EAE7502-B : Global Technology and Innovation Management


University of Bradford


Global Technology and Innovation Management

Module Code

EAE7502-B : Global Technology and Innovation Management

This individual 2,500 words assessment is worth 100% of the
overall module marks in which you are required to submit a detailed
two-part report.

• Part A. Summarizing your activities in seminar (40%)
• Part B. Exploring and identifying sustainability related challenges
and opportunities that a chosen firm faces (60%)

Final Report (2500 words) – Min 2500, Max 3000 words

Part A. Individual summary (Max 1000 words) (40%)
Summarize your activities in seminars (Choose 5 seminars that you want to summarize)

Part B. Individual report (2000 words) (60%)
1) Choose a firm to focus on
2) Explore sustainability challenges which the firm faces
3) Using the 4Ps framework, explore and identify opportunities for sustainability-led innovation

Part A. Individual summary (Max 1000 words)
Summarize your activities in seminars (Choose 5 seminar topics that you want to summarize)

Part B. Individual report (2000 words)
1) Choose a firm to focus on
– Briefly describe the chosen firm’s main business

2) Explore sustainability-related challenges which the firm faces
– What will they be forced to think about as a result of growing regulation?

3) Using the 4Ps framework, explore and identify opportunities for sustainability-led innovation
– Where might there be opportunities to cut costs or grow the business?/ What might their strategy look like for
sustainability-led innovation? (use the 4Ps framework & rely on the prior literature to support your suggestion)

– Mapping the opportunities using the 4Ps framework (insert a figure you create; see next slide)

– Highlight the key ‘do better’ (incremental innovation) and ‘do different’ (radical innovation) options

– Highlight potential challenges in implementing the suggested ‘do better’ & ‘do different’ strategies