%ofthetotalmarksavailablefortheassessment(i.e.100%) shall be deducted from the assessment mark”.
0–29 | 30-39 | 40-49 | 50-59 | 60-69 | 70–79 | 80-89 | 90-100 |
Thisisacompletely insufficientpieceof
work. |
Thisisaninsufficient piece of work. | Thisworkneeds improvement. | Thisagoodpieceof work. | Thisisaverygood piece of work. | Thisisanexcellent piece of work. | This is an outstandingpieceof
work. |
Thisisanexemplary piece of work. |
Thecasestudyisnot informative
There is no evidence of engagement with relevantliteratureor theengagementwith literatureis completelyinsufficient
Completely insufficientanalysis of the case
The structure of the workandthewriting arecompletely insufficient.The structureand/orthe writing make the essayincomprehensible.Completelyinsufficientreferencing. |
Informationprovided in the case study is insufficient
Theengagement withrelevant literatureis insufficient
Thestructureofthe work is insufficient. Theworkisdifficult to read and understand. Insufficientreferencing. |
Informationprovided in the case study has some strengths yet, remainsinadequate.
Theengagement withrelevant literatureis inadequate,with someevaluationand coherence
Analysisofthecase hassomestrengths butremains inadequate
The structure of the workandthewriting arerequires improvement. Inadequatereferencing. |
The case study provides a good amountofrelevant information.
Good evidence of engagementwith relevantliterature.
Goodanalysisofthe case
The structure of the workandthewriting are good. Good referencing |
The case study providesaverygood amount of reliable andrelevant information.
Theengagement withrelevant literature is very good.The contributionsofthe studies that are reviewedare explainedclearly.
Verygoodanalysisof thecase
The structure of the work and writing are verygood.Verygood referencing |
The case study providesanexcellent amount of reliable, interestingand relevantinformation.
Theengagement withrelevant literatureis excellent.Carefully selected contributionsofthe studies that are reviewedare explainedclearly.
Excellentanalysisof thecase
The structure of the workandwritingare excellent.Excellent referencing. |
The case study providesan outstandingamount ofreliable, interestingand relevantinformation.
Theengagement withrelevant literatureis outstanding.The contributions of the reviewedstudiesare carefullyselected, clearlyexplainedand efficientlyorganised.
Outstandinganalysis of the case
The structure of the workandthewriting areoutstanding. Referencingisof very high level. |
The case study presentsexemplary amount and quality ofreliable, interestingand relevantinformation.
Exemplary engagementwith relevantliterature. Contributionsof reviewedstudiesare explainedclearlyand criticallyanalysed.
Exemplaryanalysisof thecase
The structure of the workandthewriting areexemplary. Referencingisof very high level. |
0–29 | 30-39 | 40-49 | 50-59 | 60-69 | 70–79 | 80-89 | 90–100 |
0–29 | 30-39 | 40-49 | 50-59 | 60-69 | 70–79 | 80-89 | 90-100 |
Thisisacompletely insufficientpieceof work. | Thisisaninsufficient piece of work. | Thisworkneeds improvement | Thisagoodpieceof work. | Thisisaverygood piece of work. | Thisisanexcellent piece of work. | This is an outstandingpieceof work. | Thisisanexemplary piece of work. |
Thereflective statementdoesnot explainthelearning journey
Thereisnoevidence ofengagementwith modulelearning activities.
Completely insufficientanalysis of the learning journey
The structure of the workandthewriting arecompletely insufficient.The structureand/orthe writing make the reflectivestatement incomprehensible. |
Thereflective statementexplains thelearningjourney but this is not done toanadequatelevel
There is some evidenceof engagementwith modulelearning activities,butthisis insufficient.
Insufficient analysis of the learningjourney
The structure of the work is insufficient. Thereflective statementisdifficult to read and understand. |
Thereflective statementexplains thelearningjourney butsome improvementis necessary
Thereisinadequate evidenceof engagementwith modulelearning activities.
Analysis of the learningjourney needsmorework
The structure of the reflectivestatement andthewritingstyle needsome improvement. |
Thereflective statementexplains thelearningjourney well.
There is a good amountandquality of evidence of engagementwith modulelearning activities.
Goodanalysisofthe learningjourney
The structure of the reflectivestatement andthewritingstyle aregood. |
Thereflective statementexplains thelearningjourney verywell.
Thereisaverygood amount and quality of evidence of engagementwith modulelearning activities.
Verygoodanalysisof the learning journey
The structure of the reflectivestatement andthewritingstyle are very good. |
Thereflective statementexplains thelearningjourney in an excellent way.
Thereisanexcellent amount and quality of evidence of engagementwith modulelearning activities.
Excellentanalysisof thelearningjourney
Thestructureofthe reflective style and thewritingstyleare excellent. |
Thereflective statementexplains thelearningjourney in an outstanding way.
There is an outstandingamount and quality of evidenceof engagementwith modulelearning activities.
Outstandinganalysis of the learning journey
The structure of the reflectivestatement andthewritingstyle areoutstanding. |
Thereflective statementexplains the learning journey inanexemplaryway.
There is an exemplaryamount and quality of evidenceof engagementwith modulelearning activities.
Exemplaryanalysisof the learning journey
The structure of the reflectivestatement andthewritingstyle areexemplary. |
0–29 | 30-39 | 40-49 | 50-59 | 60-69 | 70–79 | 80-89 | 90–100 |
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