Module Code
Module Descriptor
This module will help the student become more aware of their own personal and professional
development through reflection and interaction with peers. Drawing on related theories
students will develop skills, which will enhance their future employability. Understanding the
importance of personal development and be able to work around developing the skill set for
the future intended career (s).
End Course Assessment (100%) individual reflective portfolio of 3000
Keywords: Personal development; Professional Development; Business Studies
Module Leader: Dr ELEZI, ENIS Teesside University International Business
Module Tutors: Dr Lim Keai AMITY Global Institute
Delivery Mode:Lecture and Seminar: 36 hrs Assessment: Coursework: 100%
Module Aims
This module will help the student become more aware of their own personal and professional
development through reflection and interaction with peers. Drawing on related theories
students will develop skills which will help them identify goals to enhance future
employability. Indicative Content:
• Taking initiatives
• Self-management; self-efficacy
• Academic Skills and Learning Strategy
• Reflective Writing and Action Plan
• Self-management
• Reflective practice
• Problem solving and critical thinking
• What do employers want? Ways to Get Experience
• Personal Development Plan and Careers
• Leadership and Management Attributes
• 6. Team working and Team Effectiveness
• Emotional Intelligence
• Individual Differences
• Development Interpersonal Skills
• Negotiation and conflict management skills
• Communication skills
• Presentation skills
• Workplace Wellbeing
• Stress Management
• Continuing Professional Development
• Time management
• What does Success Mean to you?
The delivery of this module will be via blended learning, which uses a combination of face-to-
face learning via lectures, seminars and online delivery. The module will have a site in the
University’s Virtual Learning Environment ([email protected]). Authentic Learning is a central
feature of TUBS courses. L&T methods are aligned to the University’s Future Facing Learning
strategy and the wider Academic Enhancement Framework: Digitally Empowered; Future
Ready; Globally Connected; Research Active and Socially and Ethically Engaged. The module
will include electronic submission, assessment and feedback.
Lectures and seminars (3 hours) will take place over 12 weeks of the semester and will
introduce the students to key concepts, theories and literature relating to the module content.
They will provide the students with the opportunity to develop their understanding of the
module and to work on their portfolio development.
Learning Outcomes
Module Learning Outcomes
Personal and Transferable Skills
PTS1: Evaluate and articulate understanding of relevant theories through guided self-study.
PTS2: Operate competently in a digital environment.
Research, Knowledge and Cognitive Skills
RKCS1: Demonstrate an understanding of key themes in personal effectiveness.
RKCS2: Collect information from a variety of sources and articulate findings.
Professional Skills
PS1: Reflect on performance tasks that may be complex and non-routine.
PS2: Demonstrate ability to work as part of a team
PS3: Be able to articulate the application of knowledge gained to practical workplace
Assessment Strategy
Formative Assessment:
Formative feedback will be provided on an ongoing basis during the seminars, which will allow
students to gauge the development of their knowledge, skills and understanding throughout the
module. Ongoing feedback will be provided on the students’ learning log, which will inform
their end module assessment.
Summative Assessment:
ECA (100%) Students will produce a reflective portfolio of 3000 words containing the
• Introduction
• Reflective Learning log
• Development Action Plan
• Group Poster
This assessment relates to all learning outcomes.
Deadline: Monday 28 February 2022
Assessment Criteria
In addition to the generic Level 4 University marking criteria and correct use of the required
referencing format and style the specific criteria will be:
ECA (100%):
Demonstrate an understanding of theories underpinning personal development and
Demonstrate the ability to research, discuss and present information in a critical manner.
Consider how theories underpinning personal development and effectiveness are applied
within the workplace.
Ability to reflect on learning gained from the module.
Demonstrate the ability to develop an action plan that is clear, realistic and aligned with the
personal and professional aspirations and skill development.
Personal and Professional Development for Business
Year 2021-2022
Created: 15 Jun 2021 19:13
Last Updated: 15 Jun 2021 19:13
Last Published: 15 Jun 2021 19:13
Books 1 items
Recommended 3 items
Book Work psychology: an introduction to human behaviour in the workplace 0199227519,
9780199227518 Matthewman, Lisa; Rose, Amanda; Hetherington, Angela 2009
Book Mastering communication 0230216927, 9780230216921 Stanton, Nicky 2009 – 5th ed
Book Interpersonal Skills
9781907830372 (e), 9781905539376 Wright, Bob 2007
Journals 5 items
• Journal Academy of Management Journal
• Journal British Journal of Management
• Journal of Management Studies
• Journal Organization Studies
Electronic 2 items
• Webpage Business and Management – LibGuides at Teesside University
Teesside University 2020
• Webpage Student & Library Services help and advice – Coronavirus – service
updates page Teesside University
Accessibility Statement
The School aims to make this module accessible to any student who may benefit by studying
it. Students who are concerned about their ability to access the module are advised to contact
the School Disability Coordinator for academic advice and the University Student & Library
Services staff for details of available support.
Guidance on assignment structure
• Keep this section short and concise.
• Introduce the reader to the nature of your portfolio and explain what it contains.
• Ensure you indicate what reflective model(s) you have used to structure your reflective
blogs and what topics your reflective blogs are looking at so the reader understands
what you will be reflecting on.
Reflective Blogs (4 blogs 250 words each in total 1000 words)
• The reflective entries or blogs could be about:
• Life as a University students
• Personal experiences that have an impact on you
• Ambitions and aspirations
• Future personal and professional plans
• Dream job
• Business idea
• And any other topic that is relevant to you and your studies
Reflective Blog 1 – Title
Reflective Blog 2 – Title
Reflective Blog 3 – Title
Reflective Blog 4 – Title
Action Plan (800 words)
• This section will be informed from your reflective blogs.
• Considering that you have reflected on yourself what actions do you feel you need to
take moving forward?
• This section will be used to present your discourse in developing yourself with
emphasis on explaining what you plan to work on, why is it important to work on what
you plan and how will you do that, what actions will you be taking and what support
and resources will you need?
• Ensure your discourse is supported with relevant literature/academic content
• You should include an Action Plan template within this section. The purpose of the
Action Plan template is to provide a snapshot of what you have planned to work on
(think of the template as a photograph).
• You may want to use around 600-650 words for the discussion of the action plan and
around 150-200 words for the action plan template. These are estimated figures as the
wordcount will depend on how many words you use to populate the template.
Continuing Professional Development
Development Action Plan (DAP) for Member name For the period dd/mm/yyyy to dd/mm/yyyy
This report has two objectives
1. To demonstrate that you have reflected on the ways in which you may need to develop your professional skills, knowledge and experience over the next 12 months to meet the needs of
your role.
2. To outline a plan of specific actions that you intend to take to meet these development objectives
Development Objective
Describe the specific skill or competence that
you intend to improve or develop
Start Date
When do you intend to
start addressing this
Target Date
When do you intend to
complete or review progress
in achieving this objective?
Development Outcome
Describe how you expect that achieving
this objective will improve your
Planned CPD Actions
Describe the specific activities you
intend to undertake in order to meet
this objective
• In groups of 4-5 you will develop a poster on any of the topics that we will be covering
during our first term
• In this task you will explore a topic in more detail and illustrate your understanding
through a group poster
– Self-management; self-efficacy
– Reflective Writing and Action Plan
– Time management
– What does Success Mean to you?
– Personal Development Plan and Careers Development
– What do employers want?
– Ways to Get Experience
– Commercial Awareness
– Managing People and Tasks
– Organisational Skills, Team working and Leadership
– Management Attributes
– Problem solving and critical thinking
• You will have the opportunity to improve your academic and organisational skills
• Every member of the group is expected to contribute to the development of the poster.
• Remember to write the title of your poster.
• Describe what your poster was about and place your poster underneath that explanation
(around 4-6 sentences).
• There is not any particular structure, except that the poster should be able to tell a
“story” and have a “start” a “development stage” and an “end” (Introduction – Main
body – Conclusions)
• Use your initiative and creativity
• Ensure it is informative, clear and easy to read
• Let’s say my group and I chose to focus on leadership for our group poster. Some
questions we may look at addressing could be:
– What is leadership about?
– Why is it important?
– What are some of the main leadership skills, characteristics, qualities or attributes?
Do you feel you posses any of them or would like to develop?
– Has leadership evolved in years?
– Are there different leadership styles? If yes, do you have any preference and why?
– Any challenges leaders face?
– What can you make of the research you have done? What is your understanding?
• These set of questions are simply there to get you thinking but feel free to have a
complete different approach and address some other questions you may think would be
more relevant for the topic you decide to work on
Conclude by highlighting succinctly the main points form this reflective work.
Ensure majority of your sources are peer-reviewed and reference in Harvard style.
Keep reference from websites at a very low minimum please. Books and journal articles should
be your main sources.
Include any documents that could be used as an evidence to support your reflective blogs,
action plan and/or group poster. The item that you could include in this section may consists
of photographs, online tickets or leaflets if you have attended an event, class exercise(s) and
any other evidence that is relevant to what you are reflecting or discussing.
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