Module Code
This assessment is divided into 2 parts (A and B): a 10-minute Group Presentation and a 1500-word
Individual Report.
1 The grade is provisional until confirmed by the relevant assessment board(s). Your work will be marked in
percentages. This is considered to deliver the most accurate and fair outcomes for students. Each assessment
that you undertake will be assessed using the common grading system. Information about the grading system can
be found in your Student Handbook, Section 13.
The Grade Criteria can be found in Appendix C of your Student Handbook.
Assessment Brief: BUS395- 2022-23 Page 3
Part A: Group Presentation (10 minutes in total)
This assessment is made up of three components:
• A digital academic poster
• A group presentation
• A team role summary sheet
All components in Part A must be completed by a team of 2-4 students.
Choose one organisation/business you would like to analyse. The organisation you choose needs to
operate in the UK and needs to be implementing CSR projects.
Your team’s digital academic poster and delivery of your group presentation must address the following
two areas:
1. With reference to relevant theory, briefly describe the style of leadership or management, and
the departments / divisions of your chosen organisation.
2. Apply one chosen theoretical model used to understand the internal elements and/or external
environment of a business, to the organisation you have chosen.
Finally, your team must complete a team role summary sheet.
Additional information:
• You will deliver your presentation in class in Week 11 to your peers and will be allocated a total
of 10 minutes, which includes time for questions.
• This is a group presentation of an academic topic involving some research. Choose a topic as
a team, then allocate and agree on the tasks appropriately among your team members for
equitable contributions, preferably nominating a team leader.
• Encourage each other to keep a log of your own contributions to the task – this will help you
complete the Team Role Summary sheet. The sheet will be available on Canvas in the Syllabus
Area in Week 6 of the term.
• Instructions and additional guidance for production of the academic poster, along with
templates some students may want to use and examples of academic posters, will be available
on Canvas in the Syllabus Area from Week 6 of the semester.
PART B: Individual Report (1500 words)
This report must be completed individually.
The word limit for this assignment is 1,500 words (+/- 10%) excluding references.
Assessment Brief: BUS395- 2022-23 Page 4
1. Drawing on the analysis of the organisation you chose for your group presentation (Part 1), and
by examining its most recent annual reports, identify one key issue that your chosen
organisation is facing and suggest a solution. Include real-life examples of other businesses
which have successfully used the solution proposed (350 words).
2. Why is it important to link Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) to strategy? Within your
answer, explain how the CSR projects undertaken by your chosen organisation benefit society
and future generations (350 words).
3. Identify one current global challenge and briefly describe the likely potential impact on your
chosen organisation? (300 words).
4. Reflect on your own experience of working as a team when preparing and delivering the group
presentation (Part 1). What were the main benefits and challenges of working in a team? What
skill areas do you still need to develop in order to be more successful or employable? (300
The individual report should be completed using the following structure (additional guidance in
Cover page (Use the template given on Canvas).
Title: Business Report on [name of your chose organisation] and Reflection on Teamwork.
1. Introduction (i.e., aims of the essay and a brief overview of the content; approx. 100 words)
2. [Your chosen organisation’s] key issue and recommendations (i.e., response to task/question
1; approx. 350 words)
3. Importance & benefits of CSR projects (i.e., response to task/question 2; approx. 350 words)
4. Possible impact of a current global challenge (i.e., response to task/question 3; approx. 300
5. Individual reflection on the Group Presentation (i.e., response to task/question 4; approx. 300
6. Conclusion (i.e., brief summary of the whole report and closing remarks; approx. 100 words)
7. References (including online references)
Additional guidance:
• By the deadline, each student must submit:
o The Team Role Summary Sheet with a screenshot of their Group Academic Poster
using the template given/uploaded in the Canvas Syllabus Area (Part A)
o Individual Report of 1,500 words (Part B)
Please note: All members of each group must submit the same Team Role Summary Sheet together
with the Academic Poster (and, therefore, similarity to other group members files will be disregarded
when marking).
In the Academic Poster and the Individual Report:
Assessment Brief: BUS395- 2022-23 Page 5
• You should refer to the recommended sources for information within your course materials and
• Apply the Harvard Referencing style consistently.
• You may use headings, bullet points, graphs and charts and similar visual representations.
• File formats for the AS2 documents you need to submit:
o The Individual Report should be submitted as a Microsoft Word file.
o The Team Role Summary Sheet should be submitted as a Microsoft Word with the
Academic Poster inserted at the bottom as a screenshot.
Delivery of the Group Presentation
The delivery of the group presentation will be carried out during seminar and/or workshop sessions in
week 11 of the term.
3.2 Submission requirements
You must submit your assignment by using the Turnitin gateway in the module’s Canvas site.
Please Note: When you submit you will be asked to confirm you have referred to the Submission
Checklist (see Appendix 2) and the act of submitting your work electronically will be taken as an
acceptance of the Declaration of Authorship (see Appendix 3 and Appendix 4). Wrexham Glyndŵr
University provides guidance for students on Academic Integrity and it is available through their own
Academic Integrity Portal.
If you are experiencing technical issues with submitting your work, you should notify your Module
Leader/Tutor and IT Services [[email protected]] by email before the submission deadline with a
copy of your work file attached. Your file will not be accepted if you do not do so.
3.2.1 Word Limits and Penalties for Excess Word Count
All written assignments include clear guidance on the maximum amount that should be written in order
to address the requirements of the assessment task (a ‘word limit’).
If the submission exceeds the word limit by more than 10%, the submission will only be marked up to
and including the additional 10%. Anything over this will not be included in the final grade for the
item of assessment.
Abstracts, citations in footnotes, reference lists, bibliographies and appendices are excluded from any
word limit requirements.
In-text citations, embedded quotations, and all headings and titles are included in the word limit.
Where a submission is notably under the word limit, the full submission will be marked on the extent to
which the requirements of the assessment task have been met. Generally speaking, submissions under
the word limit fall short of the requirements of the assessment task.
The penalty for exceeding the word count will be 5 marks per 1,000 words excess (e.g. a 1,000 word
assignment would have 5 marks deducted if it were to be between 1,101 and 2,100 words, 10 marks
deducted for if it were to be between 2,101 and 3,100 words and so on).
Assessment Brief: BUS395- 2022-23 Page 6
4. Learning Outcomes for the assessment
This item of assessment covers the following learning outcomes. For the full list of learning outcomes
for the module, please refer to the Module Study Guide.
• Describe the primary functions within a business, and external and internal forces that affect
business activities.
• Outline the principles of successfully managing and leading individuals and teams.
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