Module Code
Part I: General Information
Module | M501 Innovation Management & Digital Transformation |
Term | Summer Semester, Quarter 2. |
Assignment Title | Individual Final Project |
Weighting | 70% Primary Assessment Task 15% class participation
15% online assessments |
Distributed on: | W/C July 10, 2023 |
To be submitted on: | September 22, 2023. 18:00 Central European Time. Be aware that no
change to the presentation held in class is allowed! |
Submission Method | In-class presentation (Primary Assessment Task) of a business plan for a digital strategic business initiative.
After the presentation, business plan and any supplementing material must be submitted electronically via the virtual learning system. The documents must not be changed between presentation and submission.
You must submit your work accompanied by an Assessment Submission Form, which must be completed in full. The assignment will not be accepted by the Registry unless the form is completed correctly. |
Length | Preferably in deck-of-slide format with no more than 10-12 slides including supplemental material in one file. The presentation itself should take like 10-12 minutes maximum. Be ready to answer
questions afterwards. |
Part II: Assessment Details
Primary Assessment Task Topic | You are the new member of the company’s strategy team. As proof of your competence, your boss asks you to define a business plan for a digital strategic business initiative (DSBI). Your business plan will be presented to the strategy team. |
Assessment Guidelines | The business plan should contain the following information:
• A statement of the problem that your DSBI is aiming at fixing or improving. • The DSBI should harness some ideas of digitalization i.e., there must be evidence of digital technology being involved. • A visualization of the DSBI e.g., in the format of a Business Canvas or Models of Impact scheme. • A schedule for how you suggest implementing the DSBI. |
• An investment calculation including a rough sketch for the RoI of the DSBI.
You need to expect that the team who you will be presenting to might be critical and skeptical to new ideas i.e., you need to be prepared to defend the principal ideas and assumptions of the DSBI. |
Purpose | It is not sufficient to have good ideas for digitalization in organizations. Good ideas and digitalization opportunities need to be managed in a structured process that is geared at finding support of important stakeholders in organization and mobilizing resources. What we are interested to see in the business plan is that you show command of the process from ideation through to presentation which you have learned in the module. |
Links to module intended learning
outcomes |
The assignment relates to the following intended learning outcomes for the module, Learning Outcomes 1,2,3. |
Additional Assessment Components | GISMA University rewards in class participation, and engagement with asynchronous content, at a rate of 30% per module.
Students participating ≥ 80% (factoring on possible extenuating circumstances) of their synchronous classes as per their due mode of delivery, will gain 15% towards their final module mark.
Students successfully engaging with asynchronous material on the gamification/microlearning path and completing all summative assessments in the asynchronous environment, will equally gain 15% towards their final module mark.
Designated asynchronous tasks should be completed by the deadlines specified by the tutors. Do note that all tasks must be completed by the deadline applicable for the principal assessment task.
The above also entail that, students falling below 80% of attendance, although they will be still allowed to submit, they will have their final mark capped at 85/100. Equally, if they fail to engage with the asynchronous material and complete the short summative assessments included in specific checkpoints during each term (usually 4), their module mark, irrespective of their engagement and participation in synchronous delivery, will drop by a maximum rate of 15%. |
Part III: Marking Criteria / Assessment Criteria
Mark Weight
100% |
(0 – 49%)
5,0 |
Sufficient (50 – 59%)
4,0 – 3,7 |
Satisfactory (60 – 74%)
2,7-3,3 |
Good (75-89%)
1,7-2,3 |
Very Good (90-100%)
1,0-1,3 |
Marking Criteria | Does not fulfil the requirements of the
assessment. |
Demonstrates acceptable knowledge and understanding of the subject-matter and achievement of learning
outcomes at low to average level of performance. |
Demonstrates substantial knowledge and understanding of the subject-matter and achievement of learning
outcomes at average to above average performance levels. |
Demonstrates a comprehensive knowledge and understanding of the subject-matter and achievement of learning
outcomes at well above average levels of performance. |
Demonstrates a comprehensive knowledge and understanding of the subject-matter
and achievement of learning outcomes at high (highest) levels of performance. |
Assessment Criteria | Your Primary Assessment Task will be assessed based on the following criteria:
• Depth of analysis of the problem to be fixed (25%). • Quality of the design of the digital solution (20%). • Representation of the solution in canvas (20%). • Professional formatting and Harvard referencing (5%). |
Notes about
Marking |
N/A |
Part IV: Tips for Successfully Engaging with this Assessment
Answer the Question | It may seem obvious, but make sure you are answering the question you have been set, not the question you would prefer to answer. If the brief has a number of tasks or parts, answer all of them. Parts that involve evaluation or analysis are usually longer and worth more marks
than parts that ask for description or explanation. Keep the brief in front of you and check it regularly. |
How to use Assessment Criteria | The assessment criteria document is not usually a guide to the structure of your assignment. Each section of the criteria is not a separate paragraph in your assignment, but qualities that you need to demonstrate throughout. Treat the assessment criteria as a checklist at the end not as a plan at the beginning. Also, the criteria document often tells you what to demonstrate (e.g., critical analysis) but not necessarily how to do it. For how to do it, look back at the skills and activities you have covered in the rest of the module.
Above all, remember this is not a test of how much you know or how much you have read about the topic. It is a test of how well you can use your knowledge to answer the specific question set. |
Planning and
Preparation |
Make sure you attend the lectures, especially the first and the last one,
where we will be ‘unpacking’ this assignment in greater detail. |
Referencing | GISMA Business School requires that students use Harvard
Referencing. |
Plagiarism and Cheating | Your attention is drawn to the University’s stated position on plagiarism. THE WORK OF OTHERS THAT IS INCLUDED IN THE ASSIGNMENT MUST BE ATTRIBUTED TO ITS SOURCE (a list of
references and bibliography must be submitted).
Please note that this is intended to be an individual piece of work. Ensure that you read through your work prior to submission. Action will be taken where a student is suspected of having cheated or engaged in any dishonest practice. Students are referred to the University regulations on plagiarism and other forms of academic misconduct. Students must not copy or collude with one another or present any information that they themselves have not generated.
For more information on Plagiarism, please see the relevant section in your Programme Handbook. |
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