Module Code
Task 1: Manage Legal and Ethical Compliance
Task Description: This work placement task requires the student to demonstrate their ability to:
Research information required for legal compliance
Determine ethical responsibilities
Develop and communicate policies and procedures
Monitor compliance
Maintain knowledge of compliance requirements
In order to do this the student will be required to:
a) Identify sources of information about managing legal and ethical compliance
b) Evaluate own area of work and determine scope of compliance requirements and model ethical behaviour
in own work
c) Develop and communicate policies, procedures and legal information to colleagues and peers in a timely
d) Develop a strategic response to at least 3 different situations where legal or ethical requirements have
been breached
Task B
The student is required to evaluate their own area of work and determine scope of compliance requirements and
model ethical behaviour in their own work. To complete this workplace task, students are required to answer the
below questions.
Task C
The student is required to develop and communicate policies, procedures and legal information to colleagues and
peers in a timely fashion. For this assessment activity, the student will be required to identify any two policies,
procedures or any other document that contains legal or ethical information that you feel is missing or requires
complete rewriting at the workplace.
The policy, procedure and/or the documents that you have chosen and amended should be circulated to your work
colleagues and peers in a timely fashion. Student must also provide evidence of these:
newly written policy, procedure and/or the documents that contains legal or ethical information as an
example to their trainer/assessor and workplace supervisor.
Student has circulated and distributed the policy, procedure and/or the documents that contains legal or
ethical information to colleagues and peers in a timely fashion.
Please note, timely fashion in this context will be considered as two (2) weeks after writing the policy, procedure
and/or the documents that contains legal or ethical information.
Task D
The student is required to complete a compliance audit on the organisation based upon the applicable
organisational compliance framework and legislative and regulatory standards and requirements.
You will be then be required to record at least three (3) breaches and non-compliance identified. You must use the
below template to complete your compliance activity:
Manage work, health and safety
Task Description: This work placement task requires the student to demonstrate their skills and knowledge required
to establish, maintain and evaluate work health and safety (WHS) policies, procedures and programs in the relevant
work area, according to WHS legislative requirements.
In order to do this the student will be required to:
a) Conduct a workplace risk assessment against organisation’s WHS framework and relevant legislation and
b) Conduct the consultative activities with at least two workers
c) Establish, maintain and evaluate the work health and safety (WHS) policies, procedures and programs in
the relevant work area
d) Develop a WHS action plan, including strategies for monitoring and review
e) Coordinated workplace procedures for a simulated emergency.
Task E
The student is required to perform the role of a workplace supervisor/fire warden and handle an emergency
situation given below in a relevant work area. To complete this workplace task, students are required to fill in the
below templates.
The workplace supervisor will provide the student the following to complete this work placement task:
WHS Policies and procedures
WHS legislation and regulatory guidelines
Workplace emergency response plan and procedures
Evacuation plan
Information sheet related to extinguishers
Effective means of communication (e.g. mobile phone, satellite phone, UFH radio etc.)
Procedure for responding to incidents/injuries
Task 3: Manage and Promote Diversity
Task Description: This work placement task requires the student to demonstrate their skills and knowledge required
to evaluate and promote diversity in the workplace, and to contribute to the planning of diversity policies and
procedures. This may apply to internal work practices or external service delivery.
In order to do this the student will be required to:
a) Research diversity in at least 1 workplace in terms of current performance and meeting of diversity
b) Used strategies to foster and promote diversity in work practice using the following:
b.1. coaching and mentoring
b.2. communication
b.3. work planning
c) contributed to the development of workplace diversity policies and procedures
Task 4: Impacts of Sociological Factors on Clients
Task Description: This work placement task requires the student to demonstrate their skills and knowledge required
to function independently and to plan and undertake community work and associated services.
In order to do this the student will be required to:
a) Identify social and cultural issues impacting on at least three clients in Australian society
b) Advise, refer or provide at least three clients with access to services based on their socio-cultural
information gathered
c) Monitor and review effectiveness of work and/or services provided to clients
d) Revise work and/or service provided to clients to enhance client outcomes and better address their social
and cultural issues
Student must perform the above activities during a period of at least 100 hours of work within a community services
Task 5: Workplace Communication Strategies
Task Description: This work placement task requires the student to demonstrate their skills and knowledge required
to develop communication protocols for a team or business unit.
In order to do this the student will be required to:
a) develop and present 1 new communication strategy and associated protocols for a business unit or team
b) develop and implement 1 strategy for using digital media to provide information and promote
organisation to clients
Task 6: Workplace Debriefing and Support Processes
Task Description: This work placement task requires the student to demonstrate their skills and knowledge required
to monitor and support workers. This includes implementing support processes to manage stress and emotional
wellbeing of self or colleagues working in varied health and community service contexts. It also involves facilitating
structured debriefing sessions to colleagues following incidents with the potential to impact on health and
In order to do this the student will be required to:
a) provide ongoing support to least 2 different workers to address and monitor stress and emotional
b) facilitate at least 1 structured debriefing following an incident involving stress and identified colleagues
requiring additional support and referred in accordance with organisation guidelines
Task 7: Develop and provide community projects
Task Description: This work placement task requires the student to demonstrate their skills and knowledge required
to develop community projects and provide information on how they will be reviewed and delivered.
The assessment is linked to:
CHCCDE007 – Develop and provide community projects
In order to do this the student will be required to:
a) Develop, deliver and evaluate at least 1 project plan for community, the plan needs to provide information
about the resources, need and community priorities.
b) Implemented strategies to encourage participation and provided feedback
c) Reviewed the community project
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