MGSC-5121: Global Sourcing Team Project
Cape Breton University Shannon School of Business
Global Sourcing Team Project
Module Code
MGSC-5121 : TERM PROJECT: Global Sourcing Team Project
An American company is looking at trying to engage the Central European market with its high-tech logistics specific apparatus and more specifically the UK, German and France markets.
What they’re trying to determine is whether it makes more sense, once the marketing studies prove the venture is valid, to deliver the finished components to the area or to simply introduce foreign direct investment dollars into the area for the purposes of manufacturing the items there and selling direct to the market.
Please put together a presentation and report that highlights the benefits and potential drawbacks of each potential market penetration scheme using the EPIC tool and other things learned in Global Sourcing. Specifically explain the TCO elements involved and give your assessment of which plan makes most sense and why? Explain your assumptions, reasons, analysis, and recommendations.
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