N1076 – Developing Leadership





Module Code

Developing Leadership

PROJECT – Assessment Brief RESIT 25% WEIGHTING


Learning outcomes highlighted in red are those being tested in full or in part in this assessment.


1. Demonstrate systematic understanding of leadership theory and its relevance to contemporary businesses
2. Devise and sustain arguments in relation to contemporary issues in leadership
3. Demonstrate coherent and detailed knowledge informed by current research of key leadership theories, approaches to leadership and negotiation in diverse contexts
4. Describe and comment on challenges faced by leaders in contemporary business





You are required to prepare a POWER POINT presentation, WITH integrated speaker notes.



  • 5 slides ONLY in total, no cover slide is required.
  • Provide speaker notes on each slide, but they should not exceed 500 words in total (approx. 100 words per slide though you do not have to use 100 words per slide, it is 500 words overall this is included as a guide only).
  • Include a full reference list on the notes section on the final slide (not included in the word count).
  • References should be of high quality, consider the reliability, validity and currency of sources used.
  • Use POWERPOINT only DO NOT convert into a pdf submit as a PPT.


The way in which employees view work, experience work and manage work is changing, moving away from traditional manufacturing into knowledge and gig work, where industries are dependent on the knowledge, commitment and motivation of employees to succeed. The global pandemic changed workplaces, ways of working not always for the better, and employees experienced challenges such as managing work life balance, home and work boundaries blurring as they juggled work and home responsibilities.  Societies have also changed though at times social roles impact negatively creating barriers for some groups such as men and women entering what are perceived to be gender work roles.


CHOOSE ONE challengein ONE country in ONE industry based on the broad categories below.


  1. Barriers to entry or progression in an industry
  2. Managing work life balance from a leader and follower perspective.
  3. Work life boundaries blurring when working remotely.
  4. Lifelong learning and development in the face of changing technologies.




Prepare a presentation to include the following.


Provide a brief overview of the industry.


Clearly outline the challenge and associated issues which must be based on evidence from business and news media and publications.


Present a case for a process approach and briefly explain why process approaches are useful, provide short, concise examples. Use at least two theories but no more than three.


Provide support for all facts and claims included in the work.


Conclude with a summation of your case to adopt a process approach for the identified challenge.




  • Students are assessed individually.


  • Be sure that you have included speaker notes in the notes section on each slide.


  • Your presentation should be professionally produced with use of colour, imagery and charts if pertinent.


  • Consider the audience.


  • Each slide should contain key information it should NOT be so busy it acts as a SCRIPT – consider audience attention, interest and involvement, organisation, colour and imagery if appropriate and complementary.


  • In text references AND a reference list should be provided. The reference list should be presented in the speaker notes section on the final slide NOT as a separate document and not on a slide.


  • Do NOT submit more than one document, submit POWERPOINT SLIDES ONLY.


  • Speaker notes should be brief, to the point, you are not providing a script.






Higher grades will be awarded for well-considered, logically organised and very well researched cohesive, well designed, visually appealing presentations that include all required elements.





Knowledge and Understanding 25%

Application 15%

Critical Thinking 15%

Reading and Research 25%

Presentation and Style 20%