Module Code
Using non-scholarly sources for general
knowledge and generating ideas
As you analyse your research question or develop a topic
statement, you will need to do some background research to
generate ideas and expand your general knowledge. For background information, you may
consider browsing the internet and visiting sites such as Wikipedia, online magazines, blogs,
news websites, and encyclopaedia sources. Non-academic sources inform and entertain the
public. They allow shared participants to share practice, industry and production information.
Remember, however, to be critical of the information you find and not to accept whatever you
listen to or read as reliable and factual. Your task now is to investigate the topic, to find
potential sources that discuss conflicting ideas, disagreements, opinions and views.
Pairs: Task 1
Read the article ‘How to focus in the age of distraction’ below. Is it subjective or objective?
What examples of language can you find to suggest and support this?
Investigate the source website. Is it academic?
Searching for the relevant information
Searching for academic sources using a search engine like Google can be overwhelming due to
the number of results a search can generate, often millions or billions. It is impossible to
navigate such results. So, you need to use certain techniques to help the search engine filter
more precisely and identify whether the sources are academic (trustworthy and can be used in
your work) or non-academic (not trustworthy and cannot be used in your work).
Individual: Task 3
Follow these steps with your teacher (use your laptop and take detailed notes for each stage):
1. Type keywords or content words into the search bar.
Thinking of the right keywords to use may require that you get creative by brainstorming terms
that define and relate the topic of your search. Try using:
• synonyms
• antonyms
• substitutions
• words that you think may appear frequently in the sources generated by the search engine
• different word forms
• American and British spelling variations
➢ Your teacher will now demonstrate this (copy and take detailed notes)
2. Use Boolean Operators
Use the words and / or / not with your content words to find more specific information with more
limited results. See the detailed list in Lesson Supplement A.
➢ Your teacher will now demonstrate this (copy and take detailed notes).
3. Use Google search functions
There are many common techniques to enhance your Google search.
➢ Your teacher will now demonstrate this (copy and take detailed notes).
4. Use Google Scholar search filters
Google Scholar works in the same way as Google (follow the same advice in steps 1 and 3
above), but with additional benefits specifically for filtering, focusing, and limiting academic
search results.
➢ Your teacher will now demonstrate this (copy and take detailed notes).
5. Use the London Met University Library Catalogue Search
Everything you find via the university library is from trusted academic sources only.
It works very much like Google Scholar. However, you will get automatic, free access to all
articles when logged into your London Met account.
You can use the same search features and techniques from steps 1-4 above.
➢ Your teacher will now demonstrate this (copy and take detailed notes).
Next Steps
You now have all the information you need to start searching for relevant (trustworthy) academic
sources for your research topic by using:
1. Google Search
2. Google Scholar
3. LMU Online Library
Be prepared for your tutorial this week:
➢ bring your Research Workbook with the completed process of:
• mind map
• shortlisted topics
• research topic title
• research aim
• main research question
• 3-4 research sub-questions
• at least 5 potential sources you have found (relevant, trusted, academic) – save the links
in a document or bookmarks folder so that you can easily open them for your tutor to see
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